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<div class="card"><DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT><div class="mw-parser-output"><h1><span id="acquiring/removing"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="acquiring.2Fremoving">acquiring/removing</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/mw-mediadesign/index.php?title=User:Simon/Acquiring_Removing&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: acquiring/removing">edit</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h1>
<p>see also <a href="Administrating.html" title="User:Simon/Administrating">administrating</a>, <a href="Finding_texts.html" title="User:Simon/Finding texts">finding texts</a>, <a href="Downloading.html" title="User:Simon/Downloading">downloading</a>
</p><p>Many national libraries have acquisition programs in place with stringent, highly formalised procedures through which new texts enter the collection. Some countries require that an officially published book is donated to their national library by way of a system called “legal deposit”. Purchase of a commercial identifier such as an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) allows the book to be registered, so that other libraries that subsequently acquire the same text may share cataloguing details.
</p><p>The library makes no such demands. Books are acquired through informal means, in ways that are not regulated or legislated. Anyone may remove or add texts to the library.
</p><p>Image: ISBN barcode
<a class="flipside" href="Acquiring_Removing_rvrs.html" target="recto">flipside</a>
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