{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block main %}

{{ book.title }}

Year published: {{ book.year_published or '––'}}
Author(s): {% for author in book.authors %} {{ author.author_name }}
{% endfor %}
Category: {{ book.category }}
Included in stack(s): {% for stack in book.stacks %}
  • {{ stack.stack_name }}

    – Remove from stack{% endfor %}

  • Notes from uploader
    How different is this item to the rest of the collection?
    {{ book.sameness or '?'}} % different
    How diverse are the references in this book?
    {{ book.diversity or '?' }} % diverse
    Who is speaking?
    {{ book.gender or '?' }} % female
    Who is uploading
    {{ book.who or '?' }}
    Instances: {% set got = {} %} {% set all = 1 %} {% for instance in book.instances %} {% if instance.name in got %} {% set x=got.__setitem__(instance.name, got[instance.name]+1) %} {% else %} {% set x=got.__setitem__(instance.name, 1) %} {% endif %} {% set all = loop.index %} {% endfor %} {% for instance, value in got.items() %} {% set result = value/(book.instances|length) %} {{ instance }}: {{ (result*100)|round|int }}%
    {% endfor %}

    Add book to Stack ===>

    {% if book.file %} {% else %} {% endif %}

    {% if previousbook %} < see the previous book added to XPPL:  {{ previousbook.title |truncate(40,True,'...') }} {% endif %} {% if nextbook %} see the next book added to XPPL:  {{ nextbook.title|truncate(40,True,'...')}} > {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}