import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_allclose from scipy.integrate import odeint import scipy.integrate._test_odeint_banded as banded5x5 def rhs(y, t): dydt = np.zeros_like(y) banded5x5.banded5x5(t, y, dydt) return dydt def jac(y, t): n = len(y) jac = np.zeros((n, n), order='F') banded5x5.banded5x5_jac(t, y, 1, 1, jac) return jac def bjac(y, t): n = len(y) bjac = np.zeros((4, n), order='F') banded5x5.banded5x5_bjac(t, y, 1, 1, bjac) return bjac JACTYPE_FULL = 1 JACTYPE_BANDED = 4 def check_odeint(jactype): if jactype == JACTYPE_FULL: ml = None mu = None jacobian = jac elif jactype == JACTYPE_BANDED: ml = 2 mu = 1 jacobian = bjac else: raise ValueError("invalid jactype: %r" % (jactype,)) y0 = np.arange(1.0, 6.0) # These tolerances must match the tolerances used in banded5x5.f. rtol = 1e-11 atol = 1e-13 dt = 0.125 nsteps = 64 t = dt * np.arange(nsteps+1) sol, info = odeint(rhs, y0, t, Dfun=jacobian, ml=ml, mu=mu, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, full_output=True) yfinal = sol[-1] odeint_nst = info['nst'][-1] odeint_nfe = info['nfe'][-1] odeint_nje = info['nje'][-1] y1 = y0.copy() # Pure Fortran solution. y1 is modified in-place. nst, nfe, nje = banded5x5.banded5x5_solve(y1, nsteps, dt, jactype) # It is likely that yfinal and y1 are *exactly* the same, but # we'll be cautious and use assert_allclose. assert_allclose(yfinal, y1, rtol=1e-12) assert_equal((odeint_nst, odeint_nfe, odeint_nje), (nst, nfe, nje)) def test_odeint_full_jac(): check_odeint(JACTYPE_FULL) def test_odeint_banded_jac(): check_odeint(JACTYPE_BANDED)