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<p>*A note to the reader:</p>
<p>This text has been edited with the intention to be published in a very specific form; a hyperlinked index of the <a href="Tasks_of_the_Contingent_Librarian.html" class="alert-link" target="recto">tasks of the contingent librarian</a>. These tasks, performed on the site of contingencies, the bootleg library, are described on the obverse, and related images and links to snippets are on the reverse.</p>
<p>Please read it while flipping through, shuffling and reordering them, making your own text as you read.</p>
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<p>*A note to the reader:</p>
<p>This text has been edited with the intention to be published in a very specific form; a hyperlinked index of the <a href="Tasks_of_the_Contingent_Librarian.html" class="alert-link" target="recto">tasks of the contingent librarian</a>. These tasks, performed on the site of contingencies, the bootleg library, are described on the obverse, and related images and links to snippets are on the reverse.</p>
<p>Please read it while flipping through, shuffling and reordering them, making your own text as you read.</p>
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