@ -840,37 +840,83 @@ def edit_book(book_id):
for c in cc:
cc_string = "custom_column_" + str(c.id)
if len(getattr(book, cc_string)) > 0:
cc_db_value = getattr(book, cc_string)[0].value
cc_db_value = None
if to_save[cc_string].strip():
if c.datatype == 'rating':
to_save[cc_string] = str(int(float(to_save[cc_string]) *2))
print to_save[cc_string]
if to_save[cc_string].strip() != cc_db_value:
if not c.is_multiple:
if len(getattr(book, cc_string)) > 0:
cc_db_value = getattr(book, cc_string)[0].value
cc_db_value = None
if to_save[cc_string].strip():
if c.datatype == 'rating':
to_save[cc_string] = str(int(float(to_save[cc_string]) *2))
print to_save[cc_string]
if to_save[cc_string].strip() != cc_db_value:
if cc_db_value != None:
#remove old cc_val
del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0]
getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc)
if len(del_cc.books) == 0:
cc_class = db.cc_classes[c.id]
new_cc = db.session.query(cc_class).filter(cc_class.value == to_save[cc_string].strip()).first()
# if no cc val is found add it
if new_cc == None:
new_cc = cc_class(value=to_save[cc_string].strip())
new_cc = db.session.query(cc_class).filter(cc_class.value == to_save[cc_string].strip()).first()
# add cc value to book
getattr(book, cc_string).append(new_cc)
if cc_db_value != None:
#remove old cc_val
del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0]
getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc)
if len(del_cc.books) == 0:
cc_class = db.cc_classes[c.id]
new_cc = db.session.query(cc_class).filter(cc_class.value == to_save[cc_string].strip()).first()
# if no cc val is found add it
if new_cc == None:
new_cc = cc_class(value=to_save[cc_string].strip())
new_cc = db.session.query(cc_class).filter(cc_class.value == to_save[cc_string].strip()).first()
# add cc value to book
getattr(book, cc_string).append(new_cc)
if cc_db_value != None:
#remove old cc_val
del_cc = getattr(book, cc_string)[0]
getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_cc)
if len(del_cc.books) == 0:
input_tags = to_save[cc_string].split(',')
input_tags = map(lambda it: it.strip(), input_tags)
input_tags = [x for x in input_tags if x != '']
# we have all author names now
# 1. search for tags to remove
del_tags = []
for c_tag in getattr(book, cc_string):
found = False
for inp_tag in input_tags:
if inp_tag == c_tag.value:
found = True
# if the tag was not found in the new list, add him to remove list
if not found:
# 2. search for tags that need to be added
add_tags = []
for inp_tag in input_tags:
found = False
for c_tag in getattr(book, cc_string):
if inp_tag == c_tag.value:
found = True
if not found:
# if there are tags to remove, we remove them now
if len(del_tags) > 0:
for del_tag in del_tags:
getattr(book, cc_string).remove(del_tag)
if len(del_tag.books) == 0:
# if there are tags to add, we add them now!
if len(add_tags) > 0:
for add_tag in add_tags:
# check if a tag with that name exists
new_tag = db.session.query(db.cc_classes[c.id]).filter(db.cc_classes[c.id].value == add_tag).first()
# if no tag is found add it
if new_tag == None:
print add_tag
new_tag = db.cc_classes[c.id](value=add_tag)
new_tag = db.session.query(db.cc_classes[c.id]).filter(db.cc_classes[c.id].value == add_tag).first()
# add tag to book
getattr(book, cc_string).append(new_tag)
author_names = []