# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 OzzieIsaacs, bodybybuddha, janeczku # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals import sys import os import re import smtplib import socket import time import threading from glob import glob from shutil import copyfile from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError try: from StringIO import StringIO from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMEText except ImportError: from io import StringIO from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email import encoders from email.utils import formatdate from email.utils import make_msgid from email.generator import Generator from flask_babel import gettext as _ from . import db, logger, config from .subproc_wrapper import process_open from . import gdriveutils log = logger.create() chunksize = 8192 # task 'status' consts STAT_WAITING = 0 STAT_FAIL = 1 STAT_STARTED = 2 STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS = 3 #taskType consts TASK_EMAIL = 1 TASK_CONVERT = 2 TASK_UPLOAD = 3 TASK_CONVERT_ANY = 4 RET_FAIL = 0 RET_SUCCESS = 1 def _get_main_thread(): for t in threading.enumerate(): if t.__class__.__name__ == '_MainThread': return t raise Exception("main thread not found?!") # For gdrive download book from gdrive to calibredir (temp dir for books), read contents in both cases and append # it in MIME Base64 encoded to def get_attachment(bookpath, filename): """Get file as MIMEBase message""" calibrepath = config.config_calibre_dir if config.config_use_google_drive: df = gdriveutils.getFileFromEbooksFolder(bookpath, filename) if df: datafile = os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath, filename) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath)) df.GetContentFile(datafile) else: return None file_ = open(datafile, 'rb') data = file_.read() file_.close() os.remove(datafile) else: try: file_ = open(os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath, filename), 'rb') data = file_.read() file_.close() except IOError as e: log.exception(e) # traceback.print_exc() log.error(u'The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?') return None attachment = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') attachment.set_payload(data) encoders.encode_base64(attachment) attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) return attachment # Class for sending email with ability to get current progress class emailbase(): transferSize = 0 progress = 0 def data(self, msg): self.transferSize = len(msg) (code, resp) = smtplib.SMTP.data(self, msg) self.progress = 0 return (code, resp) def send(self, strg): """Send `strg' to the server.""" log.debug('send: %r', strg[:300]) if hasattr(self, 'sock') and self.sock: try: if self.transferSize: lock=threading.Lock() lock.acquire() self.transferSize = len(strg) lock.release() for i in range(0, self.transferSize, chunksize): if isinstance(strg, bytes): self.sock.send((strg[i:i+chunksize])) else: self.sock.send((strg[i:i + chunksize]).encode('utf-8')) lock.acquire() self.progress = i lock.release() else: self.sock.sendall(strg.encode('utf-8')) except socket.error: self.close() raise smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected('Server not connected') else: raise smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected('please run connect() first') @classmethod def _print_debug(self, *args): log.debug(args) def getTransferStatus(self): if self.transferSize: lock2 = threading.Lock() lock2.acquire() value = int((float(self.progress) / float(self.transferSize))*100) lock2.release() return str(value) + ' %' else: return "100 %" # Class for sending email with ability to get current progress, derived from emailbase class class email(emailbase, smtplib.SMTP): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): smtplib.SMTP.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Class for sending ssl encrypted email with ability to get current progress, , derived from emailbase class class email_SSL(emailbase, smtplib.SMTP_SSL): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): smtplib.SMTP_SSL.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #Class for all worker tasks in the background class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.status = 0 self.current = 0 self.last = 0 self.queue = list() self.UIqueue = list() self.asyncSMTP = None self.id = 0 self.doLock = threading.Lock() # Main thread loop starting the different tasks def run(self): main_thread = _get_main_thread() while main_thread.is_alive(): try: self.doLock.acquire() if self.current != self.last: index = self.current self.doLock.release() if self.queue[index]['taskType'] == TASK_EMAIL: self._send_raw_email() if self.queue[index]['taskType'] == TASK_CONVERT: self._convert_any_format() if self.queue[index]['taskType'] == TASK_CONVERT_ANY: self._convert_any_format() # TASK_UPLOAD is handled implicitly self.doLock.acquire() self.current += 1 if self.current > self.last: self.current = self.last self.doLock.release() else: self.doLock.release() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) self.doLock.release() if main_thread.is_alive(): time.sleep(1) def get_send_status(self): if self.asyncSMTP: return self.asyncSMTP.getTransferStatus() else: return "0 %" def _delete_completed_tasks(self): for index, task in reversed(list(enumerate(self.UIqueue))): if task['progress'] == "100 %": # delete tasks self.queue.pop(index) self.UIqueue.pop(index) # if we are deleting entries before the current index, adjust the index if index <= self.current and self.current: self.current -= 1 self.last = len(self.queue) def get_taskstatus(self): self.doLock.acquire() if self.current < len(self.queue): if self.UIqueue[self.current]['stat'] == STAT_STARTED: if self.queue[self.current]['taskType'] == TASK_EMAIL: self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = self.get_send_status() self.UIqueue[self.current]['formRuntime'] = datetime.now() - self.queue[self.current]['starttime'] self.UIqueue[self.current]['rt'] = self.UIqueue[self.current]['formRuntime'].days*24*60 \ + self.UIqueue[self.current]['formRuntime'].seconds \ + self.UIqueue[self.current]['formRuntime'].microseconds self.doLock.release() return self.UIqueue def _convert_any_format(self): # convert book, and upload in case of google drive self.doLock.acquire() index = self.current self.doLock.release() self.UIqueue[index]['stat'] = STAT_STARTED self.queue[index]['starttime'] = datetime.now() self.UIqueue[index]['formStarttime'] = self.queue[index]['starttime'] curr_task = self.queue[index]['taskType'] filename = self._convert_ebook_format() if filename: if config.config_use_google_drive: gdriveutils.updateGdriveCalibreFromLocal() if curr_task == TASK_CONVERT: self.add_email(self.queue[index]['settings']['subject'], self.queue[index]['path'], filename, self.queue[index]['settings'], self.queue[index]['kindle'], self.UIqueue[index]['user'], self.queue[index]['title'], self.queue[index]['settings']['body']) def _convert_ebook_format(self): error_message = None self.doLock.acquire() index = self.current self.doLock.release() file_path = self.queue[index]['file_path'] bookid = self.queue[index]['bookid'] format_old_ext = u'.' + self.queue[index]['settings']['old_book_format'].lower() format_new_ext = u'.' + self.queue[index]['settings']['new_book_format'].lower() # check to see if destination format already exists - # if it does - mark the conversion task as complete and return a success # this will allow send to kindle workflow to continue to work if os.path.isfile(file_path + format_new_ext): log.info("Book id %d already converted to %s", bookid, format_new_ext) cur_book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == bookid).first() self.queue[index]['path'] = file_path self.queue[index]['title'] = cur_book.title self._handleSuccess() return file_path + format_new_ext else: log.info("Book id %d - target format of %s does not exist. Moving forward with convert.", bookid, format_new_ext) if config.config_kepubifypath and format_old_ext == '.epub' and format_new_ext == '.kepub': check, error_message = self._convert_kepubify(file_path, format_old_ext, format_new_ext, index) else: # check if calibre converter-executable is existing if not os.path.exists(config.config_converterpath): # ToDo Text is not translated self._handleError(_(u"Calibre ebook-convert %(tool)s not found", tool=config.config_converterpath)) return check, error_message = self._convert_calibre(file_path, format_old_ext, format_new_ext, index) if check == 0: cur_book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == bookid).first() if os.path.isfile(file_path + format_new_ext): new_format = db.Data(name=cur_book.data[0].name, book_format=self.queue[index]['settings']['new_book_format'].upper(), book=bookid, uncompressed_size=os.path.getsize(file_path + format_new_ext)) cur_book.data.append(new_format) try: db.session.commit() except OperationalError as e: db.session.rollback() log.error("Database error: %s", e) self._handleError(_(u"Database error: %(error)s.", error=e)) return self.queue[index]['path'] = cur_book.path self.queue[index]['title'] = cur_book.title if config.config_use_google_drive: os.remove(file_path + format_old_ext) self._handleSuccess() return file_path + format_new_ext else: error_message = format_new_ext.upper() + ' format not found on disk' log.info("ebook converter failed with error while converting book") if not error_message: error_message = 'Ebook converter failed with unknown error' self._handleError(error_message) return def _convert_calibre(self, file_path, format_old_ext, format_new_ext, index): try: # Linux py2.7 encode as list without quotes no empty element for parameters # linux py3.x no encode and as list without quotes no empty element for parameters # windows py2.7 encode as string with quotes empty element for parameters is okay # windows py 3.x no encode and as string with quotes empty element for parameters is okay # separate handling for windows and linux quotes = [1, 2] command = [config.config_converterpath, (file_path + format_old_ext), (file_path + format_new_ext)] quotes_index = 3 if config.config_calibre: parameters = config.config_calibre.split(" ") for param in parameters: command.append(param) quotes.append(quotes_index) quotes_index += 1 p = process_open(command, quotes) except OSError as e: return 1, _(u"Ebook-converter failed: %(error)s", error=e) while p.poll() is None: nextline = p.stdout.readline() if os.name == 'nt' and sys.version_info < (3, 0): nextline = nextline.decode('windows-1252') elif os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info < (3, 0): nextline = nextline.decode('utf-8') log.debug(nextline.strip('\r\n')) # parse progress string from calibre-converter progress = re.search(r"(\d+)%\s.*", nextline) if progress: self.UIqueue[index]['progress'] = progress.group(1) + ' %' # process returncode check = p.returncode calibre_traceback = p.stderr.readlines() for ele in calibre_traceback: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): ele = ele.decode('utf-8') log.debug(ele.strip('\n')) if not ele.startswith('Traceback') and not ele.startswith(' File'): error_message = "Calibre failed with error: %s" % ele.strip('\n') return check, error_message def _convert_kepubify(self, file_path, format_old_ext, format_new_ext, index): quotes = [1, 3] command = [config.config_kepubifypath, (file_path + format_old_ext), '-o', os.path.dirname(file_path)] try: p = process_open(command, quotes) except OSError as e: return 1, _(u"Kepubify-converter failed: %(error)s", error=e) self.UIqueue[index]['progress'] = '1 %' while True: nextline = p.stdout.readlines() nextline = [x.strip('\n') for x in nextline if x != '\n'] if sys.version_info < (3, 0): nextline = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in nextline] for line in nextline: log.debug(line) if p.poll() is not None: break # ToD Handle # process returncode check = p.returncode # move file if check == 0: converted_file = glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), "*.kepub.epub")) if len(converted_file) == 1: copyfile(converted_file[0], (file_path + format_new_ext)) os.unlink(converted_file[0]) else: return 1, _(u"Converted file not found or more than one file in folder %(folder)s", folder=os.path.dirname(file_path)) return check, None def add_convert(self, file_path, bookid, user_name, taskMessage, settings, kindle_mail=None): self.doLock.acquire() if self.last >= 20: self._delete_completed_tasks() # progress, runtime, and status = 0 self.id += 1 task = TASK_CONVERT_ANY if kindle_mail: task = TASK_CONVERT self.queue.append({'file_path':file_path, 'bookid':bookid, 'starttime': 0, 'kindle': kindle_mail, 'taskType': task, 'settings':settings}) self.UIqueue.append({'user': user_name, 'formStarttime': '', 'progress': " 0 %", 'taskMess': taskMessage, 'runtime': '0 s', 'stat': STAT_WAITING,'id': self.id, 'taskType': task } ) self.last=len(self.queue) self.doLock.release() def add_email(self, subject, filepath, attachment, settings, recipient, user_name, taskMessage, text): # if more than 20 entries in the list, clean the list self.doLock.acquire() if self.last >= 20: self._delete_completed_tasks() # progress, runtime, and status = 0 self.id += 1 self.queue.append({'subject':subject, 'attachment':attachment, 'filepath':filepath, 'settings':settings, 'recipent':recipient, 'starttime': 0, 'taskType': TASK_EMAIL, 'text':text}) self.UIqueue.append({'user': user_name, 'formStarttime': '', 'progress': " 0 %", 'taskMess': taskMessage, 'runtime': '0 s', 'stat': STAT_WAITING,'id': self.id, 'taskType': TASK_EMAIL }) self.last=len(self.queue) self.doLock.release() def add_upload(self, user_name, taskMessage): # if more than 20 entries in the list, clean the list self.doLock.acquire() if self.last >= 20: self._delete_completed_tasks() # progress=100%, runtime=0, and status finished log.debug("Last " + str(self.last)) log.debug("Current " + str(self.current)) log.debug("id" + str(self.id)) self.id += 1 starttime = datetime.now() self.queue.append({'starttime': starttime, 'taskType': TASK_UPLOAD}) self.UIqueue.append({'user': user_name, 'formStarttime': starttime, 'progress': "100 %", 'taskMess': taskMessage, 'runtime': '0 s', 'stat': STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS,'id': self.id, 'taskType': TASK_UPLOAD}) self.last=len(self.queue) self.doLock.release() def _send_raw_email(self): self.doLock.acquire() index = self.current self.doLock.release() self.queue[index]['starttime'] = datetime.now() self.UIqueue[index]['formStarttime'] = self.queue[index]['starttime'] self.UIqueue[index]['stat'] = STAT_STARTED obj=self.queue[index] # create MIME message msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = self.queue[index]['subject'] msg['Message-Id'] = make_msgid('calibre-web') msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) text = self.queue[index]['text'] msg.attach(MIMEText(text.encode('UTF-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8')) if obj['attachment']: result = get_attachment(obj['filepath'], obj['attachment']) if result: msg.attach(result) else: self._handleError(u"Attachment not found") return msg['From'] = obj['settings']["mail_from"] msg['To'] = obj['recipent'] use_ssl = int(obj['settings'].get('mail_use_ssl', 0)) try: # convert MIME message to string fp = StringIO() gen = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False) gen.flatten(msg) msg = fp.getvalue() # send email timeout = 600 # set timeout to 5mins # redirect output to logfile on python2 pn python3 debugoutput is caught with overwritten # _print_debug function if sys.version_info < (3, 0): org_smtpstderr = smtplib.stderr smtplib.stderr = logger.StderrLogger('worker.smtp') if use_ssl == 2: self.asyncSMTP = email_SSL(obj['settings']["mail_server"], obj['settings']["mail_port"], timeout=timeout) else: self.asyncSMTP = email(obj['settings']["mail_server"], obj['settings']["mail_port"], timeout=timeout) # link to logginglevel if logger.is_debug_enabled(): self.asyncSMTP.set_debuglevel(1) if use_ssl == 1: self.asyncSMTP.starttls() if obj['settings']["mail_password"]: self.asyncSMTP.login(str(obj['settings']["mail_login"]), str(obj['settings']["mail_password"])) self.asyncSMTP.sendmail(obj['settings']["mail_from"], obj['recipent'], msg) self.asyncSMTP.quit() self._handleSuccess() if sys.version_info < (3, 0): smtplib.stderr = org_smtpstderr except (MemoryError) as e: self._handleError(u'Error sending email: ' + e.message) return None except (smtplib.SMTPException, smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError) as e: if hasattr(e, "smtp_error"): text = e.smtp_error.decode('utf-8').replace("\n",'. ') elif hasattr(e, "message"): text = e.message else: text = '' self._handleError(u'Error sending email: ' + text) return None except (socket.error) as e: self._handleError(u'Error sending email: ' + e.strerror) return None def _handleError(self, error_message): log.error(error_message) self.doLock.acquire() index = self.current self.doLock.release() self.UIqueue[index]['stat'] = STAT_FAIL self.UIqueue[index]['progress'] = "100 %" self.UIqueue[index]['formRuntime'] = datetime.now() - self.queue[index]['starttime'] self.UIqueue[index]['message'] = error_message def _handleSuccess(self): self.doLock.acquire() index = self.current self.doLock.release() self.UIqueue[index]['stat'] = STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS self.UIqueue[index]['progress'] = "100 %" self.UIqueue[index]['formRuntime'] = datetime.now() - self.queue[index]['starttime'] def get_taskstatus(): return _worker.get_taskstatus() def add_email(subject, filepath, attachment, settings, recipient, user_name, taskMessage, text): return _worker.add_email(subject, filepath, attachment, settings, recipient, user_name, taskMessage, text) def add_upload(user_name, taskMessage): return _worker.add_upload(user_name, taskMessage) def add_convert(file_path, bookid, user_name, taskMessage, settings, kindle_mail=None): return _worker.add_convert(file_path, bookid, user_name, taskMessage, settings, kindle_mail) _worker = WorkerThread() _worker.start()