#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import smtplib import threading from datetime import datetime import logging import time import socket import sys import os from email.generator import Generator import web from flask_babel import gettext as _ import re import gdriveutils as gd import subprocess try: from StringIO import StringIO from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMEText except ImportError: from io import StringIO from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email import encoders from email.utils import formatdate from email.utils import make_msgid chunksize = 8192 STAT_WAITING = 0 STAT_FAIL = 1 STAT_STARTED = 2 STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS = 3 TASK_EMAIL = 1 TASK_CONVERT = 2 TASK_UPLOAD = 3 TASK_CONVERT_ANY = 4 RET_FAIL = 0 RET_SUCCESS = 1 # For gdrive download book from gdrive to calibredir (temp dir for books), read contents in both cases and append # it in MIME Base64 encoded to def get_attachment(bookpath, filename): """Get file as MIMEBase message""" calibrepath = web.config.config_calibre_dir if web.ub.config.config_use_google_drive: df = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(bookpath, filename) if df: datafile = os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath, filename) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath)) df.GetContentFile(datafile) else: return None file_ = open(datafile, 'rb') data = file_.read() file_.close() os.remove(datafile) else: try: file_ = open(os.path.join(calibrepath, bookpath, filename), 'rb') data = file_.read() file_.close() except IOError: web.app.logger.exception(e) # traceback.print_exc() web.app.logger.error(u'The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?') return None attachment = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') attachment.set_payload(data) encoders.encode_base64(attachment) attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) return attachment # Class for sending email with ability to get current progress class emailbase(): transferSize = 0 progress = 0 def data(self, msg): self.transferSize = len(msg) (code, resp) = smtplib.SMTP.data(self, msg) self.progress = 0 return (code, resp) def send(self, strg): """Send `strg' to the server.""" if self.debuglevel > 0: print('send:', repr(strg), file=sys.stderr) if hasattr(self, 'sock') and self.sock: try: if self.transferSize: lock=threading.Lock() lock.acquire() self.transferSize = len(strg) lock.release() for i in range(0, self.transferSize, chunksize): if type(strg) == bytes: self.sock.send((strg[i:i+chunksize])) else: self.sock.send((strg[i:i + chunksize]).encode('utf-8')) lock.acquire() self.progress = i lock.release() else: self.sock.sendall(strg.encode('utf-8')) except socket.error: self.close() raise smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected('Server not connected') else: raise smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected('please run connect() first') def getTransferStatus(self): if self.transferSize: lock2 = threading.Lock() lock2.acquire() value = int((float(self.progress) / float(self.transferSize))*100) lock2.release() return str(value) + ' %' else: return "100 %" # Class for sending email with ability to get current progress, derived from emailbase class class email(emailbase, smtplib.SMTP): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): smtplib.SMTP.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Class for sending ssl encrypted email with ability to get current progress, , derived from emailbase class class email_SSL(emailbase, smtplib.SMTP_SSL): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): smtplib.SMTP_SSL.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #Class for all worker tasks in the background class WorkerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self._stopevent = threading.Event() threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.status = 0 self.current = 0 self.last = 0 self.queue = list() self.UIqueue = list() self.asyncSMTP=None self.id = 0 # Main thread loop starting the different tasks def run(self): while not self._stopevent.isSet(): doLock = threading.Lock() doLock.acquire() if self.current != self.last: doLock.release() if self.queue[self.current]['typ'] == TASK_EMAIL: self.send_raw_email() if self.queue[self.current]['typ'] == TASK_CONVERT: self.convert_any_format() if self.queue[self.current]['typ'] == TASK_CONVERT_ANY: self.convert_any_format() # TASK_UPLOAD is handled implicitly self.current += 1 else: doLock.release() time.sleep(1) def stop(self): self._stopevent.set() def get_send_status(self): if self.asyncSMTP: return self.asyncSMTP.getTransferStatus() else: return "0 %" def delete_completed_tasks(self): for index, task in reversed(list(enumerate(self.UIqueue))): if task['progress'] == "100 %": # delete tasks self.queue.pop(index) self.UIqueue.pop(index) # if we are deleting entries before the current index, adjust the index self.current -= 1 self.last = len(self.queue) def get_taskstatus(self): if self.current < len(self.queue): if self.queue[self.current]['status'] == STAT_STARTED: if self.queue[self.current]['typ'] == TASK_EMAIL: self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = self.get_send_status() self.UIqueue[self.current]['runtime'] = self._formatRuntime( datetime.now() - self.queue[self.current]['starttime']) return self.UIqueue def convert_any_format(self): # convert book, and upload in case of google drive self.queue[self.current]['status'] = STAT_STARTED self.UIqueue[self.current]['status'] = _('Started') self.queue[self.current]['starttime'] = datetime.now() self.UIqueue[self.current]['formStarttime'] = self.queue[self.current]['starttime'] curr_task = self.queue[self.current]['typ'] filename = self.convert_ebook_format() if filename: if web.ub.config.config_use_google_drive: gd.updateGdriveCalibreFromLocal() if curr_task == TASK_CONVERT: self.add_email(_(u'Send to Kindle'), self.queue[self.current]['path'], filename, self.queue[self.current]['settings'], self.queue[self.current]['kindle'], self.UIqueue[self.current]['user'], _(u"E-mail: %s" % self.queue[self.current]['title'])) def convert_ebook_format(self): error_message = None file_path = self.queue[self.current]['file_path'] bookid = self.queue[self.current]['bookid'] format_old_ext = u'.' + self.queue[self.current]['settings']['old_book_format'].lower() format_new_ext = u'.' + self.queue[self.current]['settings']['new_book_format'].lower() # check if converter-executable is existing if not os.path.exists(web.ub.config.config_converterpath): self._handleError(_(u"Convertertool %(converter)s not found", converter=web.ub.config.config_converterpath)) return try: # check which converter to use kindlegen is "1" if format_old_ext == '.epub' and format_new_ext == '.mobi': if web.ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 1: if os.name == 'nt': command = web.ub.config.config_converterpath + u' "' + file_path + u'.epub"' if sys.version_info < (3, 0): command = command.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: command = [web.ub.config.config_converterpath, file_path + u'.epub'] if sys.version_info < (3, 0): command = [x.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for x in command] if web.ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 2: # Linux py2.7 encode as list without quotes no empty element for parameters # linux py3.x no encode and as list without quotes no empty element for parameters # windows py2.7 encode as string with quotes empty element for parameters is okay # windows py 3.x no encode and as string with quotes empty element for parameters is okay # separate handling for windows and linux if os.name == 'nt': command = web.ub.config.config_converterpath + u' "' + file_path + format_old_ext + u'" "' + \ file_path + format_new_ext + u'" ' + web.ub.config.config_calibre if sys.version_info < (3, 0): command = command.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) else: command = [web.ub.config.config_converterpath, (file_path + format_old_ext), (file_path + format_new_ext)] if web.ub.config.config_calibre: command.append(web.ub.config.config_calibre) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): command = [x.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) for x in command] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except OSError as e: self._handleError(_(u"Ebook-converter failed: %s" % e)) return if web.ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 1: nextline = p.communicate()[0] # Format of error message (kindlegen translates its output texts): # Error(prcgen):E23006: Language not recognized in metadata.The dc:Language field is mandatory.Aborting. conv_error = re.search(".*\(.*\):(E\d+):\s(.*)", nextline, re.MULTILINE) # If error occoures, store error message for logfile if conv_error: error_message = _(u"Kindlegen failed with Error %(error)s. Message: %(message)s", error=conv_error.group(1), message=conv_error.group(2).strip()) web.app.logger.debug("convert_kindlegen: " + nextline) else: while p.poll() is None: nextline = p.stdout.readline() if os.name == 'nt' and sys.version_info < (3, 0): nextline = nextline.decode('windows-1252') web.app.logger.debug(nextline.strip('\r\n')) # parse progress string from calibre-converter progress = re.search("(\d+)%\s.*", nextline) if progress: self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = progress.group(1) + ' %' # process returncode check = p.returncode # kindlegen returncodes # 0 = Info(prcgen):I1036: Mobi file built successfully # 1 = Info(prcgen):I1037: Mobi file built with WARNINGS! # 2 = Info(prcgen):I1038: MOBI file could not be generated because of errors! if (check < 2 and web.ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 1) or \ (check == 0 and web.ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 2): cur_book = web.db.session.query(web.db.Books).filter(web.db.Books.id == bookid).first() new_format = web.db.Data(name=cur_book.data[0].name, book_format=self.queue[self.current]['settings']['new_book_format'], book=bookid, uncompressed_size=os.path.getsize(file_path + format_new_ext)) cur_book.data.append(new_format) web.db.session.commit() self.queue[self.current]['path'] = cur_book.path self.queue[self.current]['title'] = cur_book.title if web.ub.config.config_use_google_drive: os.remove(file_path + format_old_ext) self.queue[self.current]['status'] = STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS self.UIqueue[self.current]['status'] = _('Finished') self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = "100 %" self.UIqueue[self.current]['runtime'] = self._formatRuntime( datetime.now() - self.queue[self.current]['starttime']) return file_path + format_new_ext else: web.app.logger.info("ebook converter failed with error while converting book") if not error_message: error_message = 'Ebook converter failed with unknown error' self._handleError(error_message) return def add_convert(self, file_path, bookid, user_name, typ, settings, kindle_mail=None): addLock = threading.Lock() addLock.acquire() if self.last >= 20: self.delete_completed_tasks() # progress, runtime, and status = 0 self.id += 1 task = TASK_CONVERT_ANY if kindle_mail: task = TASK_CONVERT self.queue.append({'file_path':file_path, 'bookid':bookid, 'starttime': 0, 'kindle': kindle_mail, 'status': STAT_WAITING, 'typ': task, 'settings':settings}) self.UIqueue.append({'user': user_name, 'formStarttime': '', 'progress': " 0 %", 'type': typ, 'runtime': '0 s', 'status': _('Waiting'),'id': self.id } ) self.last=len(self.queue) addLock.release() def add_email(self, subject, filepath, attachment, settings, recipient, user_name, typ, text=_(u'This e-mail has been sent via Calibre-Web.')): # if more than 20 entries in the list, clean the list addLock = threading.Lock() addLock.acquire() if self.last >= 20: self.delete_completed_tasks() # progress, runtime, and status = 0 self.id += 1 self.queue.append({'subject':subject, 'attachment':attachment, 'filepath':filepath, 'settings':settings, 'recipent':recipient, 'starttime': 0, 'status': STAT_WAITING, 'typ': TASK_EMAIL, 'text':text}) self.UIqueue.append({'user': user_name, 'formStarttime': '', 'progress': " 0 %", 'type': typ, 'runtime': '0 s', 'status': _('Waiting'),'id': self.id }) self.last=len(self.queue) addLock.release() def add_upload(self, user_name, typ): # if more than 20 entries in the list, clean the list addLock = threading.Lock() addLock.acquire() if self.last >= 20: self.delete_completed_tasks() # progress=100%, runtime=0, and status finished self.id += 1 self.queue.append({'starttime': datetime.now(), 'status': STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS, 'typ': TASK_UPLOAD}) self.UIqueue.append({'user': user_name, 'formStarttime': '', 'progress': "100 %", 'type': typ, 'runtime': '0 s', 'status': _('Finished'),'id': self.id }) self.UIqueue[self.current]['formStarttime'] = self.queue[self.current]['starttime'] self.last=len(self.queue) addLock.release() def send_raw_email(self): self.queue[self.current]['starttime'] = datetime.now() self.UIqueue[self.current]['formStarttime'] = self.queue[self.current]['starttime'] self.queue[self.current]['status'] = STAT_STARTED self.UIqueue[self.current]['status'] = _('Started') obj=self.queue[self.current] # create MIME message msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = self.queue[self.current]['subject'] msg['Message-Id'] = make_msgid('calibre-web') msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) text = self.queue[self.current]['text'] msg.attach(MIMEText(text.encode('UTF-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8')) if obj['attachment']: result = get_attachment(obj['filepath'], obj['attachment']) if result: msg.attach(result) else: self._handleError(u"Attachment not found") return msg['From'] = obj['settings']["mail_from"] msg['To'] = obj['recipent'] use_ssl = int(obj['settings'].get('mail_use_ssl', 0)) try: # convert MIME message to string fp = StringIO() gen = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False) gen.flatten(msg) msg = fp.getvalue() # send email timeout = 600 # set timeout to 5mins org_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = StderrLogger() if use_ssl == 2: self.asyncSMTP = email_SSL(obj['settings']["mail_server"], obj['settings']["mail_port"], timeout) else: self.asyncSMTP = email(obj['settings']["mail_server"], obj['settings']["mail_port"], timeout) # link to logginglevel if web.ub.config.config_log_level != logging.DEBUG: self.asyncSMTP.set_debuglevel(0) else: self.asyncSMTP.set_debuglevel(1) if use_ssl == 1: self.asyncSMTP.starttls() if obj['settings']["mail_password"]: self.asyncSMTP.login(str(obj['settings']["mail_login"]), str(obj['settings']["mail_password"])) self.asyncSMTP.sendmail(obj['settings']["mail_from"], obj['recipent'], msg) self.asyncSMTP.quit() self.queue[self.current]['status'] = STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS self.UIqueue[self.current]['status'] = _('Finished') self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = "100 %" self.UIqueue[self.current]['runtime'] = self._formatRuntime( datetime.now() - self.queue[self.current]['starttime']) sys.stderr = org_stderr except (MemoryError) as e: self._handleError(u'Error sending email: ' + e.message) return None except (smtplib.SMTPException) as e: self._handleError(u'Error sending email: ' + e.smtp_error.replace("\n",'. ')) return None except (socket.error) as e: self._handleError(u'Error sending email: ' + e.strerror) return None def _formatRuntime(self, runtime): self.UIqueue[self.current]['rt'] = runtime.total_seconds() val = re.split('\:|\.', str(runtime))[0:3] erg = list() for v in val: if int(v) > 0: erg.append(v) retVal = (':'.join(erg)).lstrip('0') + ' s' if retVal == ' s': retVal = '0 s' return retVal def _handleError(self, error_message): web.app.logger.error(error_message) self.queue[self.current]['status'] = STAT_FAIL self.UIqueue[self.current]['status'] = _('Failed') self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = "100 %" self.UIqueue[self.current]['runtime'] = self._formatRuntime( datetime.now() - self.queue[self.current]['starttime']) self.UIqueue[self.current]['message'] = error_message class StderrLogger(object): buffer = '' def __init__(self): self.logger = web.app.logger def write(self, message): if message == '\n': self.logger.debug(self.buffer) print(self.buffer) self.buffer = '' else: self.buffer += message