@ -64,7 +64,12 @@ def get_epub_info(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension):
for s in ['title', 'description', 'creator', 'language', 'subject']:
tmp = p.xpath('dc:%s/text()' % s, namespaces=ns)
if len(tmp) > 0:
epub_metadata[s] = p.xpath('dc:%s/text()' % s, namespaces=ns)[0]
if s == 'creator':
epub_metadata[s] = ' & '.join(p.xpath('dc:%s/text()' % s, namespaces=ns))
elif s == 'subject':
epub_metadata[s] = ', '.join(p.xpath('dc:%s/text()' % s, namespaces=ns))
epub_metadata[s] = p.xpath('dc:%s/text()' % s, namespaces=ns)[0]
epub_metadata[s] = "Unknown"
@ -109,18 +114,20 @@ def get_epub_info(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension):
meta_cover = tree.xpath("/pkg:package/pkg:metadata/pkg:meta[@name='cover']/@content", namespaces=ns)
if len(meta_cover) > 0:
coversection = tree.xpath("/pkg:package/pkg:manifest/pkg:item[@id='"+meta_cover[0]+"']/@href", namespaces=ns)
if len(coversection) > 0:
filetype = coversection[0].rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
if filetype == "xhtml" or filetype == "html": # if cover is (x)html format
markup = epubZip.read(os.path.join(coverpath, coversection[0]))
markupTree = etree.fromstring(markup)
# no matter xhtml or html with no namespace
imgsrc = markupTree.xpath("//*[local-name() = 'img']/@src")
# imgsrc maybe startwith "../"" so fullpath join then relpath to cwd
filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(coverpath, coversection[0])), imgsrc[0]))
coverfile = extractCover(epubZip, filename, "", tmp_file_path)
coverfile = extractCover(epubZip, coversection[0], coverpath, tmp_file_path)
coversection = tree.xpath("/pkg:package/pkg:guide/pkg:reference/@href", namespaces=ns)
if len(coversection) > 0:
filetype = coversection[0].rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
if filetype == "xhtml" or filetype == "html": # if cover is (x)html format
markup = epubZip.read(os.path.join(coverpath, coversection[0]))
markupTree = etree.fromstring(markup)
# no matter xhtml or html with no namespace
imgsrc = markupTree.xpath("//*[local-name() = 'img']/@src")
# imgsrc maybe startwith "../"" so fullpath join then relpath to cwd
filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(coverpath, coversection[0])), imgsrc[0]))
coverfile = extractCover(epubZip, filename, "", tmp_file_path)
coverfile = extractCover(epubZip, coversection[0], coverpath, tmp_file_path)
if not epub_metadata['title']:
title = original_file_name