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import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
from pytest import raises as assert_raises
from import (
FortranFormatParser, IntFormat, ExpFormat, BadFortranFormat)
class TestFortranFormatParser(object):
def setup_method(self):
self.parser = FortranFormatParser()
def _test_equal(self, format, ref):
ret = self.parser.parse(format)
assert_equal(ret.__dict__, ref.__dict__)
def test_simple_int(self):
self._test_equal("(I4)", IntFormat(4))
def test_simple_repeated_int(self):
self._test_equal("(3I4)", IntFormat(4, repeat=3))
def test_simple_exp(self):
self._test_equal("(E4.3)", ExpFormat(4, 3))
def test_exp_exp(self):
self._test_equal("(E8.3E3)", ExpFormat(8, 3, 3))
def test_repeat_exp(self):
self._test_equal("(2E4.3)", ExpFormat(4, 3, repeat=2))
def test_repeat_exp_exp(self):
self._test_equal("(2E8.3E3)", ExpFormat(8, 3, 3, repeat=2))
def test_wrong_formats(self):
def _test_invalid(bad_format):
assert_raises(BadFortranFormat, lambda: self.parser.parse(bad_format))
class TestIntFormat(object):
def test_to_fortran(self):
f = [IntFormat(10), IntFormat(12, 10), IntFormat(12, 10, 3)]
res = ["(I10)", "(I12.10)", "(3I12.10)"]
for i, j in zip(f, res):
assert_equal(i.fortran_format, j)
def test_from_number(self):
f = [10, -12, 123456789]
r_f = [IntFormat(3, repeat=26), IntFormat(4, repeat=20),
IntFormat(10, repeat=8)]
for i, j in zip(f, r_f):
assert_equal(IntFormat.from_number(i).__dict__, j.__dict__)
class TestExpFormat(object):
def test_to_fortran(self):
f = [ExpFormat(10, 5), ExpFormat(12, 10), ExpFormat(12, 10, min=3),
ExpFormat(10, 5, repeat=3)]
res = ["(E10.5)", "(E12.10)", "(E12.10E3)", "(3E10.5)"]
for i, j in zip(f, res):
assert_equal(i.fortran_format, j)
def test_from_number(self):
f = np.array([1.0, -1.2])
r_f = [ExpFormat(24, 16, repeat=3), ExpFormat(25, 16, repeat=3)]
for i, j in zip(f, r_f):
assert_equal(ExpFormat.from_number(i).__dict__, j.__dict__)