""" Window functions (:mod:`scipy.signal.windows`) ============================================== The suite of window functions for filtering and spectral estimation. .. currentmodule:: scipy.signal.windows .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ get_window -- Return a window of a given length and type. barthann -- Bartlett-Hann window bartlett -- Bartlett window blackman -- Blackman window blackmanharris -- Minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window bohman -- Bohman window boxcar -- Boxcar window chebwin -- Dolph-Chebyshev window cosine -- Cosine window dpss -- Discrete prolate spheroidal sequences exponential -- Exponential window flattop -- Flat top window gaussian -- Gaussian window general_cosine -- Generalized Cosine window general_gaussian -- Generalized Gaussian window general_hamming -- Generalized Hamming window hamming -- Hamming window hann -- Hann window hanning -- Hann window kaiser -- Kaiser window nuttall -- Nuttall's minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window parzen -- Parzen window taylor -- Taylor window triang -- Triangular window tukey -- Tukey window """ from .windows import * __all__ = ['boxcar', 'triang', 'parzen', 'bohman', 'blackman', 'nuttall', 'blackmanharris', 'flattop', 'bartlett', 'hanning', 'barthann', 'hamming', 'kaiser', 'gaussian', 'general_gaussian', 'general_cosine', 'general_hamming', 'chebwin', 'cosine', 'hann', 'exponential', 'tukey', 'taylor', 'get_window', 'dpss']