const state = { position: { x: 0, y: 0 } } function init(width = 1188000, height = 168000) { return `IN;IP0,0,${width},${height};SC0,100,0,100;SP1; ` } function translate(x = 0, y = 0) { console.log(`translate: ${x} ${y}`); state.position.x += x; state.position.y += y; console.log(`translate: ${state.position.x}`); clampPosition(); return `PA${state.position.x},${state.position.y};` } function to(x = 0, y = 0) { state.position.x = x; state.position.y = y; clampPosition(); return `PA${state.position.x},${state.position.y};` } function circle(radius, resolution = 10) { return `CT${resolution};PA${state.position.x},${state.position.y};PD;CI${radius};PU;` } function clampPosition() { console.log(`clampPosition: ${state.position.x} ${state.position.y}`) if (state.position.x > 100) { console.log("in the borderland up"); state.position.x = 100; } else if (state.position.x < 0) { console.log("in the borderland down"); state.position.x = 0; } if (state.position.y > 100) { console.log("in the borderland up"); state.position.y = 100; } else if (state.position.y < 0) { console.log("in the borderland down"); state.position.y = 0; } } function rectangle(width, height) { if (!height) { height = width; } return `PD;FT1;RR${width},${height};` } function label(string) { return `DT$,0;SI0.5,0.8;LB${string}$;`; } module.exports = { init, translate, circle, rectangle, to, label }