#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 janeczku, OzzieIsaacs, andrerfcsantos, idalin # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from socket import error as SocketError import sys import os import signal import web try: from gevent.piwsgi import WSGIServer from gevent.pool import Pool from gevent import __version__ as geventVersion gevent_present = True except ImportError: from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado import version as tornadoVersion gevent_present = False class server: wsgiserver = None restart= False def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.killServer) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.killServer) def start_gevent(self): try: ssl_args = dict() certfile_path = web.ub.config.get_config_certfile() keyfile_path = web.ub.config.get_config_keyfile() if certfile_path and keyfile_path: if os.path.isfile(certfile_path) and os.path.isfile(keyfile_path): ssl_args = {"certfile": certfile_path, "keyfile": keyfile_path} else: web.app.logger.info('The specified paths for the ssl certificate file and/or key file seem to be broken. Ignoring ssl. Cert path: %s | Key path: %s' % (certfile_path, keyfile_path)) if os.name == 'nt': self.wsgiserver= WSGIServer(('', web.ub.config.config_port), web.app, spawn=Pool(), **ssl_args) else: self.wsgiserver = WSGIServer(('', web.ub.config.config_port), web.app, spawn=Pool(), **ssl_args) web.py3_gevent_link = self.wsgiserver self.wsgiserver.serve_forever() except SocketError: try: web.app.logger.info('Unable to listen on \'\', trying on IPv4 only...') self.wsgiserver = WSGIServer(('', web.ub.config.config_port), web.app, spawn=Pool(), **ssl_args) web.py3_gevent_link = self.wsgiserver self.wsgiserver.serve_forever() except (OSError, SocketError) as e: web.app.logger.info("Error starting server: %s" % e.strerror) print("Error starting server: %s" % e.strerror) web.helper.global_WorkerThread.stop() sys.exit(1) except Exception: web.app.logger.info("Unknown error while starting gevent") def startServer(self): if gevent_present: web.app.logger.info('Starting Gevent server') # leave subprocess out to allow forking for fetchers and processors self.start_gevent() else: try: ssl = None web.app.logger.info('Starting Tornado server') certfile_path = web.ub.config.get_config_certfile() keyfile_path = web.ub.config.get_config_keyfile() if certfile_path and keyfile_path: if os.path.isfile(certfile_path) and os.path.isfile(keyfile_path): ssl = {"certfile": certfile_path, "keyfile": keyfile_path} else: web.app.logger.info('The specified paths for the ssl certificate file and/or key file seem to be broken. Ignoring ssl. Cert path: %s | Key path: %s' % (certfile_path, keyfile_path)) # Max Buffersize set to 200MB http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(web.app), max_buffer_size = 209700000, ssl_options=ssl) http_server.listen(web.ub.config.config_port) self.wsgiserver=IOLoop.instance() self.wsgiserver.start() # wait for stop signal self.wsgiserver.close(True) except SocketError as e: web.app.logger.info("Error starting server: %s" % e.strerror) print("Error starting server: %s" % e.strerror) web.helper.global_WorkerThread.stop() sys.exit(1) # ToDo: Somehow caused by circular import under python3 refactor if sys.version_info > (3, 0): self.restart = web.py3_restart_Typ if self.restart == True: web.app.logger.info("Performing restart of Calibre-Web") web.helper.global_WorkerThread.stop() if os.name == 'nt': arguments = ["\"" + sys.executable + "\""] for e in sys.argv: arguments.append("\"" + e + "\"") os.execv(sys.executable, arguments) else: os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, *sys.argv) else: web.app.logger.info("Performing shutdown of Calibre-Web") web.helper.global_WorkerThread.stop() sys.exit(0) def setRestartTyp(self,starttyp): self.restart = starttyp # ToDo: Somehow caused by circular import under python3 refactor web.py3_restart_Typ = starttyp def killServer(self, signum, frame): self.stopServer() def stopServer(self): # ToDo: Somehow caused by circular import under python3 refactor if sys.version_info > (3, 0): if not self.wsgiserver: if gevent_present: self.wsgiserver = web.py3_gevent_link else: self.wsgiserver = IOLoop.instance() if self.wsgiserver: if gevent_present: self.wsgiserver.close() else: self.wsgiserver.add_callback(self.wsgiserver.stop) @staticmethod def getNameVersion(): if gevent_present: return {'Gevent':'v'+geventVersion} else: return {'Tornado':'v'+tornadoVersion} # Start Instance of Server Server=server()