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-- printer-jam.hs
:set -package hosc
:set -package bytestring
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set prompt ""
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString.Char8 {- bytestring -}
import Sound.Tidal.Context
import Sound.Osc.Fd as O
-- type Ascii = ByteString.Char8.ByteString
-- :{
-- ascii_to_controlPattern :: O.Ascii -> ControlPattern
-- ascii_to_controlPattern =
-- :}
import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stdout, utf8)
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
let printerTarget =
Target {oName = "printer", -- A friendly name for the target
oAddress = "", -- The target's network address
oPort = 10000, -- The network port the target is listening on
oLatency = 0.2, -- smooth out network jitter
oSchedule = Live, -- The scheduling method
oWindow = Nothing, -- Not yet used
oHandshake = False, -- SuperDirt specific
oBusPort = Nothing -- Also SuperDirt specific
printerFormats = [OSC "/{device}/{motor}/{action}" $ ArgList [("action", Just $ VS "f")],
OSC "/{device}/{motor}/speed" $ ArgList [("speed", Just $ VF 0)],
OSC "/{device}/{action}" $ ArgList [("action", Just $ VS "f")],
OSC "/{device}/mode" $ ArgList [("mode", Just $ VI 1)],
OSC "/{device}/steps" $ ArgList [("steps", Just $ VF 0)],
OSC "/{device}/rpm" $ ArgList [("rpm", Just $ VF 48)]]
-- OSC "/stopall" $ ArgList [("stop", Just $ VS "printer")]]
-- ("speed", Just $ VI 0),
-- ("action", Just $ VS "r")
action = pS "action"
device = pS "device"
motor = pS "motor"
speed = pF "speed"
mode = pI "mode"
steps = pF "steps"
rpm = pF "rpm"
oscmap = [(printerTarget, printerFormats)]
tidal <- startStream (defaultConfig {cCtrlAddr = "", cCtrlPort = 6060}) oscmap
let p1 = streamReplace tidal 1
p2 = streamReplace tidal 2
p3 = streamReplace tidal 3
p4 = streamReplace tidal 4
:set prompt "tidal> "
:set prompt-cont ""