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< a class = "heading" href = "Administrating.html" target = "verso" > Library of Contingencies*< / a > < br >
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< p > *A note to the reader:< / p >
< p > This text has been edited with the intention to be published in a very specific form; a hyperlinked index of the < a href = "Tasks_of_the_Contingent_Librarian.html" class = "alert-link" target = "recto" > tasks of the contingent librarian< / a > . These tasks, performed on the site of contingencies, the bootleg library, are described on the obverse, and related images and links to snippets are on the reverse.< / p >
< p > Please read it while flipping through, shuffling and reordering them, making your own text as you read.< / p >
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< script >
var listoftasks = ["Acquiring_Removing", "Administrating", "Amateuring", "Annotating", "Being_kind_to_the_reader", "Bootlegging", "Cleaning_up_text", "Consulting", "Digitising_Printing", "Diversifying_through_use", "Downloading", "Editing", "Finding_texts", "Glossing", "Human_reading", "Human_writing", "Including_Excluding", "Indexing", "Inter-depending", "Inviting", "Keeping_private", "Machine_reading", "Machine_writing", "Making_it_public_Keeping_it_private", "Making_public", "Meeting_in_small_rooms_in_small_groups", "Multiplying_form", "Networking", "Open-sourcing", "Producing_texts", "Professionalising", "Proprietorising", "Reading", "Reading_Writing", "Rebinding", "Repaginating", "Reprinting", "Republishing", "Rereferencing", "Scanning", "Searching_Browsing", "Skimming", "Skimming_Scanning", "Technologising_the_word", "Trusting", "Typing", "Understanding_texts", "Uploading", "Writing"];
let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * listoftasks.length);
let pick = listoftasks[randomIndex]
verso_first_pick = pick + ".html";
recto_first_pick = pick + "_rvrs.html";
verso.location.href = verso_first_pick;
recto.location.href = recto_first_pick;
console.log("picking this as first " + recto_first_pick);
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