#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2018-2019 shavitmichael, OzzieIsaacs # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys import uuid from datetime import datetime from time import gmtime, strftime try: from urllib import unquote except ImportError: from urllib.parse import unquote from flask import ( Blueprint, request, make_response, jsonify, json, url_for, redirect, ) from flask_login import login_required, current_user from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers from sqlalchemy import func import requests from . import config, logger, kobo_auth, db, helper, ub from .services import SyncToken as SyncToken from .web import download_required KOBO_FORMATS = {"KEPUB": ["KEPUB"], "EPUB": ["EPUB", "EPUB3"]} KOBO_STOREAPI_URL = "https://storeapi.kobo.com" kobo = Blueprint("kobo", __name__, url_prefix="/kobo/") kobo_auth.disable_failed_auth_redirect_for_blueprint(kobo) kobo_auth.register_url_value_preprocessor(kobo) log = logger.create() def get_store_url_for_current_request(): # Programmatically modify the current url to point to the official Kobo store base, sep, request_path_with_auth_token = request.full_path.rpartition("/kobo/") auth_token, sep, request_path = request_path_with_auth_token.rstrip("?").partition( "/" ) return KOBO_STOREAPI_URL + "/" + request_path CONNECTION_SPECIFIC_HEADERS = [ "connection", "content-encoding", "content-length", "transfer-encoding", ] def redirect_or_proxy_request(): if request.method == "GET": return redirect(get_store_url_for_current_request(), 307) if request.method == "DELETE": return make_response(jsonify({})) else: # The Kobo device turns other request types into GET requests on redirects, so we instead proxy to the Kobo store ourselves. outgoing_headers = Headers(request.headers) outgoing_headers.remove("Host") store_response = requests.request( method=request.method, url=get_store_url_for_current_request(), headers=outgoing_headers, data=request.get_data(), allow_redirects=False, ) response_headers = store_response.headers for header_key in CONNECTION_SPECIFIC_HEADERS: response_headers.pop(header_key, default=None) return make_response( store_response.content, store_response.status_code, response_headers.items() ) @kobo.route("/v1/library/sync") @login_required @download_required def HandleSyncRequest(): sync_token = SyncToken.SyncToken.from_headers(request.headers) log.info("Kobo library sync request received.") # TODO: Limit the number of books return per sync call, and rely on the sync-continuatation header # instead so that the device triggers another sync. new_books_last_modified = sync_token.books_last_modified new_books_last_created = sync_token.books_last_created entitlements = [] # We reload the book database so that the user get's a fresh view of the library # in case of external changes (e.g: adding a book through Calibre). db.reconnect_db(config) archived_books = ( ub.session.query(ub.ArchivedBook) .filter(ub.ArchivedBook.user_id == int(current_user.id)) .filter(ub.ArchivedBook.is_archived == True) .all() ) archived_book_ids = [archived_book.book_id for archived_book in archived_books] # sqlite gives unexpected results when performing the last_modified comparison without the datetime cast. # It looks like it's treating the db.Books.last_modified field as a string and may fail # the comparison because of the +00:00 suffix. changed_entries = ( db.session.query(db.Books) .join(db.Data) .filter(func.datetime(db.Books.last_modified) > sync_token.books_last_modified) .filter(db.Data.format.in_(KOBO_FORMATS)) .filter(db.Books.id.notin_(archived_book_ids)) .all() ) for book in changed_entries: entitlement = { "BookEntitlement": create_book_entitlement(book), "BookMetadata": get_metadata(book), "ReadingState": reading_state(book), } if book.timestamp > sync_token.books_last_created: entitlements.append({"NewEntitlement": entitlement}) else: entitlements.append({"ChangedEntitlement": entitlement}) new_books_last_modified = max( book.last_modified, sync_token.books_last_modified ) new_books_last_created = max(book.timestamp, sync_token.books_last_created) sync_token.books_last_created = new_books_last_created sync_token.books_last_modified = new_books_last_modified # Missing feature: Detect server-side book deletions. return generate_sync_response(request, sync_token, entitlements) def generate_sync_response(request, sync_token, entitlements): # We first merge in sync results from the official Kobo store. outgoing_headers = Headers(request.headers) outgoing_headers.remove("Host") sync_token.set_kobo_store_header(outgoing_headers) store_response = requests.request( method=request.method, url=get_store_url_for_current_request(), headers=outgoing_headers, data=request.get_data(), ) store_entitlements = store_response.json() entitlements += store_entitlements sync_token.merge_from_store_response(store_response) response = make_response(jsonify(entitlements)) sync_token.to_headers(response.headers) try: # These headers could probably use some more investigation. response.headers["x-kobo-sync"] = store_response.headers["x-kobo-sync"] response.headers["x-kobo-sync-mode"] = store_response.headers[ "x-kobo-sync-mode" ] response.headers["x-kobo-recent-reads"] = store_response.headers[ "x-kobo-recent-reads" ] except KeyError: pass return response @kobo.route("/v1/library//metadata") @login_required @download_required def HandleMetadataRequest(book_uuid): log.info("Kobo library metadata request received for book %s" % book_uuid) book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.uuid == book_uuid).first() if not book or not book.data: log.info(u"Book %s not found in database", book_uuid) return redirect_or_proxy_request() metadata = get_metadata(book) return jsonify([metadata]) def get_download_url_for_book(book, book_format): return url_for( "web.download_link", book_id=book.id, book_format=book_format.lower(), _external=True, ) def create_book_entitlement(book): book_uuid = book.uuid return { "Accessibility": "Full", "ActivePeriod": {"From": current_time(),}, "Created": book.timestamp, "CrossRevisionId": book_uuid, "Id": book_uuid, "IsHiddenFromArchive": False, "IsLocked": False, # Setting this to true removes from the device. "IsRemoved": False, "LastModified": book.last_modified, "OriginCategory": "Imported", "RevisionId": book_uuid, "Status": "Active", } def current_time(): return strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", gmtime()) def get_description(book): if not book.comments: return None return book.comments[0].text # TODO handle multiple authors def get_author(book): if not book.authors: return None return book.authors[0].name def get_publisher(book): if not book.publishers: return None return book.publishers[0].name def get_series(book): if not book.series: return None return book.series[0].name def get_metadata(book): download_urls = [] for book_data in book.data: if book_data.format not in KOBO_FORMATS: continue for kobo_format in KOBO_FORMATS[book_data.format]: download_urls.append( { "Format": kobo_format, "Size": book_data.uncompressed_size, "Url": get_download_url_for_book(book, book_data.format), # The Kobo forma accepts platforms: (Generic, Android) "Platform": "Generic", # "DrmType": "None", # Not required } ) book_uuid = book.uuid metadata = { "Categories": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",], "Contributors": get_author(book), "CoverImageId": book_uuid, "CrossRevisionId": book_uuid, "CurrentDisplayPrice": {"CurrencyCode": "USD", "TotalAmount": 0}, "CurrentLoveDisplayPrice": {"TotalAmount": 0}, "Description": get_description(book), "DownloadUrls": download_urls, "EntitlementId": book_uuid, "ExternalIds": [], "Genre": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001", "IsEligibleForKoboLove": False, "IsInternetArchive": False, "IsPreOrder": False, "IsSocialEnabled": True, "Language": "en", "PhoneticPronunciations": {}, "PublicationDate": book.pubdate, "Publisher": {"Imprint": "", "Name": get_publisher(book),}, "RevisionId": book_uuid, "Title": book.title, "WorkId": book_uuid, } if get_series(book): if sys.version_info < (3, 0): name = get_series(book).encode("utf-8") else: name = get_series(book) metadata["Series"] = { "Name": get_series(book), "Number": book.series_index, "NumberFloat": float(book.series_index), # Get a deterministic id based on the series name. "Id": uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, name), } return metadata def reading_state(book): # TODO: Implement reading_state = { # "StatusInfo": { # "LastModified": get_single_cc_value(book, "lastreadtimestamp"), # "Status": get_single_cc_value(book, "reading_status"), # } # TODO: CurrentBookmark, Location } return reading_state @kobo.route("//image.jpg") @login_required def HandleCoverImageRequest(book_uuid): log.debug("Cover request received for book %s" % book_uuid) book_cover = helper.get_book_cover_with_uuid( book_uuid, use_generic_cover_on_failure=False ) if not book_cover: return redirect(get_store_url_for_current_request(), 307) return book_cover @kobo.route("") def TopLevelEndpoint(): return make_response(jsonify({})) @kobo.route("/v1/library/", methods=["DELETE"]) @login_required def HandleBookDeletionRequest(book_uuid): log.info("Kobo book deletion request received for book %s" % book_uuid) book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.uuid == book_uuid).first() if not book: log.info(u"Book %s not found in database", book_uuid) return redirect_or_proxy_request() book_id = book.id archived_book = ( ub.session.query(ub.ArchivedBook) .filter(ub.ArchivedBook.book_id == book_id) .first() ) if not archived_book: archived_book = ub.ArchivedBook(user_id=current_user.id, book_id=book_id) archived_book.book_id = book_id archived_book.is_archived = True ub.session.merge(archived_book) ub.session.commit() return ("", 204) # TODO: Implement the following routes @kobo.route("/v1/library//state", methods=["PUT"]) @kobo.route("/v1/library/tags", methods=["POST"]) @kobo.route("/v1/library/tags/", methods=["POST"]) @kobo.route("/v1/library/tags/", methods=["DELETE"]) def HandleUnimplementedRequest(book_uuid=None, shelf_name=None, tag_id=None): return redirect_or_proxy_request() @kobo.app_errorhandler(404) def handle_404(err): # This handler acts as a catch-all for endpoints that we don't have an interest in # implementing (e.g: v1/analytics/gettests, v1/user/recommendations, etc) return redirect_or_proxy_request() @kobo.route("/v1/initialization") @login_required def HandleInitRequest(): outgoing_headers = Headers(request.headers) outgoing_headers.remove("Host") store_response = requests.request( method=request.method, url=get_store_url_for_current_request(), headers=outgoing_headers, data=request.get_data(), ) store_response_json = store_response.json() if "Resources" in store_response_json: kobo_resources = store_response_json["Resources"] calibre_web_url = url_for("web.index", _external=True).strip("/") kobo_resources["image_host"] = calibre_web_url kobo_resources["image_url_quality_template"] = unquote(url_for("kobo.HandleCoverImageRequest", _external=True, auth_token = kobo_auth.get_auth_token(), book_uuid="{ImageId}")) kobo_resources["image_url_template"] = unquote(url_for("kobo.HandleCoverImageRequest", _external=True, auth_token = kobo_auth.get_auth_token(), book_uuid="{ImageId}")) return make_response(store_response_json, store_response.status_code)