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This is a little file to explain what's going on in these folders.
the folder 'layout' contains >
the folder 'paged.js_files' > the library Paged.js
Paged.js is a free and open source JavaScript library that paginates
content in the browser to create PDF output from any HTML content.)
the folder 'styles' > there are three different .css files that change
the layout.
the 'index.html' > where you can visualize the rendering of the layout.
It works through a live server, that means that you have to simulate a
server in your computer: how?
you can use python, opening the terminal/cmd and digit >
python3 -m http.server
you can use Visual Studio Code with the extension "Live Server"
the folder 'speech' contains >
the 'index.html' > in order to visualize which words are recognized by
the Speech-to-text
the 'style.css' > where is written the layout of the html page
the index.js > where is written the code to use the Speech-to-text app