Files for mini Pd data structures crash course.
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
ultrageranium 38e6a00f62 hahaha 7 年前
A10-simple_graphic.pd array 7 年前
A20-simple_graphics.pd early tests with graphics 7 年前
A30-simple_graphic+variables.pd early tests with graphics 7 年前
A40-simple_get_set.pd early tests with graphics 7 年前
A50-simple_get_set+FM.pd early tests with graphics 7 年前
B10-array.pd seqed arrays 7 年前
B20-array+seq.pd seqed arrays 7 年前
B30-arrays+seq.pd seqed arrays 7 年前
README early tests with graphics 7 年前


small crash course on Pd data structures.
for mini pd special issue #2 workshop at DE PLAYER, February 2017