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4 years ago
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<div class="card"><DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT><div class="mw-parser-output"><pre>bootleg library sessions at WdKA
10:20-10:50, 10:50-11:20, 11:20-11:50
Attendees: Simon, Mia, Angeliki
multiple languages?
possibly hard to find in their native language e.g. slovene PDFs
šum magazine:
buttons! red button is very attractive
download everything at once in a shelf?
categories - and sub-categories?
tags and categories separate?
categories chosen by drop-down, tags individually decided
temporality, personal aspect of tags e.g. #trending
tags become keywords
+ recently added
+ hot books
from book view - can you make a new shelf there?
related books in book view - e.g. you may also like (and can be related to tags/categories)
Simon's favourite pirate libraries (by invitation only)
bootleg library link &amp; link to pad on the main page of the wiki?
journal articles - how do you enter in autumn 1977 in publishing date?
case sensitivity for tags?
JSTOR watermarking - how do we remove this/ use our own watermarks?
Martino knows how to remove watermarks
remove watermark from pdf:
sed -e "s/watermarktextstring/ /g" &lt;input.pdf &gt;unwatermarked.pdf &amp;&amp; pdftk unwatermarked.pdf output fixed.pdf &amp;&amp; mv fixed.pdf unwatermarked.pdf
10:00-10:30, 10:30-11:00
Attendees: Simon, Ugo
French language texts - classic &amp; contemporary social sciences from University of Quebec
Collective Memory - Maurice Halbwachs
Georg Simmel - The Philosophy of Money
Google Scholar for academic texts?
Descriptions for non-English books, not in English?
date of publication - had to click on 2/1/1925 to enter 1/1/1925!!!
"Upload Format" vs Submit button - a bit confusing at the moment
10:00-10:30, 10:30-11:00
Attendees: Simon, Sonia, Wilma
Sonia - using Zotero a lot at the moment, likes writing tags
library loaded in French on Chrome!
uploading - can't upload large files!!!
difficult with tagging people - hard to remember who the reference was
At some point people will look for specific things, when the collection grows
How do I browse everything?
LB is very self-directed
Finding contemporary references is hard - easy to find Susan Sontag, Flusser, but what about today?
found references through other books - e.g. non-human photography &gt; anthropology of tourism
not often through people
it's about having a space to have conversations - reading groups etc
focus group classes: what is artistic research?
Wilma Knol (librarian at Research Station), ginger koons, Jojanneke Gijsen
memory of the library - remembering student through books they borrowed
e.g. painters who borrowed Phillip Guston books
From 12-1 December 11th in the library
"make a sustainable library for the future" directive from management - inclusivity
library thing - open source library
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