"""Enhance nose with extra options and behaviors for running SQLAlchemy tests.

When running ./sqla_nose.py, this module is imported relative to the
"plugins" package as a top level package by the sqla_nose.py runner,
so that the plugin can be loaded with the rest of nose including the coverage
plugin before any of SQLAlchemy itself is imported, so that coverage works.

When third party libraries use this plugin, it can be imported
normally as "from sqlalchemy.testing.plugin import noseplugin".

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import ConfigParser

from nose.plugins import Plugin
from nose import SkipTest
import time
import sys
import re

# late imports
fixtures = None
engines = None
exclusions = None
warnings = None
profiling = None
assertions = None
requirements = None
config = None
util = None
file_config = None

logging = None
db = None
db_label = None
db_url = None
db_opts = {}
options = None
_existing_engine = None

def _log(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    global logging
    if not logging:
        import logging

    if opt_str.endswith('-info'):
    elif opt_str.endswith('-debug'):

def _list_dbs(*args):
    print "Available --db options (use --dburi to override)"
    for macro in sorted(file_config.options('db')):
        print "%20s\t%s" % (macro, file_config.get('db', macro))

def _server_side_cursors(options, opt_str, value, parser):
    db_opts['server_side_cursors'] = True

def _engine_strategy(options, opt_str, value, parser):
    if value:
        db_opts['strategy'] = value

pre_configure = []
post_configure = []

def pre(fn):
    return fn

def post(fn):
    return fn

def _setup_options(opt, file_config):
    global options
    options = opt

def _monkeypatch_cdecimal(options, file_config):
    if options.cdecimal:
        import cdecimal
        sys.modules['decimal'] = cdecimal

def _engine_uri(options, file_config):
    global db_label, db_url

    if options.dburi:
        db_url = options.dburi
        db_label = db_url[:db_url.index(':')]
    elif options.db:
        db_label = options.db
        db_url = None

    if db_url is None:
        if db_label not in file_config.options('db'):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unknown URI specifier '%s'.  Specify --dbs for known uris."
                        % db_label)
        db_url = file_config.get('db', db_label)

def _require(options, file_config):
    if not(options.require or
           (file_config.has_section('require') and

        import pkg_resources
    except ImportError:
        raise RuntimeError("setuptools is required for version requirements")

    cmdline = []
    for requirement in options.require:
        cmdline.append(re.split('\s*(<!>=)', requirement, 1)[0])

    if file_config.has_section('require'):
        for label, requirement in file_config.items('require'):
            if not label == db_label or label.startswith('%s.' % db_label):
            seen = [c for c in cmdline if requirement.startswith(c)]
            if seen:

def _engine_pool(options, file_config):
    if options.mockpool:
        from sqlalchemy import pool
        db_opts['poolclass'] = pool.AssertionPool

def _create_testing_engine(options, file_config):
    from sqlalchemy.testing import engines, config
    from sqlalchemy import testing
    global db
    config.db = testing.db = db = engines.testing_engine(db_url, db_opts)
    config.db_opts = db_opts
    config.db_url = db_url

def _prep_testing_database(options, file_config):
    from sqlalchemy.testing import engines
    from sqlalchemy import schema, inspect

    # also create alt schemas etc. here?
    if options.dropfirst:
        e = engines.utf8_engine()
        inspector = inspect(e)

            view_names = inspector.get_view_names()
        except NotImplementedError:
            for vname in view_names:
                e.execute(schema._DropView(schema.Table(vname, schema.MetaData())))

            view_names = inspector.get_view_names(schema="test_schema")
        except NotImplementedError:
            for vname in view_names:
                                        schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema")))

        for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names(order_by="foreign_key")):
            e.execute(schema.DropTable(schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData())))

        for tname in reversed(inspector.get_table_names(
                                order_by="foreign_key", schema="test_schema")):
                schema.Table(tname, schema.MetaData(), schema="test_schema")))


def _set_table_options(options, file_config):
    from sqlalchemy.testing import schema

    table_options = schema.table_options
    for spec in options.tableopts:
        key, value = spec.split('=')
        table_options[key] = value

    if options.mysql_engine:
        table_options['mysql_engine'] = options.mysql_engine

def _reverse_topological(options, file_config):
    if options.reversetop:
        from sqlalchemy.orm.util import randomize_unitofwork

def _requirements_opt(options, opt_str, value, parser):

def _requirements(options, file_config):

    requirement_cls = file_config.get('sqla_testing', "requirement_cls")

def _setup_requirements(argument):
    from sqlalchemy.testing import config
    from sqlalchemy import testing

    if config.requirements is not None:

    modname, clsname = argument.split(":")

    # importlib.import_module() only introduced in 2.7, a little
    # late
    mod = __import__(modname)
    for component in modname.split(".")[1:]:
        mod = getattr(mod, component)
    req_cls = getattr(mod, clsname)
    config.requirements = testing.requires = req_cls(config)

def _post_setup_options(opt, file_config):
    from sqlalchemy.testing import config
    config.options = options
    config.file_config = file_config

def _setup_profiling(options, file_config):
    from sqlalchemy.testing import profiling
    profiling._profile_stats = profiling.ProfileStatsFile(
                file_config.get('sqla_testing', 'profile_file'))

class NoseSQLAlchemy(Plugin):
    Handles the setup and extra properties required for testing SQLAlchemy
    enabled = True

    name = 'sqla_testing'
    score = 100

    def options(self, parser, env=os.environ):
        Plugin.options(self, parser, env)
        opt = parser.add_option
        opt("--log-info", action="callback", type="string", callback=_log,
            help="turn on info logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)")
        opt("--log-debug", action="callback", type="string", callback=_log,
            help="turn on debug logging for <LOG> (multiple OK)")
        opt("--require", action="append", dest="require", default=[],
            help="require a particular driver or module version (multiple OK)")
        opt("--db", action="store", dest="db", default="default",
            help="Use prefab database uri")
        opt('--dbs', action='callback', callback=_list_dbs,
            help="List available prefab dbs")
        opt("--dburi", action="store", dest="dburi",
            help="Database uri (overrides --db)")
        opt("--dropfirst", action="store_true", dest="dropfirst",
            help="Drop all tables in the target database first")
        opt("--mockpool", action="store_true", dest="mockpool",
            help="Use mock pool (asserts only one connection used)")
        opt("--low-connections", action="store_true", dest="low_connections",
            help="Use a low number of distinct connections - i.e. for Oracle TNS"
        opt("--enginestrategy", action="callback", type="string",
            help="Engine strategy (plain or threadlocal, defaults to plain)")
        opt("--reversetop", action="store_true", dest="reversetop", default=False,
            help="Use a random-ordering set implementation in the ORM (helps "
                  "reveal dependency issues)")
        opt("--requirements", action="callback", type="string",
            help="requirements class for testing, overrides setup.cfg")
        opt("--with-cdecimal", action="store_true", dest="cdecimal", default=False,
            help="Monkeypatch the cdecimal library into Python 'decimal' for all tests")
        opt("--unhashable", action="store_true", dest="unhashable", default=False,
            help="Disallow SQLAlchemy from performing a hash() on mapped test objects.")
        opt("--noncomparable", action="store_true", dest="noncomparable", default=False,
            help="Disallow SQLAlchemy from performing == on mapped test objects.")
        opt("--truthless", action="store_true", dest="truthless", default=False,
            help="Disallow SQLAlchemy from truth-evaluating mapped test objects.")
        opt("--serverside", action="callback", callback=_server_side_cursors,
            help="Turn on server side cursors for PG")
        opt("--mysql-engine", action="store", dest="mysql_engine", default=None,
            help="Use the specified MySQL storage engine for all tables, default is "
                 "a db-default/InnoDB combo.")
        opt("--table-option", action="append", dest="tableopts", default=[],
            help="Add a dialect-specific table option, key=value")
        opt("--write-profiles", action="store_true", dest="write_profiles", default=False,
                help="Write/update profiling data.")
        global file_config
        file_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        file_config.read(['setup.cfg', 'test.cfg'])

    def configure(self, options, conf):
        Plugin.configure(self, options, conf)
        self.options = options
        for fn in pre_configure:
            fn(self.options, file_config)

    def begin(self):
        # Lazy setup of other options (post coverage)
        for fn in post_configure:
            fn(self.options, file_config)

        # late imports, has to happen after config as well
        # as nose plugins like coverage
        global util, fixtures, engines, exclusions, \
                        assertions, warnings, profiling,\
        from sqlalchemy.testing import fixtures, engines, exclusions, \
                        assertions, warnings, profiling, config
        from sqlalchemy import util

    def describeTest(self, test):
        return ""

    def wantFunction(self, fn):
        if fn.__module__.startswith('sqlalchemy.testing'):
            return False

    def wantClass(self, cls):
        """Return true if you want the main test selector to collect
        tests from this class, false if you don't, and None if you don't

           cls : class
             The class being examined by the selector

        if not issubclass(cls, fixtures.TestBase):
            return False
        elif cls.__name__.startswith('_'):
            return False
            return True

    def _do_skips(self, cls):
        from sqlalchemy.testing import config
        if hasattr(cls, '__requires__'):
            def test_suite():
                return 'ok'
            test_suite.__name__ = cls.__name__
            for requirement in cls.__requires__:
                check = getattr(config.requirements, requirement)

                if not check.enabled:
                    raise SkipTest(
                        check.reason if check.reason
                            "'%s' unsupported on DB implementation '%s'" % (
                                cls.__name__, config.db.name

        if cls.__unsupported_on__:
            spec = exclusions.db_spec(*cls.__unsupported_on__)
            if spec(config.db):
                raise SkipTest(
                    "'%s' unsupported on DB implementation '%s'" % (
                     cls.__name__, config.db.name)

        if getattr(cls, '__only_on__', None):
            spec = exclusions.db_spec(*util.to_list(cls.__only_on__))
            if not spec(config.db):
                raise SkipTest(
                    "'%s' unsupported on DB implementation '%s'" % (
                     cls.__name__, config.db.name)

        if getattr(cls, '__skip_if__', False):
            for c in getattr(cls, '__skip_if__'):
                if c():
                    raise SkipTest("'%s' skipped by %s" % (
                        cls.__name__, c.__name__)

        for db, op, spec in getattr(cls, '__excluded_on__', ()):
            exclusions.exclude(db, op, spec,
                    "'%s' unsupported on DB %s version %s" % (
                    cls.__name__, config.db.name,

    def beforeTest(self, test):
        profiling._current_test = test.id()

    def afterTest(self, test):

    def _setup_engine(self, ctx):
        if getattr(ctx, '__engine_options__', None):
            global _existing_engine
            _existing_engine = config.db
            config.db = engines.testing_engine(options=ctx.__engine_options__)

    def _restore_engine(self, ctx):
        global _existing_engine
        if _existing_engine is not None:
            config.db = _existing_engine
            _existing_engine = None

    def startContext(self, ctx):
        if not isinstance(ctx, type) \
            or not issubclass(ctx, fixtures.TestBase):

    def stopContext(self, ctx):
        if not isinstance(ctx, type) \
            or not issubclass(ctx, fixtures.TestBase):
        if not options.low_connections: