too log didn't read

What happened today?

uptime -s

2024-03-18 07:51:34

This is common, the fragility of these machines are more prominant than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale, partially because a lot of labour that happen in datacenters just escapes us all when we want to just upload an image.

the ones below do not have the "right" annotation levels


Feb 29 15:08:48 chopchop useradd[8744]: new user: name=colord, UID=118, GID=130, home=/var/lib/colord, shell=/usr/sbin/nologin, from=/dev/pts/4 A level 1 annotation for last_user_added


-- No entries -- A level 1 annotation for users_created_today


[ - ] alsa-utils [ - ] apparmor [ + ] atop [ + ] atopacct [ + ] bluetooth [ - ] [ + ] cron [ + ] cups [ + ] cups-browsed [ + ] dbus [ + ] dphys-swapfile [ + ] exim4 [ + ] fake-hwclock [ - ] fcgiwrap [ - ] [ + ] incron [ - ] [ + ] kmod [ + ] networking [ - ] nfs-common [ + ] nginx [ - ] paxctld [ - ] php7.4-fpm [ + ] php8.2-fpm [ + ] procps [ - ] pulseaudio-enable-autospawn [ + ] raspi-config [ + ] rng-tools-debian [ - ] rpcbind [ - ] rsync [ - ] saned [ + ] ssh [ - ] sudo [ + ] triggerhappy [ + ] udev [ - ] uuidd [ - ] x11-common A level 1 annotation for list_active_services


root:x:0: daemon:x:1: bin:x:2: sys:x:3: adm:x:4:xpub tty:x:5: disk:x:6: lp:x:7:aleevadh,bernabereit,lorenzo,mania,mszw,mxrwho,river,senak,thijsoid,v,vitrinekast,wang,xpub,xpub,zerozeta,zz1,www-data mail:x:8: news:x:9: uucp:x:10: man:x:12: proxy:x:13: kmem:x:15: dialout:x:20:xpub,mb,river,joak,aleevadh,bernabereit,lorenzo,mania,mszw,mxrwho,river,senak,thijsoid,v,vitrinekast,wang,xpub,zerozeta,zz1,murtaugh,mb fax:x:21: voice:x:22: cdrom:x:24:xpub floppy:x:25: tape:x:26: sudo:x:27:joak,aleevadh,bernabereit,lorenzo,mania,mszw,mxrwho,river,senak,thijsoid,v,vitrinekast,wang,xpub,zerozeta,zz1,murtaugh,mb,strt,cristina,chipchip,killer audio:x:29:xpub,river,pulse,vitrinekast,liquidsoap dip:x:30: www-data:x:33:vitrinekast backup:x:34: operator:x:37: list:x:38: irc:x:39: src:x:40: gnats:x:41: shadow:x:42: utmp:x:43: video:x:44:xpub sasl:x:45: plugdev:x:46:xpub staff:x:50: games:x:60:xpub users:x:100:xpub,murtaugh,aleevadh,h4ck3r,mania,mszw,mxrwho,senak,v,wang,zerozeta,bernabereit,lorenzo,mb,river,thijsoid,vitrinekast,zz1,joak,cristina,strt,chipchip,killer nogroup:x:65534: systemd-journal:x:101: systemd-network:x:102: systemd-resolve:x:103: input:x:104:xpub kvm:x:105: render:x:106:xpub crontab:x:107: netdev:x:108:xpub systemd-timesync:x:109: messagebus:x:110: bluetooth:x:112: avahi:x:113: spi:x:999:xpub i2c:x:998:xpub gpio:x:997:xpub systemd-coredump:x:996: xpub:x:1000: vitrinekast:x:1001: senak:x:1002: lorenzo:x:1003: mxrwho:x:1004: bernabereit:x:1005: river:x:1006: v:x:1007: mania:x:1008: aleevadh:x:1009: h4ck3r:x:1010: thijsoid:x:1011: mszw:x:1012: zerozeta:x:1013: wang:x:1014: zz1:x:1015: Debian-exim:x:114: rtkit:x:115: murtaugh:x:1017: mb:x:1016: pulse:x:116: pulse-access:x:117: mlocate:x:118: uuidd:x:119: joak:x:1018: sgx:x:120: plocate:x:121: polkitd:x:995: _ssh:x:111: pipewire:x:122: cristina:x:1019: strt:x:1020: incron:x:123: chipchip:x:1021: killer:x:1022: tcpdump:x:124: liquidsoap:x:125: lpadmin:x:126:river,xpub ssl-cert:x:127: scanner:x:128:saned saned:x:129: colord:x:130: A level 1 annotation for list_groups


2024-03-10 15:16:14 install libtk8.6:armhf 8.6.13-2 2024-03-10 15:16:14 status half-installed libtk8.6:armhf 8.6.13-2 2024-03-10 15:16:15 install tk8.6-blt2.5:armhf 2.5.3+dfsg-4.1 2024-03-10 15:16:15 status half-installed tk8.6-blt2.5:armhf 2.5.3+dfsg-4.1 2024-03-10 15:16:15 install blt:armhf 2.5.3+dfsg-4.1 2024-03-10 15:16:15 status half-installed blt:armhf 2.5.3+dfsg-4.1 2024-03-10 15:16:15 install python3-tk:armhf 3.11.2-3 2024-03-10 15:16:15 status half-installed python3-tk:armhf 3.11.2-3 2024-03-10 15:16:16 status installed libtk8.6:armhf 8.6.13-2 2024-03-10 15:16:16 status installed tk8.6-blt2.5:armhf 2.5.3+dfsg-4.1 2024-03-10 15:16:16 status installed blt:armhf 2.5.3+dfsg-4.1 2024-03-10 15:16:16 status installed python3-tk:armhf 3.11.2-3 2024-03-10 15:16:16 status installed libc-bin:armhf 2.36-9+rpt2+deb12u4 2024-03-12 14:29:01 install python3-markupsafe:armhf 2.1.2-1 2024-03-12 14:29:01 status half-installed python3-markupsafe:armhf 2.1.2-1 2024-03-12 14:29:02 install python3-jinja2:all 3.1.2-1 2024-03-12 14:29:02 status half-installed python3-jinja2:all 3.1.2-1 2024-03-12 14:29:02 status installed python3-markupsafe:armhf 2.1.2-1 2024-03-12 14:29:03 status installed python3-jinja2:all 3.1.2-1 2024-03-15 09:51:48 install libhttp-parser2.9:armhf 2.9.4-5 2024-03-15 09:51:48 status half-installed libhttp-parser2.9:armhf 2.9.4-5 2024-03-15 09:51:48 install libmbedx509-1:armhf 2.28.3-1 2024-03-15 09:51:48 status half-installed libmbedx509-1:armhf 2.28.3-1 2024-03-15 09:51:48 install libmbedtls14:armhf 2.28.3-1 2024-03-15 09:51:48 status half-installed libmbedtls14:armhf 2.28.3-1 2024-03-15 09:51:48 install libgit2-1.5:armhf 1.5.1+ds-1+deb12u1 2024-03-15 09:51:48 status half-installed libgit2-1.5:armhf 1.5.1+ds-1+deb12u1 2024-03-15 09:51:49 install bat:armhf 0.22.1-4 2024-03-15 09:51:49 status half-installed bat:armhf 0.22.1-4 2024-03-15 09:51:50 status installed libmbedx509-1:armhf 2.28.3-1 2024-03-15 09:51:50 status installed libmbedtls14:armhf 2.28.3-1 2024-03-15 09:51:50 status installed libhttp-parser2.9:armhf 2.9.4-5 2024-03-15 09:51:50 status installed libgit2-1.5:armhf 1.5.1+ds-1+deb12u1 2024-03-15 09:51:50 status installed bat:armhf 0.22.1-4 2024-03-15 09:51:50 status installed libc-bin:armhf 2.36-9+rpt2+deb12u4 2024-03-15 09:55:52 status installed bat:armhf 0.22.1-4 2024-03-15 09:55:52 status half-installed bat:armhf 0.22.1-4 2024-03-15 09:55:52 status not-installed bat:armhf A level 1 annotation for list_package_installs


A level 1 annotation for list_package_upgrade


2024-03-15 09:55:52 startup packages remove 2024-03-15 09:55:52 remove bat:armhf 0.22.1-4 A level 1 annotation for list_package_remove


Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4 A level 1 annotation for device_info


12.1 A level 1 annotation for debian_version


Linux chopchop 6.1.65-v8+ #1703 SMP PREEMPT Tue Dec 5 16:25:41 GMT 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux A level 1 annotation for kernel_version