from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
## Getting the data
import subprocess
last_user_added = subprocess.run(["sudo", "journalctl", "--output=json-pretty","_COMM=useradd","-r","-n","1","--output-fields=MESSAGE"], capture_output=True)
users_created_today = subprocess.run(["sudo", "journalctl", "--output=json-pretty","_COMM=useradd","-r","-n","1","--output-fields=MESSAGE", "-S","yesterday"], capture_output=True)
# #subprocess.run(["ls", "-l"])
# #print(os.popen("ls -l").read())
# uptime = subprocess.run(["uptime", "-p"], capture_output=True)
# #print(thing.stdout)
# last_here = subprocess.run(["last", "-s", "today"], capture_output=True)
# ## Creating the HTML
# # loading the environment
env = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader('templates'))
# # loading the template
template = env.get_template('template.jinja')
# rendering the template and storing the resultant text in variable output
output = template.render(last_user_added = last_user_added.stdout, users_created_today=users_created_today.stdout)
# # printing the output on screen
# print(output)
with open("output.html", 'w') as f:
print(output, file = f)