poni 3 years ago
commit 3ed6ba92dd

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -9,9 +9,15 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<button id="save">Save</button>
<button id="reset">Reset</button>
<div id="result"></div>
<div id="process"></div>
<div class="ui">
<button id="save">Save</button>
<button id="reset">Reset</button>
<div class="speech">
<div id="result"></div>
<div id="process"></div>

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
// ARRAY DI PAROLE NORMALE, POI PYTHON -> split, for loop, POS e <span con classe POS in html
// The Myth of the Natural Language %%
// Speech2Design!!
// Welcome to the core-code of the Speech-to-text
// The tool we are gonna use is the "Web Speech API".
// What is an API?
// An API is a set of defined rules that explain how computers or applications communicate with one another.
// APIs sit between an application and the web server, acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems.
let interimTranscripts = ""; // Variable for interim results, the Speech-to-text try different worlds before to give us the most correct one.
let allTheInterim = ""; // Variable to store *all* the interim results
let finalTranscripts = ""; // Variable for the final transcripts
// To define bridges to the html file:
let speech = document.getElementById("result"); // where to print the final result of the recognition
let process = document.getElementById("process"); // and here the process, print the current sentence with interim results
let textStorage = localStorage.getItem("speech"); // This define where to save the results.
speech.innerHTML = textStorage; // LocalStorage is a type of web storage that allows you to access a local Storage object and store the data in the browser with no expiration date.
finalTranscripts = textStorage;
let resetStorage = document.getElementById("reset"); // This will just reset, through a button, all the results got by that moment.
// Reset everything!!!
resetStorage.addEventListener("click", () => {
allTheInterim = "";
finalTranscripts = "";
interimTranscripts = "";
speech.innerHTML = "";
textStorage = "";
localStorage.setItem("speech", "");
let saveButton = document.getElementById("save"); // This will let you save the results in your desktop through a button
saveButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
download("speech.txt", localStorage.getItem("speech"));
function download(filename, text) {
var element = document.createElement("a");
element.setAttribute("href", "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(text));
element.setAttribute("download", filename); = "none";
startConverting(); // Finally, here is where the magic happen.
function startConverting() {
if ("webkitSpeechRecognition" in window) {
// Declaring here the API
let speechRecognizer = new webkitSpeechRecognition() || new SpeechRecognition();
// And here the settings, like
speechRecognizer.continuous = true; // if the recognition should continue or stop when you finish to talk
speechRecognizer.interimResults = true; // if you want also get the interim results
speechRecognizer.lang = "en-US"; // which language you want to recognize (!!)
speechRecognizer.start(); // and then start :))
speechRecognizer.onend = function () {
// If the Speech-to-text stops to work, it will be notified in the console...
console.log("Speech recognition service disconnected");
speechRecognizer.start(); // and then restart itself
speechRecognizer.onsoundstart = function () {
// When it starts the Speech-to-text, it will be notified in the console
console.log("Some sound is being received");
speechRecognizer.onerror = function (event) {
// Log the error
speechRecognizer.onresult = function (event) {
// Here is where the Speech-to-text show itself on the web page.
interimTranscripts = "";
for (let i = event.resultIndex; i < event.results.length; i++) {
let transcript = event.results[i][0].transcript;
transcript.replace("\n", "<br>");
if (event.results[i].isFinal) {
finalTranscripts += transcript + "\n";
} else {
// There are also shown the interim results and according to their "confidence" (the percentage of how much the word is correct) the color of each word could change
interimTranscripts += transcript;
allTheInterim += `<span style="opacity:
${event.results[i][0].confidence + 0.3}
"> ${interimTranscripts} </span> `;
process.innerHTML = allTheInterim;
let final =
finalTranscripts + '<span class="interim">' + interimTranscripts + "</span>";
speech.innerHTML = final;
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
textStorage = final;
cleanup = localStorage.setItem(
final.replace(/(<span class="interim">)/g, "").replace(/(<\/span>)/g, "")
); // Here is where is stored the recognized text in the Local Storage
} else {
// Unfortunately this API works only on Chrome...
speech.innerHTML = "At the moment this works only in Chrome, sorry";
// October 2021, copyleft || Kamome and Funix || Speech-to-Derive * The Myth of Natural Language || Roodkapje, Rotterdam

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
body {
margin: 0;
scroll-behavior: smooth;
.interim {
color: #999;
#result {
font-size: 2rem;
padding-right: 1em;
align-self: flex-end;
.speech {
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 64px;
padding: 32px;
display: flex;
transition: height 0.3s ease-out;
.speech > * {
flex: 1 0 45%;
.ui {
position: fixed;
background-color: white;
top: 0;
z-index: 100;
width: calc(100% - 64px);
display: flex;
padding: 8px 0;
margin: 0 32px;
.ui h1 {
margin: 0;
font-size: 2rem;
font-weight: normal;
margin-right: auto;
#save {
border: 1px solid currentColor;
border-radius: 2rem;
font-size: 1rem;
padding: 0.5em;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background-color: transparent;
cursor: pointer;
margin-right: 1rem;
#save:hover {
color: green;
#reset {
border: none;
background-color: transparent;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 1rem;
cursor: pointer;
#reset:hover {
color: red;

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# October 2021, copyleft || Kamome and Funix || Speech-to-Derive * The Myth of Natural Language || Roodkapje, Rotterdam
# NLTK (Natural Language ToolKit) is a library for Natural Language Process.
# We will use it to get the Part Of Speech (POS) of the speech-to-text results.
# What does it mean?
# It works as grammar tagging: for instance, the sentence "Around the clouds"
# would have this output:
# [('Around', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('clouds', 'NN')]
# 'IN' means 'preposition' - 'DT' means 'determiner' - 'NN' means 'noun, common, singular or mass'
import time # to create delays :: for having a few seconds to check the console
import nltk # to use NLTK
# Open the speech-to-text result :: downloaded from the web interface >>
with open('../speech.txt','r') as speech: # let's import the text
text = # and make python read it :)
print(text) # print it!
time.sleep(2) # check it in the console!
text = text.replace('<span class="interim"></span>','').replace('\n','. ') # delete this from the results
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text) # Tokenize the words :: split each word
pos = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) # Elaborate the Part of Speech! It will create an array, a list
print(pos) # print the array!
time.sleep(2) # check it in the console!
# To see all the POS tags, open the terminal and copy:
# python3
# import nltk
# start the layouting :: html + css + paged.js >>
# declare html :: we will fill it in the process with loops
# declare the first part of the text for two html files with different CSS
html = ''
html1 = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
html2 = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/2.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
# Process each element of the list
for e in pos: # e is the current element, pos is the array to process
if e[0] == '.': # if e is a dot, its class will be 'dot'
html += " <span class='dot'>.</span><br> \n"
else: # fill the html with each word and assign it as class its POS
html += " <span class='"+e[1]+"'> "+e[0]+" </span>\n"
# Close the html text
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(' .','.').replace(" '", "'") # to tidy wrong " . " and " ' " position
# Save the <html> files!
with open('../2_layout/1.html','w') as index:
with open('../2_layout/2.html','w') as index:

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# October 2021, copyleft || Kamome and Funix || Speech-to-Derive * The Myth of Natural Language || Roodkapje, Rotterdam
# Scrape images from DuckDuckGo
# With duckduckgo_images_api!
from duckduckgo_images_api import search # import the library for scrape
import time # to create delays :: for having a few seconds to check the console
with open('../speech.txt','r') as speech: # let's import the text
qq = speech.readlines() # and split it in lines, it will create an array, a list
print(qq) # print the array!
time.sleep(2) # check qq in the console!
# declare the first part of the text of the html, we will fill it
# in the process with loops
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/3.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
# Elaborate each line :: process every element of the array qq
# q is for "query", qq for "queries", because we will send requests to
# DuckDuckGo searching the text of each line of speech.txt
for q in qq:
print(q) # print the q!
time.sleep(2) # check current q in the console!
q = q.strip()
if q == '''<span class="interim"></span>''': # This nope.
q = q.replace("\n","") # remove "\n", which means "return to the next line"
# Scrape images with search()!
# q is, indeed, the query for DuckDuckGo
results = search(q)
r = results["results"][0]["image"] # get the http link to the image
html += f""" <span> {q} </span>\n""" # Now let's fill the html with text and the pic
html += f""" <img src='{r}'>\n"""
# Close the html text
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(" '", "'")
with open(',,/2_layout/3.html','w') as index: # Save the <html> file!

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# October 2021, copyleft || Kamome and Funix || Speech-to-Derive * The Myth of Natural Language || Roodkapje, Rotterdam
# Bonus!
# Scrape and download images in local from DuckDuckGo
# with DuckDuckGoImages!
import DuckDuckGoImages as ddg # import the library for scrape
import os # to manipulate the file system
import shutil # same but powerfull >:D
import time # to create delays :: for having a few seconds to check the console
import random # to get random numbers
# Prepare the local folder :: where the images will be saved >>
if os.path.isdir('./images/'): # check if the folder "images" exists
shutil.rmtree('./images/') # if yes, delete it
os.mkdir('./images/') # and then create a fresh new one
# start the layouting :: html + css + paged.js >>
# declare the first part of the text of the html, we will fill it
# in the process with loops
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/3.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
# Open the speech-to-text result :: downloaded from the web interface >>
with open('../speech.txt','r') as speech: # let's import the text
qq = speech.readlines() # and split it in lines, it will create an array, a list
print(qq) # print the array!
time.sleep(2) # check qq in the console!
# Elaborate each line :: process every element of the array qq
# q is for "query", qq for "queries", because we will send requests to
# DuckDuckGo searching the text of each line of speech.txt
for q in qq:
print(q) # print the q!
time.sleep(2) # check current q in the console!
if q == '''<span class="interim"></span>''': # This nope.
qBinded = q.replace(' ','') # qBinded is the current q but without spaces and "\n", which
qBinded = qBinded.replace("\n","") # means "return to the next line";
# because we will qBinded to name each file downloaded
os.mkdir(f'./images/{qBinded}') # create the folder with the name given by qBinded
print(qBinded) # print qBinded!
time.sleep(2) # check current q in the console!
# Scrape images with! :: we imported DuckDuckGoImages *as* ddg,
# it's just compacted the name
# q is, indeed, the query for DuckDuckGo
# folder=(../path/to/download)
# max_urls=(how many results attempt to scrape
# thumbnails=(True/False, to download thumbnails or bigger images), folder= f"./images/{qBinded}/", max_urls=10, thumbnails=True)
picsList = os.listdir(f"./images/{qBinded}/") # get the contents of the folder, it will create another array
# each downloaded image will have a randomic UUIDv4 name so next step is
# to change its name with the name of the current q
print("List of pics:", picsList) # Check how many downloaded pictures!
time.sleep(2) # check in the console!
if len(picsList) == 0: # if the the list is empty..
html += f'<span class="{qBinded}">{q}</span><br><br>' # ..add now the <html> for just the text, since there are no images downloaded..
html += "\n"
os.rmdir(f'./images/{qBinded}/') # ..and delete the folder created, since is useless..
continue # ..from now on this q can't do anything more, let's go to the next iteration
# Layout q and its pic!
r = random.randint(0,len(picsList)) # get a random number from 0 to the lenght of the array {in compiuters 0 means the first!! :]] }
pic = picsList[r] # let's take a random picture from the array
os.rename(f'./images/{qBinded}/{pic}', f'./images/{qBinded}/{qBinded}.jpg') # This is to rename the pic with qBinded + the .jpg extension
os.replace(f'./images/{qBinded}/{qBinded}.jpg', f'./images/{qBinded}.jpg') # This is to move the pic to the main folder
shutil.rmtree(f'./images/{qBinded}/') # and it's time to delete the folder of this q
html += f""" <span class="{qBinded}">{q}</span>""" # Now let's fill the html with text and the pic
html += "\n"
html += f""" <span><img src="./images/{qBinded}.jpg"></span>"""
html += "\n"
# Close the html text
html += '''</body>
with open('../2_layout/localpics.html','w') as index: # Save the <html> file!

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
First, you need python. You can download Python from its website:
If you need to install NLTK, open the terminal and copy:
pip3 install nltk
import nltk'tagsets')'')
If you need to install duckduckgo-images-api, open the terminal and digit:
pip3 install duckduckgo-images-api
If you need to install DuckDuckGoImages, open the terminal and digit:
pip3 install DuckDuckGoImages

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
<span class='JJ'> ok </span>
<span class='NN'> let </span>
<span class='POS'>'s </span>
<span class='NN'> talk </span>
<span class='IN'> in </span>
<span class='NNP'> English </span>
<span class='IN'> for </span>
<span class='NN'> awhile </span>
<span class='WP'> what </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='PRP'> we </span>
<span class='VBG'> eating </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> or </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='IN'> so </span>
<span class='PRP'> it </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='VBG'> starting </span>
<span class='RB'> again </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='JJ'> ok </span>
<span class='NN'> navigate </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> you </span>
<span class='VBP'> need </span>
<span class='TO'> to </span>
<span class='VB'> rest </span>
<span class='RB'> sometimes </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> also </span>
<span class='VBD'> implemented </span>
<span class='IN'> that </span>
<span class='VBG'> implementing </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> he </span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> sentence </span>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='PRP'> we </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='JJ'> interested </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='VB'> remember </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so </span>
<span class='RB'> basically </span>
<span class='NN'> sentence </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='WRB'> where </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='TO'> to </span>
<span class='VB'> go </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> couple </span>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='RB'> then </span>
<span class='PRP'> you </span>
<span class='VBP'> put </span>
<span class='DT'> the </span>
<span class='NN'> adult </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='RB'> bit </span>
<span class='JJR'> easier </span>
<span class='TO'> to </span>
<span class='VB'> understand </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> actually </span>
<span class='RB'> maybe </span>
<span class='NNS'> people </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='VBP'> do </span>
<span class='RB'> n't </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> I </span>
<span class='VBP'>'m </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='VBG'> thinking </span>
<span class='PRP'> it </span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='DT'> the </span>
<span class='NNS'> centres </span>
<span class='VBP'> do </span>
<span class='RB'> n't </span>
<span class='VB'> put </span>
<span class='DT'> the </span>
<span class='NN'> dot </span>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='VB'> put </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> couple </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> because </span>
<span class='RB'> then </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> they </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='VBG'> talking </span>
<span class='PRP'> they </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> booklet </span>
<span class='CC'> but </span>
<span class='PRP'> they </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='VBG'> writing </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> so </span>
<span class='PRP'> it </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='JJ'> fine </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='PRP'> you </span>
<span class='VBN'> done </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='RB'> now </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='JJ'> f </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='RB'> up </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/2.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
<span class='JJ'> ok </span>
<span class='NN'> let </span>
<span class='POS'>'s </span>
<span class='NN'> talk </span>
<span class='IN'> in </span>
<span class='NNP'> English </span>
<span class='IN'> for </span>
<span class='NN'> awhile </span>
<span class='WP'> what </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='PRP'> we </span>
<span class='VBG'> eating </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> or </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='IN'> so </span>
<span class='PRP'> it </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='VBG'> starting </span>
<span class='RB'> again </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='JJ'> ok </span>
<span class='NN'> navigate </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> you </span>
<span class='VBP'> need </span>
<span class='TO'> to </span>
<span class='VB'> rest </span>
<span class='RB'> sometimes </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> also </span>
<span class='VBD'> implemented </span>
<span class='IN'> that </span>
<span class='VBG'> implementing </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> he </span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> sentence </span>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='PRP'> we </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='JJ'> interested </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='VB'> remember </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so </span>
<span class='RB'> basically </span>
<span class='NN'> sentence </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='WRB'> where </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='TO'> to </span>
<span class='VB'> go </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> couple </span>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='RB'> then </span>
<span class='PRP'> you </span>
<span class='VBP'> put </span>
<span class='DT'> the </span>
<span class='NN'> adult </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='RB'> bit </span>
<span class='JJR'> easier </span>
<span class='TO'> to </span>
<span class='VB'> understand </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> actually </span>
<span class='RB'> maybe </span>
<span class='NNS'> people </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='VBP'> do </span>
<span class='RB'> n't </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> I </span>
<span class='VBP'>'m </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='VBG'> thinking </span>
<span class='PRP'> it </span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='DT'> the </span>
<span class='NNS'> centres </span>
<span class='VBP'> do </span>
<span class='RB'> n't </span>
<span class='VB'> put </span>
<span class='DT'> the </span>
<span class='NN'> dot </span>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='VB'> put </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> couple </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> because </span>
<span class='RB'> then </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> they </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='VBG'> talking </span>
<span class='PRP'> they </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='DT'> a </span>
<span class='NN'> booklet </span>
<span class='CC'> but </span>
<span class='PRP'> they </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='RB'> not </span>
<span class='VBG'> writing </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> so </span>
<span class='PRP'> it </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='RB'> just </span>
<span class='JJ'> fine </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so </span>
<span class='VBP'> are </span>
<span class='PRP'> you </span>
<span class='VBN'> done </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> and </span>
<span class='RB'> now </span>
<span class='VBZ'> is </span>
<span class='JJ'> f </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='NNP'> * </span>
<span class='RB'> up </span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
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<span>ok let's talk in English for awhile what are we eating</span>
<img src=''>
<span>or not so it is starting again</span>
<img src=''>
<span>ok navigate</span>
<img src=''>
<span>you need to rest sometimes</span>
<img src=''>
<span>also implemented that implementing</span>
<img src=''>
<span>he's a sentence and we are not interested</span>
<img src=''>
<img src=''>
<span>so basically sentence</span>
<img src=''>
<span>where is to go a couple and then you put the adult</span>
<img src=''>
<span>a bit easier to understand</span>
<img src=''>
<span>actually maybe people just don't just</span>
<img src=''>
<span>I'm just thinking it's not the centres don't put the dot and just put a couple</span>
<img src=''>
<span>because then</span>
<img src=''>
<span>they are talking they are a booklet but they are not writing</span>
<img src=''>
<span>so it is just fine</span>
<img src=''>
<span>so are you done</span>
<img src=''>
<span>and now is f***** up</span>
<img src=''>

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
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box-sizing: border-box;
color: white;
/* Rules for dots */
color: var(--third);
/* Rules for Part Of Speech (POS), defined in classes in <span> */
/* This case, conjunctions + verbs ) */
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color: var(--second);
color: var(--second);
color: var(--second);
color: var(--second);
color: var(--second);
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@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
October 2021, copyleft || Kamome and Funix || Speech-to-Derive * The Myth of Natural Language || Roodkapje, Rotterdam
This is a little file to explain what's going on in these folders.
the folder 'speech' contains >
We will follow a workflow which starts with
using the speech-to-text tool to generate contents,
then create html files with the downloaded results,
finally render the layouts, customise print and bind them
'0_speech' contains >
the 'index.html' > in order to visualize which words are recognized by
the Speech-to-text
@ -11,19 +22,32 @@ the folder 'speech' contains >
the index.js > where is written the code to use the Speech-to-text app
the folder 'layout' contains >
'1_pythoning' contains > > python file for generating html for two booklets based
on NLTK (Natural Lanugage ToolKit)
the folder 'paged.js_files' > contains the library Paged.js > python file for generating html for a booklet based
on image scraping from duckduckgo
pythonInstallationParty.txt > instructions for install libraries we'll use
'2_layout' contains >
the folder 'pagedjs_files' > the library Paged.js
Paged.js is a free and open source JavaScript library that paginates
content in the browser to create PDF output from any HTML content.
the folder 'styles' > there are three different .css files that change
the layout.
the layouts and fonts
the 'index.html' > where you can visualize the rendering of the layout.
[not yet but] html files > where you can visualize the render of the layouts.
It works through a live server, that means that you have to simulate a
server in your computer: how?
you can use python, opening the terminal/cmd and digit >
python3 -m http.server
you can use Visual Studio Code with the extension "Live Server"
you can use Visual Studio Code with the extension "Live Server"

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
ok let's talk in English for awhile what are we eating
or not so it is starting again
ok navigate
you need to rest sometimes
also implemented that implementing
he's a sentence and we are not interested
so basically sentence
where is to go a couple and then you put the adult
a bit easier to understand
actually maybe people just don't just
I'm just thinking it's not the centres don't put the dot and just put a couple
because then
they are talking they are a booklet but they are not writing
so it is just fine
so are you done
and now is f***** up
<span class="interim"></span>

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
.interim {
color: #999;
#result {
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
font-size: 2rem;
#process {
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 50px;

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
> commenti nel codice
> console.log per far capire le cose meglio
> rendering css capire cosa e non cosa
> paged.js auto
> fix localStorage
> preparare domande x parte teorica
> preparere testi da proporre prima del ws
> prep mail da mandare in anticipo con istru git
> prep 3 fogli css per auto layout