You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
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{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
<div class="well">
<h2 style="margin-top: 0">{{_('Remote login')}}</h2>
{{_('Using your another device, visit')}} <a href="{{verify_url}}">{{verify_url}}</a> {{_('and log in')}}.
{{_('Once you do so, you will automatically get logged in on this device.')}}
{{_('The link will expire after %s minutes.' % 10)}}
{% endblock %}
{% block js %}
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
// Poll the server to check if the user has authenticated
var t = setInterval(function () {
$.post('{{url_for("web.token_verified")}}', { token: '{{token}}' })
.done(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'success') {
// Wait a tick so cookies are updated
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = '{{url_for("web.index")}}';
}, 0);
.fail(function (xhr) {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
}, 5000);
{% endblock %}