You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

331 lines
14 KiB

6 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Calibre-Web (
# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 OzzieIsaacs, cervinko, jkrehm, bodybybuddha, ok11,
# andy29485, idalin, Kyosfonica, wuqi, Kennyl, lemmsh,
# falgh1, grunjol, csitko, ytils, xybydy, trasba, vrabe,
# ruben-herold, marblepebble, JackED42, SiphonSquirrel,
# apetresc, nanu-c, mutschler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# opds routing functions
from cps import config, db
6 years ago
from flask import request, render_template, Response, g, make_response
from pagination import Pagination
from flask import Blueprint
import datetime
import ub
from flask_login import current_user
from functools import wraps
from web import login_required_if_no_ano, common_filters, get_search_results, render_read_books, download_required
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, text
6 years ago
import helper
from import check_password_hash
from helper import fill_indexpage
import sys
6 years ago
from urllib.parse import quote
except ImportError:
from urllib import quote
opds = Blueprint('opds', __name__)
def requires_basic_auth_if_no_ano(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
auth = request.authorization
if config.config_anonbrowse != 1:
if not auth or not check_auth(auth.username, auth.password):
return authenticate()
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
6 years ago
def feed_index():
return render_xml_template('index.xml')
def feed_osd():
return render_xml_template('osd.xml', lang='en-EN')
@opds.route("/opds/search", defaults={'query': ""})
6 years ago
def feed_cc_search(query):
return feed_search(query.strip())
@opds.route("/opds/search", methods=["GET"])
def feed_normal_search():
return feed_search(request.args.get("query").strip())
def feed_new():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries, __, pagination = fill_indexpage((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
db.Books, True, [db.Books.timestamp.desc()])
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_discover():
entries = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(common_filters()).order_by(func.random())\
pagination = Pagination(1, config.config_books_per_page, int(config.config_books_per_page))
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_best_rated():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries, __, pagination = fill_indexpage((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
db.Books, db.Books.ratings.any(db.Ratings.rating > 9), [db.Books.timestamp.desc()])
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_hot():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
all_books = ub.session.query(ub.Downloads, ub.func.count(ub.Downloads.book_id)).order_by(
hot_books = all_books.offset(off).limit(config.config_books_per_page)
entries = list()
for book in hot_books:
downloadBook = db.session.query(db.Books).filter( == book.Downloads.book_id).first()
if downloadBook:
.filter( == book.Downloads.book_id).first()
# ub.session.query(ub.Downloads).filter(book.Downloads.book_id == ub.Downloads.book_id).delete()
# ub.session.commit()
numBooks = entries.__len__()
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
config.config_books_per_page, numBooks)
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_authorindex():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries = db.session.query(db.Authors).join(db.books_authors_link).join(db.Books).filter(common_filters())\
6 years ago
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1), config.config_books_per_page,
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', listelements=entries, folder='opds.feed_author', pagination=pagination)
def feed_author(book_id):
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries, __, pagination = fill_indexpage((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
db.Books, db.Books.authors.any( == book_id), [db.Books.timestamp.desc()])
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_publisherindex():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries = db.session.query(db.Publishers).join(db.books_publishers_link).join(db.Books).filter(common_filters())\
6 years ago
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1), config.config_books_per_page,
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', listelements=entries, folder='opds.feed_publisher', pagination=pagination)
def feed_publisher(book_id):
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries, __, pagination = fill_indexpage((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
db.Books, db.Books.publishers.any( == book_id),
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_categoryindex():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries = db.session.query(db.Tags).join(db.books_tags_link).join(db.Books).filter(common_filters())\
6 years ago
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1), config.config_books_per_page,
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', listelements=entries, folder='opds.feed_category', pagination=pagination)
def feed_category(book_id):
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries, __, pagination = fill_indexpage((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
db.Books, db.Books.tags.any( == book_id), [db.Books.timestamp.desc()])
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
def feed_seriesindex():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries = db.session.query(db.Series).join(db.books_series_link).join(db.Books).filter(common_filters())\
6 years ago
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1), config.config_books_per_page,
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', listelements=entries, folder='opds.feed_series', pagination=pagination)
def feed_series(book_id):
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
entries, __, pagination = fill_indexpage((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1),
db.Books, db.Books.series.any( == book_id), [db.Books.series_index])
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
@opds.route("/opds/shelfindex/", defaults={'public': 0})
def feed_shelfindex(public):
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
if public is not 0:
shelf = g.public_shelfes
number = len(shelf)
shelf = g.user.shelf
number = shelf.count()
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1), config.config_books_per_page,
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', listelements=shelf, folder='opds.feed_shelf', pagination=pagination)
def feed_shelf(book_id):
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
if current_user.is_anonymous:
shelf = ub.session.query(ub.Shelf).filter(ub.Shelf.is_public == 1, == book_id).first()
shelf = ub.session.query(ub.Shelf).filter(ub.or_(ub.and_(ub.Shelf.user_id == int(, == book_id),
ub.and_(ub.Shelf.is_public == 1, == book_id))).first()
result = list()
# user is allowed to access shelf
if shelf:
books_in_shelf = ub.session.query(ub.BookShelf).filter(ub.BookShelf.shelf == book_id).order_by(
for book in books_in_shelf:
cur_book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter( == book.book_id).first()
pagination = Pagination((int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1), config.config_books_per_page,
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', entries=result, pagination=pagination)
def opds_download_link(book_id, book_format):
return helper.get_download_link(book_id,book_format)
6 years ago
def get_metadata_calibre_companion(uuid):
entry = db.session.query(db.Books).filter("%" + uuid + "%")).first()
if entry is not None:
js = render_template('json.txt', entry=entry)
response = make_response(js)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
return response
return ""
def feed_search(term):
if term:
term = term.strip().lower()
entries = get_search_results( term)
entriescount = len(entries) if len(entries) > 0 else 1
pagination = Pagination(1, entriescount, entriescount)
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', searchterm=term, entries=entries, pagination=pagination)
return render_xml_template('feed.xml', searchterm="")
def check_auth(username, password):
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
user = ub.session.query(ub.User).filter(func.lower(ub.User.nickname) ==
6 years ago
return bool(user and check_password_hash(user.password, password))
def authenticate():
return Response(
'Could not verify your access level for that URL.\n'
'You have to login with proper credentials', 401,
{'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'})
def render_xml_template(*args, **kwargs):
#ToDo: return time in current timezone similar to %z
currtime ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00")
xml = render_template(current_time=currtime, instance=config.config_calibre_web_title, *args, **kwargs)
6 years ago
response = make_response(xml)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8"
return response
def feed_get_cover(book_id):
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter( == book_id).first()
return helper.get_book_cover(book.path)
def feed_read_books():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
return render_read_books(int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1, True, True)
def feed_unread_books():
off = request.args.get("offset") or 0
return render_read_books(int(off) / (int(config.config_books_per_page)) + 1, False, True)