@ -232,10 +232,29 @@ class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
bookid = self.queue[self.current]['bookid']
format_old_ext = u'.' + self.queue[self.current]['settings']['old_book_format'].lower()
format_new_ext = u'.' + self.queue[self.current]['settings']['new_book_format'].lower()
# check to see if destination format already exists -
# if it does - mark the conversion task as complete and return a success
# this will allow send to kindle workflow to continue to work
if os.path.isfile(file_path + format_new_ext):
web.app.logger.info("Book id %d already converted to %s", bookid, format_new_ext)
cur_book = web.db.session.query(web.db.Books).filter(web.db.Books.id == bookid).first()
self.queue[self.current]['path'] = file_path
self.queue[self.current]['title'] = cur_book.title
self.queue[self.current]['status'] = STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS
self.UIqueue[self.current]['status'] = _('Finished')
self.UIqueue[self.current]['progress'] = "100 %"
self.UIqueue[self.current]['runtime'] = self._formatRuntime(
datetime.now() - self.queue[self.current]['starttime'])
return file_path + format_new_ext
web.app.logger.info("Book id %d - target format of %s does not existing. Moving forward with convert.", bookid, format_new_ext)
# check if converter-executable is existing
if not os.path.exists(web.ub.config.config_converterpath):
self._handleError(_(u"Convertertool %(converter)s not found", converter=web.ub.config.config_converterpath))
# check which converter to use kindlegen is "1"
if format_old_ext == '.epub' and format_new_ext == '.mobi':