# Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Main toolbar buttons (tooltips and alt text for images) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (page.title): The tooltip for the pageNumber input. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (of_pages): "{{pagesCount}}" will be replaced by a number # representing the total number of pages in the document. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_of_pages): "{{pageNumber}}" and "{{pagesCount}}" # will be replaced by a number representing the currently visible page, # respectively a number representing the total number of pages in the document. open_file_label=Tuide print.title=Rábe fɨnoraɨma print_label=Rábe fɨnoraɨma download.title=Yúnua download_label=Yúnua bookmark.title=Bírui éroika (kómue éroirafo tuño fakayena) bookmark_label=Bírui éroika # Secondary toolbar and context menu tools.title=Ránɨaɨ táɨjɨyena tools_label=Ránɨaɨ táɨjɨyena first_page.title=Nano fueñe rabemo jaíri first_page.label=Nano fueñe rabemo jaíri first_page_label=Nano fueñe rabemo jaíri last_page.title=Ɨ́kóɨ fueñe rabemo jaíri last_page.label=Ɨ́kóɨ fueñe rabemo jaíri last_page_label=Ɨ́kóɨ fueñe rabemo jaíri page_rotate_cw.title=Nabene jɨrekai page_rotate_cw.label=Nabene jɨrekai page_rotate_cw_label=Nabene jɨrekai page_rotate_ccw.title=Jarɨ́fene jirekaɨ page_rotate_ccw.label=Jarɨ́fene jirekaɨ page_rotate_ccw_label=Jarɨ́fene jirekaɨ # Document properties dialog box document_properties_file_name=Ráanɨ mamékɨ: document_properties_file_size=Ráanɨ dɨeze: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_kb): "{{size_kb}}" and "{{size_b}}" # will be replaced by the PDF file size in kilobytes, respectively in bytes. document_properties_kb={{size_kb}} KB ({{size_b}} bytes) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_mb): "{{size_mb}}" and "{{size_b}}" # will be replaced by the PDF file size in megabytes, respectively in bytes. document_properties_mb={{size_mb}} MB ({{size_b}} bytes) document_properties_title=Kúega mámekɨ: document_properties_author=Fɨnokamɨe: document_properties_subject=Mɨnɨka: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}" # will be replaced by the creation/modification date, and time, of the PDF file. document_properties_date_string={{date}}, {{time}} document_properties_creator=Fɨnoraɨma: document_properties_version=Yóga ráfue PDF: document_properties_close=Ɨ́baide # LOCALIZATION NOTE (print_progress_percent): "{{progress}}" will be replaced by # a numerical per cent value. # Tooltips and alt text for side panel toolbar buttons # (the _label strings are alt text for the buttons, the .title strings are # tooltips) attachments.title=Dájemo jónega akatairi attachments_label=Dano jónega thumbs.title=Dúe íya akatairi thumbs_label=Dúe íya # Thumbnails panel item (tooltip and alt text for images) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_title): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page # number. thumb_page_title=Rabe {{page}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_canvas): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page # number. thumb_page_canvas=Dúe íya rabe {{page}} # Find panel button title and messages find_previous_label=Jɨáɨkena\u0020 find_next_label=Báɨfene find_highlight=Nana rɨgɨno find_not_found=Daɨna báñeiga # Error panel labels error_more_info=Jamano ráfue error_less_info=Dúe ráfue error_close=Ɨ́bai # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_version_info): "{{version}}" and "{{build}}" will be # replaced by the PDF.JS version and build ID. error_version_info=PDF.js v{{version}} (build: {{build}}) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_message): "{{message}}" will be replaced by an # english string describing the error. error_message=Úaina: {{message}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_stack): "{{stack}}" will be replaced with a stack # trace. error_stack=Pila: {{stack}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_file): "{{file}}" will be replaced with a filename error_file=Jónia ráa: {{file}} # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_line): "{{line}}" will be replaced with a line number error_line=Ida: {{line}} # Predefined zoom values page_scale_auto=Zoom dama fɨnode page_scale_actual=Bírui dɨeze # LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_scale_percent): "{{scale}}" will be replaced by a # numerical scale value. page_scale_percent={{scale}}% # Loading indicator messages loading_error_indicator=Fɨgòñede # LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip. # "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in # the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types). # Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note" text_annotation_type.alt=[{{type}} baítade] password_ok=Jɨɨ