import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_allclose, assert_equal) import scipy.linalg.cython_blas as blas class TestDGEMM(object): def test_transposes(self): a = np.arange(12, dtype='d').reshape((3, 4))[:2,:2] b = np.arange(1, 13, dtype='d').reshape((4, 3))[:2,:2] c = np.empty((2, 4))[:2,:2] blas._test_dgemm(1., a, b, 0., c) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a.T, b, 0., c) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a, b.T, 0., c) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a.T, b.T, 0., c) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a, b, 0., c.T) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a.T, b, 0., c.T) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a, b.T, 0., c.T) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., a.T, b.T, 0., c.T) assert_allclose(c, def test_shapes(self): a = np.arange(6, dtype='d').reshape((3, 2)) b = np.arange(-6, 2, dtype='d').reshape((2, 4)) c = np.empty((3, 4)) blas._test_dgemm(1., a, b, 0., c) assert_allclose(c, blas._test_dgemm(1., b.T, a.T, 0., c.T) assert_allclose(c, class TestWfuncPointers(object): """ Test the function pointers that are expected to fail on Mac OS X without the additional entry statement in their definitions in fblas_l1.pyf.src. """ def test_complex_args(self): cx = np.array([.5 + 1.j, .25 - .375j, 12.5 - 4.j], np.complex64) cy = np.array([.8 + 2.j, .875 - .625j, -1. + 2.j], np.complex64) assert_allclose(blas._test_cdotc(cx, cy), -17.6468753815+21.3718757629j, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_cdotu(cx, cy), -6.11562538147+30.3156242371j, 5) assert_equal(blas._test_icamax(cx), 3) assert_allclose(blas._test_scasum(cx), 18.625, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_scnrm2(cx), 13.1796483994, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_cdotc(cx[::2], cy[::2]), -18.1000003815+21.2000007629j, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_cdotu(cx[::2], cy[::2]), -6.10000038147+30.7999992371j, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_scasum(cx[::2]), 18., 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_scnrm2(cx[::2]), 13.1719398499, 5) def test_double_args(self): x = np.array([5., -3, -.5], np.float64) y = np.array([2, 1, .5], np.float64) assert_allclose(blas._test_dasum(x), 8.5, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_ddot(x, y), 6.75, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_dnrm2(x), 5.85234975815, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_dasum(x[::2]), 5.5, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_ddot(x[::2], y[::2]), 9.75, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_dnrm2(x[::2]), 5.0249376297, 10) assert_equal(blas._test_idamax(x), 1) def test_float_args(self): x = np.array([5., -3, -.5], np.float32) y = np.array([2, 1, .5], np.float32) assert_equal(blas._test_isamax(x), 1) assert_allclose(blas._test_sasum(x), 8.5, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_sdot(x, y), 6.75, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_snrm2(x), 5.85234975815, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_sasum(x[::2]), 5.5, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_sdot(x[::2], y[::2]), 9.75, 5) assert_allclose(blas._test_snrm2(x[::2]), 5.0249376297, 5) def test_double_complex_args(self): cx = np.array([.5 + 1.j, .25 - .375j, 13. - 4.j], np.complex128) cy = np.array([.875 + 2.j, .875 - .625j, -1. + 2.j], np.complex128) assert_equal(blas._test_izamax(cx), 3) assert_allclose(blas._test_zdotc(cx, cy), -18.109375+22.296875j, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_zdotu(cx, cy), -6.578125+31.390625j, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_zdotc(cx[::2], cy[::2]), -18.5625+22.125j, 10) assert_allclose(blas._test_zdotu(cx[::2], cy[::2]), -6.5625+31.875j, 10)