# Copyright (C) 2015, Pauli Virtanen # Distributed under the same license as SciPy. import warnings import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError from scipy.linalg import (get_blas_funcs, qr, solve, svd, qr_insert, lstsq) from scipy.sparse.linalg.isolve.utils import make_system __all__ = ['gcrotmk'] def _fgmres(matvec, v0, m, atol, lpsolve=None, rpsolve=None, cs=(), outer_v=(), prepend_outer_v=False): """ FGMRES Arnoldi process, with optional projection or augmentation Parameters ---------- matvec : callable Operation A*x v0 : ndarray Initial vector, normalized to nrm2(v0) == 1 m : int Number of GMRES rounds atol : float Absolute tolerance for early exit lpsolve : callable Left preconditioner L rpsolve : callable Right preconditioner R CU : list of (ndarray, ndarray) Columns of matrices C and U in GCROT outer_v : list of ndarrays Augmentation vectors in LGMRES prepend_outer_v : bool, optional Whether augmentation vectors come before or after Krylov iterates Raises ------ LinAlgError If nans encountered Returns ------- Q, R : ndarray QR decomposition of the upper Hessenberg H=QR B : ndarray Projections corresponding to matrix C vs : list of ndarray Columns of matrix V zs : list of ndarray Columns of matrix Z y : ndarray Solution to ||H y - e_1||_2 = min! res : float The final (preconditioned) residual norm """ if lpsolve is None: lpsolve = lambda x: x if rpsolve is None: rpsolve = lambda x: x axpy, dot, scal, nrm2 = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'scal', 'nrm2'], (v0,)) vs = [v0] zs = [] y = None res = np.nan m = m + len(outer_v) # Orthogonal projection coefficients B = np.zeros((len(cs), m), dtype=v0.dtype) # H is stored in QR factorized form Q = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=v0.dtype) R = np.zeros((1, 0), dtype=v0.dtype) eps = np.finfo(v0.dtype).eps breakdown = False # FGMRES Arnoldi process for j in range(m): # L A Z = C B + V H if prepend_outer_v and j < len(outer_v): z, w = outer_v[j] elif prepend_outer_v and j == len(outer_v): z = rpsolve(v0) w = None elif not prepend_outer_v and j >= m - len(outer_v): z, w = outer_v[j - (m - len(outer_v))] else: z = rpsolve(vs[-1]) w = None if w is None: w = lpsolve(matvec(z)) else: # w is clobbered below w = w.copy() w_norm = nrm2(w) # GCROT projection: L A -> (1 - C C^H) L A # i.e. orthogonalize against C for i, c in enumerate(cs): alpha = dot(c, w) B[i,j] = alpha w = axpy(c, w, c.shape[0], -alpha) # w -= alpha*c # Orthogonalize against V hcur = np.zeros(j+2, dtype=Q.dtype) for i, v in enumerate(vs): alpha = dot(v, w) hcur[i] = alpha w = axpy(v, w, v.shape[0], -alpha) # w -= alpha*v hcur[i+1] = nrm2(w) with np.errstate(over='ignore', divide='ignore'): # Careful with denormals alpha = 1/hcur[-1] if np.isfinite(alpha): w = scal(alpha, w) if not (hcur[-1] > eps * w_norm): # w essentially in the span of previous vectors, # or we have nans. Bail out after updating the QR # solution. breakdown = True vs.append(w) zs.append(z) # Arnoldi LSQ problem # Add new column to H=Q*R, padding other columns with zeros Q2 = np.zeros((j+2, j+2), dtype=Q.dtype, order='F') Q2[:j+1,:j+1] = Q Q2[j+1,j+1] = 1 R2 = np.zeros((j+2, j), dtype=R.dtype, order='F') R2[:j+1,:] = R Q, R = qr_insert(Q2, R2, hcur, j, which='col', overwrite_qru=True, check_finite=False) # Transformed least squares problem # || Q R y - inner_res_0 * e_1 ||_2 = min! # Since R = [R'; 0], solution is y = inner_res_0 (R')^{-1} (Q^H)[:j,0] # Residual is immediately known res = abs(Q[0,-1]) # Check for termination if res < atol or breakdown: break if not np.isfinite(R[j,j]): # nans encountered, bail out raise LinAlgError() # -- Get the LSQ problem solution # The problem is triangular, but the condition number may be # bad (or in case of breakdown the last diagonal entry may be # zero), so use lstsq instead of trtrs. y, _, _, _, = lstsq(R[:j+1,:j+1], Q[0,:j+1].conj()) B = B[:,:j+1] return Q, R, B, vs, zs, y, res def gcrotmk(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=1000, M=None, callback=None, m=20, k=None, CU=None, discard_C=False, truncate='oldest', atol=None): """ Solve a matrix equation using flexible GCROT(m,k) algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator} The real or complex N-by-N matrix of the linear system. Alternatively, ``A`` can be a linear operator which can produce ``Ax`` using, e.g., ``scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator``. b : {array, matrix} Right hand side of the linear system. Has shape (N,) or (N,1). x0 : {array, matrix} Starting guess for the solution. tol, atol : float, optional Tolerances for convergence, ``norm(residual) <= max(tol*norm(b), atol)``. The default for ``atol`` is `tol`. .. warning:: The default value for `atol` will be changed in a future release. For future compatibility, specify `atol` explicitly. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. Iteration will stop after maxiter steps even if the specified tolerance has not been achieved. M : {sparse matrix, dense matrix, LinearOperator}, optional Preconditioner for A. The preconditioner should approximate the inverse of A. gcrotmk is a 'flexible' algorithm and the preconditioner can vary from iteration to iteration. Effective preconditioning dramatically improves the rate of convergence, which implies that fewer iterations are needed to reach a given error tolerance. callback : function, optional User-supplied function to call after each iteration. It is called as callback(xk), where xk is the current solution vector. m : int, optional Number of inner FGMRES iterations per each outer iteration. Default: 20 k : int, optional Number of vectors to carry between inner FGMRES iterations. According to [2]_, good values are around m. Default: m CU : list of tuples, optional List of tuples ``(c, u)`` which contain the columns of the matrices C and U in the GCROT(m,k) algorithm. For details, see [2]_. The list given and vectors contained in it are modified in-place. If not given, start from empty matrices. The ``c`` elements in the tuples can be ``None``, in which case the vectors are recomputed via ``c = A u`` on start and orthogonalized as described in [3]_. discard_C : bool, optional Discard the C-vectors at the end. Useful if recycling Krylov subspaces for different linear systems. truncate : {'oldest', 'smallest'}, optional Truncation scheme to use. Drop: oldest vectors, or vectors with smallest singular values using the scheme discussed in [1,2]. See [2]_ for detailed comparison. Default: 'oldest' Returns ------- x : array or matrix The solution found. info : int Provides convergence information: * 0 : successful exit * >0 : convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations References ---------- .. [1] E. de Sturler, ''Truncation strategies for optimal Krylov subspace methods'', SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 36, 864 (1999). .. [2] J.E. Hicken and D.W. Zingg, ''A simplified and flexible variant of GCROT for solving nonsymmetric linear systems'', SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 32, 172 (2010). .. [3] M.L. Parks, E. de Sturler, G. Mackey, D.D. Johnson, S. Maiti, ''Recycling Krylov subspaces for sequences of linear systems'', SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 28, 1651 (2006). """ A,M,x,b,postprocess = make_system(A,M,x0,b) if not np.isfinite(b).all(): raise ValueError("RHS must contain only finite numbers") if truncate not in ('oldest', 'smallest'): raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'truncate': %r" % (truncate,)) if atol is None: warnings.warn("scipy.sparse.linalg.gcrotmk called without specifying `atol`. " "The default value will change in the future. To preserve " "current behavior, set ``atol=tol``.", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) atol = tol matvec = A.matvec psolve = M.matvec if CU is None: CU = [] if k is None: k = m axpy, dot, scal = None, None, None r = b - matvec(x) axpy, dot, scal, nrm2 = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot', 'scal', 'nrm2'], (x, r)) b_norm = nrm2(b) if discard_C: CU[:] = [(None, u) for c, u in CU] # Reorthogonalize old vectors if CU: # Sort already existing vectors to the front CU.sort(key=lambda cu: cu[0] is not None) # Fill-in missing ones C = np.empty((A.shape[0], len(CU)), dtype=r.dtype, order='F') us = [] j = 0 while CU: # More memory-efficient: throw away old vectors as we go c, u = CU.pop(0) if c is None: c = matvec(u) C[:,j] = c j += 1 us.append(u) # Orthogonalize Q, R, P = qr(C, overwrite_a=True, mode='economic', pivoting=True) del C # C := Q cs = list(Q.T) # U := U P R^-1, back-substitution new_us = [] for j in range(len(cs)): u = us[P[j]] for i in range(j): u = axpy(us[P[i]], u, u.shape[0], -R[i,j]) if abs(R[j,j]) < 1e-12 * abs(R[0,0]): # discard rest of the vectors break u = scal(1.0/R[j,j], u) new_us.append(u) # Form the new CU lists CU[:] = list(zip(cs, new_us))[::-1] if CU: axpy, dot = get_blas_funcs(['axpy', 'dot'], (r,)) # Solve first the projection operation with respect to the CU # vectors. This corresponds to modifying the initial guess to # be # # x' = x + U y # y = argmin_y || b - A (x + U y) ||^2 # # The solution is y = C^H (b - A x) for c, u in CU: yc = dot(c, r) x = axpy(u, x, x.shape[0], yc) r = axpy(c, r, r.shape[0], -yc) # GCROT main iteration for j_outer in range(maxiter): # -- callback if callback is not None: callback(x) beta = nrm2(r) # -- check stopping condition beta_tol = max(atol, tol * b_norm) if beta <= beta_tol and (j_outer > 0 or CU): # recompute residual to avoid rounding error r = b - matvec(x) beta = nrm2(r) if beta <= beta_tol: j_outer = -1 break ml = m + max(k - len(CU), 0) cs = [c for c, u in CU] try: Q, R, B, vs, zs, y, pres = _fgmres(matvec, r/beta, ml, rpsolve=psolve, atol=max(atol, tol*b_norm)/beta, cs=cs) y *= beta except LinAlgError: # Floating point over/underflow, non-finite result from # matmul etc. -- report failure. break # # At this point, # # [A U, A Z] = [C, V] G; G = [ I B ] # [ 0 H ] # # where [C, V] has orthonormal columns, and r = beta v_0. Moreover, # # || b - A (x + Z y + U q) ||_2 = || r - C B y - V H y - C q ||_2 = min! # # from which y = argmin_y || beta e_1 - H y ||_2, and q = -B y # # # GCROT(m,k) update # # Define new outer vectors # ux := (Z - U B) y ux = zs[0]*y[0] for z, yc in zip(zs[1:], y[1:]): ux = axpy(z, ux, ux.shape[0], yc) # ux += z*yc by = B.dot(y) for cu, byc in zip(CU, by): c, u = cu ux = axpy(u, ux, ux.shape[0], -byc) # ux -= u*byc # cx := V H y hy = Q.dot(R.dot(y)) cx = vs[0] * hy[0] for v, hyc in zip(vs[1:], hy[1:]): cx = axpy(v, cx, cx.shape[0], hyc) # cx += v*hyc # Normalize cx, maintaining cx = A ux # This new cx is orthogonal to the previous C, by construction try: alpha = 1/nrm2(cx) if not np.isfinite(alpha): raise FloatingPointError() except (FloatingPointError, ZeroDivisionError): # Cannot update, so skip it continue cx = scal(alpha, cx) ux = scal(alpha, ux) # Update residual and solution gamma = dot(cx, r) r = axpy(cx, r, r.shape[0], -gamma) # r -= gamma*cx x = axpy(ux, x, x.shape[0], gamma) # x += gamma*ux # Truncate CU if truncate == 'oldest': while len(CU) >= k and CU: del CU[0] elif truncate == 'smallest': if len(CU) >= k and CU: # cf. [1,2] D = solve(R[:-1,:].T, B.T).T W, sigma, V = svd(D) # C := C W[:,:k-1], U := U W[:,:k-1] new_CU = [] for j, w in enumerate(W[:,:k-1].T): c, u = CU[0] c = c * w[0] u = u * w[0] for cup, wp in zip(CU[1:], w[1:]): cp, up = cup c = axpy(cp, c, c.shape[0], wp) u = axpy(up, u, u.shape[0], wp) # Reorthogonalize at the same time; not necessary # in exact arithmetic, but floating point error # tends to accumulate here for cp, up in new_CU: alpha = dot(cp, c) c = axpy(cp, c, c.shape[0], -alpha) u = axpy(up, u, u.shape[0], -alpha) alpha = nrm2(c) c = scal(1.0/alpha, c) u = scal(1.0/alpha, u) new_CU.append((c, u)) CU[:] = new_CU # Add new vector to CU CU.append((cx, ux)) # Include the solution vector to the span CU.append((None, x.copy())) if discard_C: CU[:] = [(None, uz) for cz, uz in CU] return postprocess(x), j_outer + 1