too log didn't read

What happened today?

tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl -S today -u kitchen-stove.service -u
      kitchen-bin.service -u kitchen-fridge.service -r -n
{% if kitchen_services|length > 0 %} {% endif %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $uptime -s

{{ since_last_boot }}

{% if since_last_boot is defined %} {% if days_since_last_boot|int > 14 %}This is unusual, we are used to ...{% else %}This is common, the fragility of these machines are more prominant than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale, partially because a lot of labour that happen in datacenters just escapes us all when we want to just upload an image.{% endif %} {% endif %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl _COMM=useradd -r -n 1 --output-fields=MES


{% if last_user_name is defined %} {{ last_user_name}} user/s was/were added [] days ago, and the network of trust grew ever so slightly. {% endif %} {% if last_user_added is defined %} Users will be trusted with not just the keys and passwords to the "house" which is the server, but with a portion of responsibility to keep it afloat and contribute to what makes it a community of practices (and network of knowledge and dependence). {% endif %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl -S today _COMM=useradd -r
{% if users_created_today is defined %} A level 1 annotation for users_created_today {% endif %} {% if list_package_installs|length > 0 %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $ grep 'install' /var/log/dpkg.log
{% endif %} {% if list_package_upgrade|length > 0 %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $ grep 'upgrade' /var/log/dpkg.log
{% endif %} {% if list_package_remove|length > 0 %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $ grep 'remove' /var/log/dpkg.log
{% endif %}
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl _COMM=systemd-login
    --output-fields=MESSAGE -S today -g "New session" | grep -v 'Boot'
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl _COMM=groupadd -r --output-fields=MESSAGE
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl _COMM=groupremove -r --output-fields=MES
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl _COMM=usermod -r
tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo journalctl _COMM=userdel -r

tldr@chopchop:~ $sudo service --status-all
tldr@chopchop:~ $getent group