An interactive archive for the Entreprecariat Reader.
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
rita ce4d55e669 Upload files to '' 4 年前
css css files 5 年前
1600px-Entreprecariat_reader2.jpg Upload files to '' 4 年前 Upload files to '' 4 年前
economy.html first draft of all files 5 年前
emerging-classes.html first draft of all files 5 年前
entrepreneurship.html first draft of all files 5 年前
fakeit.html first draft of all files 5 年前
index.html the index file 5 年前
labour-and-burnout.html first draft of all files 5 年前
new-media.html first draft of all files 5 年前
politics.html first draft of all files 5 年前
space.html first draft of all files 5 年前

Entreprecariat Reader

This website is the first prototype of an interactive archive for the Entreprecariat Reader. In this reader, we selected and archived eight pieces of texts that reflect the topic of Entreprecarism.

Based on the content of each text we have created seven categories that you can choose to order texts according to your interests.

These categories are: Entrepreneurship, Economy, Emerging Classes, Labour and Burnout, New Media, Politics and Space.

Project with Biyi Wen, Tancredi di Giovanni and Bohye Woo

Reader image