You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

846 lines
41 KiB

6 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Calibre-Web (
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 OzzieIsaacs, cervinko, jkrehm, bodybybuddha, ok11,
# andy29485, idalin, Kyosfonica, wuqi, Kennyl, lemmsh,
# falgh1, grunjol, csitko, ytils, xybydy, trasba, vrabe,
# ruben-herold, marblepebble, JackED42, SiphonSquirrel,
# apetresc, nanu-c, mutschler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging
6 years ago
import os
from flask import Blueprint, flash, redirect, url_for
from flask import abort, request, make_response
from flask_login import login_required, current_user, logout_user
from web import admin_required, render_title_template, before_request, speaking_language, unconfigured, \
login_required_if_no_ano, check_valid_domain
6 years ago
from cps import db, ub, Server, get_locale, config, app, updater_thread, babel
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
from babel.dates import format_datetime
from flask_babel import gettext as _
from babel import Locale as LC
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from gdriveutils import is_gdrive_ready, gdrive_support, downloadFile, deleteDatabaseOnChange, listRootFolders
import helper
from import generate_password_hash
from urllib.parse import quote
from imp import reload
except ImportError:
from urllib import quote
6 years ago
feature_support = dict()
6 years ago
from goodreads.client import GoodreadsClient
feature_support['goodreads'] = True
6 years ago
except ImportError:
feature_support['goodreads'] = False
6 years ago
import rarfile
feature_support['rar'] = True
6 years ago
except ImportError:
feature_support['rar'] = False
6 years ago
6 years ago
import ldap
feature_support['ldap'] = True
except ImportError:
feature_support['ldap'] = False
from oauth_bb import oauth_check
feature_support['oauth'] = True
except ImportError:
feature_support['oauth'] = False
oauth_check = {}
feature_support['gdrive'] = gdrive_support
6 years ago
admi = Blueprint('admin', __name__)
def admin_forbidden():
def shutdown():
task = int(request.args.get("parameter").strip())
if task == 1 or task == 0: # valid commandos received
# close all database connections
showtext = {}
if task == 0:
showtext['text'] = _(u'Server restarted, please reload page')
showtext['text'] = _(u'Performing shutdown of server, please close window')
# stop gevent/tornado server
return json.dumps(showtext)
if task == 2:
return json.dumps({})
def admin():
version = updater_thread.get_current_version_info()
if version is False:
commit = _(u'Unknown')
if 'datetime' in version:
commit = version['datetime']
tz = timedelta(seconds=time.timezone if (time.localtime().tm_isdst == 0) else time.altzone)
form_date = datetime.strptime(commit[:19], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
if len(commit) > 19: # check if string has timezone
if commit[19] == '+':
form_date -= timedelta(hours=int(commit[20:22]), minutes=int(commit[23:]))
elif commit[19] == '-':
form_date += timedelta(hours=int(commit[20:22]), minutes=int(commit[23:]))
commit = format_datetime(form_date - tz, format='short', locale=get_locale())
commit = version['version']
content = ub.session.query(ub.User).all()
settings = ub.session.query(ub.Settings).first()
return render_title_template("admin.html", content=content, email=settings, config=config, commit=commit,
title=_(u"Admin page"), page="admin")
@admi.route("/admin/config", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def configuration():
return configuration_helper(0)
@admi.route("/admin/viewconfig", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def view_configuration():
reboot_required = False
if request.method == "POST":
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
content = ub.session.query(ub.Settings).first()
if "config_calibre_web_title" in to_save:
content.config_calibre_web_title = to_save["config_calibre_web_title"]
if "config_columns_to_ignore" in to_save:
content.config_columns_to_ignore = to_save["config_columns_to_ignore"]
if "config_read_column" in to_save:
content.config_read_column = int(to_save["config_read_column"])
if "config_theme" in to_save:
content.config_theme = int(to_save["config_theme"])
if "config_title_regex" in to_save:
if content.config_title_regex != to_save["config_title_regex"]:
content.config_title_regex = to_save["config_title_regex"]
reboot_required = True
if "config_random_books" in to_save:
content.config_random_books = int(to_save["config_random_books"])
if "config_books_per_page" in to_save:
content.config_books_per_page = int(to_save["config_books_per_page"])
# Mature Content configuration
if "config_mature_content_tags" in to_save:
content.config_mature_content_tags = to_save["config_mature_content_tags"].strip()
# Default user configuration
content.config_default_role = 0
if "admin_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_ADMIN
if "download_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_DOWNLOAD
if "upload_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_UPLOAD
if "edit_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_EDIT
if "delete_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_DELETE_BOOKS
if "passwd_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_PASSWD
if "edit_shelf_role" in to_save:
content.config_default_role = content.config_default_role + ub.ROLE_EDIT_SHELFS
content.config_default_show = 0
if "show_detail_random" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.DETAIL_RANDOM
if "show_language" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_LANGUAGE
if "show_series" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_SERIES
if "show_category" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_CATEGORY
if "show_hot" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_HOT
if "show_random" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_RANDOM
if "show_author" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_AUTHOR
if "show_publisher" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_PUBLISHER
if "show_best_rated" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_BEST_RATED
if "show_read_and_unread" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_READ_AND_UNREAD
if "show_recent" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_RECENT
if "show_sorted" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.SIDEBAR_SORTED
if "show_mature_content" in to_save:
content.config_default_show = content.config_default_show + ub.MATURE_CONTENT
flash(_(u"Calibre-Web configuration updated"), category="success")
if reboot_required:
# db.engine.dispose() # ToDo verify correct
# ub.session.close()
# ub.engine.dispose()
# stop Server
Server.stopServer()'Reboot required, restarting')
readColumn = db.session.query(db.Custom_Columns)\
.filter(db.and_(db.Custom_Columns.datatype == 'bool',db.Custom_Columns.mark_for_delete == 0)).all()
return render_title_template("config_view_edit.html", content=config, readColumns=readColumn,
title=_(u"UI Configuration"), page="uiconfig")
@admi.route("/ajax/editdomain", methods=['POST'])
def edit_domain():
# POST /post
# name: 'username', //name of field (column in db)
# pk: 1 //primary key (record id)
# value: 'superuser!' //new value
vals = request.form.to_dict()
answer = ub.session.query(ub.Registration).filter( == vals['pk']).first()
# domain_name = request.args.get('domain')
answer.domain = vals['value'].replace('*', '%').replace('?', '_').lower()
return ""
@admi.route("/ajax/adddomain", methods=['POST'])
def add_domain():
domain_name = request.form.to_dict()['domainname'].replace('*', '%').replace('?', '_').lower()
check = ub.session.query(ub.Registration).filter(ub.Registration.domain == domain_name).first()
if not check:
new_domain = ub.Registration(domain=domain_name)
return ""
@admi.route("/ajax/deletedomain", methods=['POST'])
def delete_domain():
domain_id = request.form.to_dict()['domainid'].replace('*', '%').replace('?', '_').lower()
ub.session.query(ub.Registration).filter( == domain_id).delete()
# If last domain was deleted, add all domains by default
if not ub.session.query(ub.Registration).count():
new_domain = ub.Registration(domain="%.%")
return ""
def list_domain():
answer = ub.session.query(ub.Registration).all()
json_dumps = json.dumps([{"domain": r.domain.replace('%', '*').replace('_', '?'), "id":} for r in answer])
js = json.dumps(json_dumps.replace('"', "'")).lstrip('"').strip('"')
response = make_response(js.replace("'", '"'))
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
return response
6 years ago
@admi.route("/config", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def basic_configuration():
return configuration_helper(1)
def configuration_helper(origin):
reboot_required = False
gdriveError = None
db_change = False
success = False
filedata = None
if not feature_support['gdrive']:
6 years ago
gdriveError = _('Import of optional Google Drive requirements missing')
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, 'client_secrets.json')):
gdriveError = _('client_secrets.json is missing or not readable')
with open(os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, 'client_secrets.json'), 'r') as settings:
filedata = json.load(settings)
if 'web' not in filedata:
gdriveError = _('client_secrets.json is not configured for web application')
if request.method == "POST":
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
content = ub.session.query(ub.Settings).first() # type: ub.Settings
if "config_calibre_dir" in to_save:
if content.config_calibre_dir != to_save["config_calibre_dir"]:
content.config_calibre_dir = to_save["config_calibre_dir"]
db_change = True
# Google drive setup
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, 'settings.yaml')):
content.config_use_google_drive = False
if "config_use_google_drive" in to_save and not content.config_use_google_drive and not gdriveError:
if filedata:
if filedata['web']['redirect_uris'][0].endswith('/'):
filedata['web']['redirect_uris'][0] = filedata['web']['redirect_uris'][0][:-1]
with open(os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, 'settings.yaml'), 'w') as f:
yaml = "client_config_backend: settings\nclient_config_file: %(client_file)s\n" \
"client_config:\n" \
" client_id: %(client_id)s\n client_secret: %(client_secret)s\n" \
" redirect_uri: %(redirect_uri)s\n\nsave_credentials: True\n" \
"save_credentials_backend: file\nsave_credentials_file: %(credential)s\n\n" \
"get_refresh_token: True\n\noauth_scope:\n" \
" -\n"
f.write(yaml % {'client_file': os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, 'client_secrets.json'),
'client_id': filedata['web']['client_id'],
'client_secret': filedata['web']['client_secret'],
'redirect_uri': filedata['web']['redirect_uris'][0],
'credential': os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, 'gdrive_credentials')})
flash(_(u'client_secrets.json is not configured for web application'), category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
6 years ago
gfeature_support=feature_support, title=_(u"Basic Configuration"),
6 years ago
# always show google drive settings, but in case of error deny support
if "config_use_google_drive" in to_save and not gdriveError:
content.config_use_google_drive = "config_use_google_drive" in to_save
content.config_use_google_drive = 0
if "config_google_drive_folder" in to_save:
if content.config_google_drive_folder != to_save["config_google_drive_folder"]:
content.config_google_drive_folder = to_save["config_google_drive_folder"]
if "config_port" in to_save:
if content.config_port != int(to_save["config_port"]):
content.config_port = int(to_save["config_port"])
reboot_required = True
if "config_keyfile" in to_save:
if content.config_keyfile != to_save["config_keyfile"]:
if os.path.isfile(to_save["config_keyfile"]) or to_save["config_keyfile"] is u"":
content.config_keyfile = to_save["config_keyfile"]
reboot_required = True
flash(_(u'Keyfile location is not valid, please enter correct path'), category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
6 years ago
feature_support=feature_support, title=_(u"Basic Configuration"),
6 years ago
if "config_certfile" in to_save:
if content.config_certfile != to_save["config_certfile"]:
if os.path.isfile(to_save["config_certfile"]) or to_save["config_certfile"] is u"":
content.config_certfile = to_save["config_certfile"]
reboot_required = True
flash(_(u'Certfile location is not valid, please enter correct path'), category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
gdriveError=gdriveError, feature_support=feature_support,
title=_(u"Basic Configuration"), page="config")
6 years ago
content.config_uploading = 0
content.config_anonbrowse = 0
content.config_public_reg = 0
if "config_uploading" in to_save and to_save["config_uploading"] == "on":
content.config_uploading = 1
if "config_anonbrowse" in to_save and to_save["config_anonbrowse"] == "on":
content.config_anonbrowse = 1
if "config_public_reg" in to_save and to_save["config_public_reg"] == "on":
content.config_public_reg = 1
if "config_converterpath" in to_save:
content.config_converterpath = to_save["config_converterpath"].strip()
if "config_calibre" in to_save:
content.config_calibre = to_save["config_calibre"].strip()
if "config_ebookconverter" in to_save:
content.config_ebookconverter = int(to_save["config_ebookconverter"])
#LDAP configurator,
6 years ago
if "config_login_type" in to_save and to_save["config_login_type"] == "1":
6 years ago
if "config_ldap_provider_url" not in to_save or "config_ldap_dn" not in to_save:
flash(_(u'Please enter a LDAP provider and a DN'), category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
gdriveError=gdriveError, feature_support=feature_support,
title=_(u"Basic Configuration"), page="config")
6 years ago
6 years ago
content.config_login_type = ub.LOGIN_LDAP
6 years ago
content.config_ldap_provider_url = to_save["config_ldap_provider_url"]
content.config_ldap_dn = to_save["config_ldap_dn"]
db_change = True
# Remote login configuration
content.config_remote_login = ("config_remote_login" in to_save and to_save["config_remote_login"] == "on")
if not content.config_remote_login:
# Goodreads configuration
content.config_use_goodreads = ("config_use_goodreads" in to_save and to_save["config_use_goodreads"] == "on")
if "config_goodreads_api_key" in to_save:
content.config_goodreads_api_key = to_save["config_goodreads_api_key"]
if "config_goodreads_api_secret" in to_save:
content.config_goodreads_api_secret = to_save["config_goodreads_api_secret"]
if "config_updater" in to_save:
content.config_updatechannel = int(to_save["config_updater"])
# GitHub OAuth configuration
if "config_login_type" in to_save and to_save["config_login_type"] == "2":
if "config_github_oauth_client_id" in to_save:
content.config_github_oauth_client_id = to_save["config_github_oauth_client_id"]
if "config_github_oauth_client_secret" in to_save:
content.config_github_oauth_client_secret = to_save["config_github_oauth_client_secret"]
if content.config_github_oauth_client_id != config.config_github_oauth_client_id or \
content.config_github_oauth_client_secret != config.config_github_oauth_client_secret:
reboot_required = True
content.config_login_type = ub.LOGIN_OAUTH_GITHUB
6 years ago
# Google OAuth configuration
if "config_login_type" in to_save and to_save["config_login_type"] == "3":
if "config_google_oauth_client_id" in to_save:
content.config_google_oauth_client_id = to_save["config_google_oauth_client_id"]
if "config_google_oauth_client_secret" in to_save:
content.config_google_oauth_client_secret = to_save["config_google_oauth_client_secret"]
if content.config_google_oauth_client_id != config.config_google_oauth_client_id or \
content.config_google_oauth_client_secret != config.config_google_oauth_client_secret:
reboot_required = True
content.config_login_type = ub.LOGIN_OAUTH_GOOGLE
6 years ago
if "config_log_level" in to_save:
content.config_log_level = int(to_save["config_log_level"])
if content.config_logfile != to_save["config_logfile"]:
# check valid path, only path or file
if os.path.dirname(to_save["config_logfile"]):
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(to_save["config_logfile"])) and \
os.path.basename(to_save["config_logfile"]) and not os.path.isdir(to_save["config_logfile"]):
content.config_logfile = to_save["config_logfile"]
flash(_(u'Logfile location is not valid, please enter correct path'), category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
gdriveError=gdriveError, feature_support=feature_support,
title=_(u"Basic Configuration"), page="config")
6 years ago
content.config_logfile = to_save["config_logfile"]
reboot_required = True
# Rarfile Content configuration
if "config_rarfile_location" in to_save and to_save['config_rarfile_location'] is not u"":
check = helper.check_unrar(to_save["config_rarfile_location"].strip())
if not check[0] :
content.config_rarfile_location = to_save["config_rarfile_location"].strip()
flash(check[1], category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
feature_support=feature_support, title=_(u"Basic Configuration"))
6 years ago
if content.config_use_google_drive and is_gdrive_ready() and not \
os.path.exists(os.path.join(content.config_calibre_dir, "metadata.db")):
downloadFile(None, "metadata.db", config.config_calibre_dir + "/metadata.db")
if db_change:
if config.db_configured:
flash(_(u"Calibre-Web configuration updated"), category="success")
6 years ago
except Exception as e:
flash(e, category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
gdriveError=gdriveError, feature_support=feature_support,
6 years ago
title=_(u"Basic Configuration"), page="config")
if db_change:
if not db.setup_db():
flash(_(u'DB location is not valid, please enter correct path'), category="error")
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", content=config, origin=origin,
gdriveError=gdriveError, feature_support=feature_support,
6 years ago
title=_(u"Basic Configuration"), page="config")
if reboot_required:
# stop Server
Server.stopServer()'Reboot required, restarting')
if origin:
success = True
if is_gdrive_ready() and feature_support['gdrive'] is True: # and config.config_use_google_drive == True:
6 years ago
gdrivefolders = listRootFolders()
gdrivefolders = list()
return render_title_template("config_edit.html", origin=origin, success=success, content=config,
show_authenticate_google_drive=not is_gdrive_ready(),
gdriveError=gdriveError, gdrivefolders=gdrivefolders, feature_support=feature_support,
title=_(u"Basic Configuration"), page="config")
6 years ago
@admi.route("/admin/user/new", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def new_user():
content = ub.User()
languages = speaking_language()
translations = [LC('en')] + babel.list_translations()
if request.method == "POST":
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
content.default_language = to_save["default_language"]
content.mature_content = "show_mature_content" in to_save
if "locale" in to_save:
content.locale = to_save["locale"]
content.sidebar_view = 0
if "show_random" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_RANDOM
if "show_language" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_LANGUAGE
if "show_series" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_SERIES
if "show_category" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_CATEGORY
if "show_hot" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_HOT
if "show_read_and_unread" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_READ_AND_UNREAD
if "show_best_rated" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_BEST_RATED
if "show_author" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_AUTHOR
if "show_publisher" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_PUBLISHER
if "show_detail_random" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.DETAIL_RANDOM
if "show_sorted" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_SORTED
if "show_recent" in to_save:
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_RECENT
content.role = 0
if "admin_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_ADMIN
if "download_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_DOWNLOAD
if "upload_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_UPLOAD
if "edit_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_EDIT
if "delete_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_DELETE_BOOKS
if "passwd_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_PASSWD
if "edit_shelf_role" in to_save:
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_EDIT_SHELFS
if not to_save["nickname"] or not to_save["email"] or not to_save["password"]:
flash(_(u"Please fill out all fields!"), category="error")
return render_title_template("user_edit.html", new_user=1, content=content, translations=translations,
registered_oauth=oauth_check, title=_(u"Add new user"))
6 years ago
content.password = generate_password_hash(to_save["password"])
content.nickname = to_save["nickname"]
if config.config_public_reg and not check_valid_domain(to_save["email"]):
flash(_(u"E-mail is not from valid domain"), category="error")
return render_title_template("user_edit.html", new_user=1, content=content, translations=translations,
registered_oauth=oauth_check, title=_(u"Add new user"))
6 years ago
else: = to_save["email"]
flash(_(u"User '%(user)s' created", user=content.nickname), category="success")
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin'))
6 years ago
except IntegrityError:
flash(_(u"Found an existing account for this e-mail address or nickname."), category="error")
content.role = config.config_default_role
content.sidebar_view = config.config_default_show
content.mature_content = bool(config.config_default_show & ub.MATURE_CONTENT)
return render_title_template("user_edit.html", new_user=1, content=content, translations=translations,
languages=languages, title=_(u"Add new user"), page="newuser",
6 years ago
@admi.route("/admin/mailsettings", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def edit_mailsettings():
content = ub.session.query(ub.Settings).first()
if request.method == "POST":
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
content.mail_server = to_save["mail_server"]
content.mail_port = int(to_save["mail_port"])
content.mail_login = to_save["mail_login"]
content.mail_password = to_save["mail_password"]
content.mail_from = to_save["mail_from"]
content.mail_use_ssl = int(to_save["mail_use_ssl"])
except Exception as e:
flash(e, category="error")
if "test" in to_save and to_save["test"]:
if current_user.kindle_mail:
result = helper.send_test_mail(current_user.kindle_mail, current_user.nickname)
if result is None:
flash(_(u"Test e-mail successfully send to %(kindlemail)s", kindlemail=current_user.kindle_mail),
flash(_(u"There was an error sending the Test e-mail: %(res)s", res=result), category="error")
flash(_(u"Please configure your kindle e-mail address first..."), category="error")
flash(_(u"E-mail server settings updated"), category="success")
return render_title_template("email_edit.html", content=content, title=_(u"Edit e-mail server settings"),
@admi.route("/admin/user/<int:user_id>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def edit_user(user_id):
content = ub.session.query(ub.User).filter( == int(user_id)).first() # type: ub.User
downloads = list()
languages = speaking_language()
translations = babel.list_translations() + [LC('en')]
for book in content.downloads:
downloadbook = db.session.query(db.Books).filter( == book.book_id).first()
if downloadbook:
# ub.session.query(ub.Downloads).filter(book.book_id == ub.Downloads.book_id).delete()
# ub.session.commit()
if request.method == "POST":
to_save = request.form.to_dict()
if "delete" in to_save:
ub.session.query(ub.User).filter( ==
flash(_(u"User '%(nick)s' deleted", nick=content.nickname), category="success")
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin'))
6 years ago
if "password" in to_save and to_save["password"]:
content.password = generate_password_hash(to_save["password"])
if "admin_role" in to_save and not content.role_admin():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_ADMIN
elif "admin_role" not in to_save and content.role_admin():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_ADMIN
if "download_role" in to_save and not content.role_download():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_DOWNLOAD
elif "download_role" not in to_save and content.role_download():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_DOWNLOAD
if "upload_role" in to_save and not content.role_upload():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_UPLOAD
elif "upload_role" not in to_save and content.role_upload():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_UPLOAD
if "edit_role" in to_save and not content.role_edit():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_EDIT
elif "edit_role" not in to_save and content.role_edit():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_EDIT
if "delete_role" in to_save and not content.role_delete_books():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_DELETE_BOOKS
elif "delete_role" not in to_save and content.role_delete_books():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_DELETE_BOOKS
if "passwd_role" in to_save and not content.role_passwd():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_PASSWD
elif "passwd_role" not in to_save and content.role_passwd():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_PASSWD
if "edit_shelf_role" in to_save and not content.role_edit_shelfs():
content.role = content.role + ub.ROLE_EDIT_SHELFS
elif "edit_shelf_role" not in to_save and content.role_edit_shelfs():
content.role = content.role - ub.ROLE_EDIT_SHELFS
if "show_random" in to_save and not content.show_random_books():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_RANDOM
elif "show_random" not in to_save and content.show_random_books():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_RANDOM
if "show_language" in to_save and not content.show_language():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_LANGUAGE
elif "show_language" not in to_save and content.show_language():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_LANGUAGE
if "show_series" in to_save and not content.show_series():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_SERIES
elif "show_series" not in to_save and content.show_series():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_SERIES
if "show_category" in to_save and not content.show_category():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_CATEGORY
elif "show_category" not in to_save and content.show_category():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_CATEGORY
if "show_recent" in to_save and not content.show_recent():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_RECENT
elif "show_recent" not in to_save and content.show_recent():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_RECENT
if "show_sorted" in to_save and not content.show_sorted():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_SORTED
elif "show_sorted" not in to_save and content.show_sorted():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_SORTED
if "show_publisher" in to_save and not content.show_publisher():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_PUBLISHER
elif "show_publisher" not in to_save and content.show_publisher():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_PUBLISHER
if "show_hot" in to_save and not content.show_hot_books():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_HOT
elif "show_hot" not in to_save and content.show_hot_books():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_HOT
if "show_best_rated" in to_save and not content.show_best_rated_books():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_BEST_RATED
elif "show_best_rated" not in to_save and content.show_best_rated_books():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_BEST_RATED
if "show_read_and_unread" in to_save and not content.show_read_and_unread():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_READ_AND_UNREAD
elif "show_read_and_unread" not in to_save and content.show_read_and_unread():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_READ_AND_UNREAD
if "show_author" in to_save and not content.show_author():
content.sidebar_view += ub.SIDEBAR_AUTHOR
elif "show_author" not in to_save and content.show_author():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.SIDEBAR_AUTHOR
if "show_detail_random" in to_save and not content.show_detail_random():
content.sidebar_view += ub.DETAIL_RANDOM
elif "show_detail_random" not in to_save and content.show_detail_random():
content.sidebar_view -= ub.DETAIL_RANDOM
content.mature_content = "show_mature_content" in to_save
if "default_language" in to_save:
content.default_language = to_save["default_language"]
if "locale" in to_save and to_save["locale"]:
content.locale = to_save["locale"]
if to_save["email"] and to_save["email"] != = to_save["email"]
if "kindle_mail" in to_save and to_save["kindle_mail"] != content.kindle_mail:
content.kindle_mail = to_save["kindle_mail"]
flash(_(u"User '%(nick)s' updated", nick=content.nickname), category="success")
except IntegrityError:
flash(_(u"An unknown error occured."), category="error")
return render_title_template("user_edit.html", translations=translations, languages=languages, new_user=0,
content=content, downloads=downloads, registered_oauth=oauth_check,
title=_(u"Edit User %(nick)s", nick=content.nickname), page="edituser")
6 years ago
def reset_password(user_id):
if not config.config_public_reg:
if current_user is not None and current_user.is_authenticated:
existing_user = ub.session.query(ub.User).filter( == user_id).first()
password = helper.generate_random_password()
existing_user.password = generate_password_hash(password)
helper.send_registration_mail(, existing_user.nickname, password, True)
flash(_(u"Password for user %(user)s reset", user=existing_user.nickname), category="success")
except Exception:
flash(_(u"An unknown error occurred. Please try again later."), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('admin.admin'))
6 years ago
@admi.route("/get_update_status", methods=['GET'])
def get_update_status():
return updater_thread.get_available_updates(request.method)
@admi.route("/get_updater_status", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def get_updater_status():
status = {}
if request.method == "POST":
commit = request.form.to_dict()
if "start" in commit and commit['start'] == 'True':
text = {
"1": _(u'Requesting update package'),
"2": _(u'Downloading update package'),
"3": _(u'Unzipping update package'),
"4": _(u'Replacing files'),
"5": _(u'Database connections are closed'),
"6": _(u'Stopping server'),
"7": _(u'Update finished, please press okay and reload page'),
"8": _(u'Update failed:') + u' ' + _(u'HTTP Error'),
"9": _(u'Update failed:') + u' ' + _(u'Connection error'),
"10": _(u'Update failed:') + u' ' + _(u'Timeout while establishing connection'),
"11": _(u'Update failed:') + u' ' + _(u'General error')
status['text'] = text
# helper.updater_thread = helper.Updater()
status['status'] = updater_thread.get_update_status()
elif request.method == "GET":
status['status'] = updater_thread.get_update_status()
except AttributeError:
# thread is not active, occurs after restart on update
status['status'] = 7
except Exception:
status['status'] = 11
return json.dumps(status)