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from numpy.testing import assert_equal
from scipy.special._testutils import check_version, MissingModule
from scipy.special._precompute.expn_asy import generate_A
import sympy # type: ignore[import]
from sympy import Poly
except ImportError:
sympy = MissingModule("sympy")
@check_version(sympy, "1.0")
def test_generate_A():
# Data from DLMF 8.20.5
x = sympy.symbols('x')
Astd = [Poly(1, x),
Poly(1, x),
Poly(1 - 2*x),
Poly(1 - 8*x + 6*x**2)]
Ares = generate_A(len(Astd))
for p, q in zip(Astd, Ares):
assert_equal(p, q)