
Tutorial with Michael

**input from web:**
$ curl https://pad.xpub.nl/p/flusser_interview_notes/export/txt | pandoc -t markdown > flusser.md
texts written on pad, then curl, then pushed to https://git.xpub.nl/simoon/thesis

Q: If I curl from the pad, it creates a lot of line-breaks and also doesn't break lines where they should be (inserting a "\*"). How do I avoid this? Adding pre tags seems to help get around this, but then I'm writing in markdown AND html. Confusing perhaps? I'm using this command:
$ curl https://pad.xpub.nl/p/19_11_19_Simon_W_Michael/export/txt | pandoc -t markdown > foo.md

Q: Writing in markdown seems to make more sense than exporting HTML from pad (which includes a lot of unnecessary 