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< title > Tasks of the Contingent Librarian< / title >
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< div class = "card" > < DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT > < div class = "mw-parser-output" > < h1 > < span class = "mw-headline" id = "consulting" > consulting< / span > < span class = "mw-editsection" > < span class = "mw-editsection-bracket" > [< / span > < a href = "/mw-mediadesign/index.php?title=User:Simon/Consulting&action=edit&section=1" title = "Edit section: consulting" > edit< / a > < span class = "mw-editsection-bracket" > ]< / span > < / span > < / h1 >
< p > see also < a href = "Administrating.html" title = "User:Simon/Administrating" > administrating< / a > , < a href = "Making_public.html" title = "User:Simon/Making public" > making public< / a > , < a href = "Networking.html" title = "User:Simon/Networking" > networking< / a > , < a href = "Uploading.html" title = "User:Simon/Uploading" > uploading< / a >
< / p > < p > The library is for all, and made by all. There is no singular embedded librarian, because everyone is a librarian, and the library is everywhere. I’ m not interested in developing the “perfect” system in isolation and then dictating how it should be used, I’ m interested in asking how people want to use systems, and developing them together. < i > Technical development is ongoing in line with feedback from bootleg library sessions< / i > .
< / p > < p > Image: bootleg library session at Onomatopee Projects, Eindhoven, as part of < i > Meeting Grounds< / i > , 6th March, 2020
< / p >
NewPP limit report
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Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)
100.00% 0.000 1 -total
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