"""See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/11937. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import sys import os import uuid from importlib import import_module import pytest import numpy.f2py from numpy.testing import assert_equal from . import util def setup_module(): if sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.version_info[0] < 3: pytest.skip('Fails with MinGW64 Gfortran (Issue #9673)') if not util.has_c_compiler(): pytest.skip("Needs C compiler") if not util.has_f77_compiler(): pytest.skip('Needs FORTRAN 77 compiler') # extra_args can be a list (since gh-11937) or string. # also test absence of extra_args @pytest.mark.parametrize( "extra_args", [['--noopt', '--debug'], '--noopt --debug', ''] ) def test_f2py_init_compile(extra_args): # flush through the f2py __init__ compile() function code path as a # crude test for input handling following migration from # exec_command() to subprocess.check_output() in gh-11937 # the Fortran 77 syntax requires 6 spaces before any commands, but # more space may be added/ fsource = """ integer function foo() foo = 10 + 5 return end """ # use various helper functions in util.py to enable robust build / # compile and reimport cycle in test suite moddir = util.get_module_dir() modname = util.get_temp_module_name() cwd = os.getcwd() target = os.path.join(moddir, str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.f') # try running compile() with and without a source_fn provided so # that the code path where a temporary file for writing Fortran # source is created is also explored for source_fn in [target, None]: # mimic the path changing behavior used by build_module() in # util.py, but don't actually use build_module() because it has # its own invocation of subprocess that circumvents the # f2py.compile code block under test try: os.chdir(moddir) ret_val = numpy.f2py.compile( fsource, modulename=modname, extra_args=extra_args, source_fn=source_fn ) finally: os.chdir(cwd) # check for compile success return value assert_equal(ret_val, 0) # we are not currently able to import the Python-Fortran # interface module on Windows / Appveyor, even though we do get # successful compilation on that platform with Python 3.x if sys.platform != 'win32': # check for sensible result of Fortran function; that means # we can import the module name in Python and retrieve the # result of the sum operation return_check = import_module(modname) calc_result = return_check.foo() assert_equal(calc_result, 15) def test_f2py_init_compile_failure(): # verify an appropriate integer status value returned by # f2py.compile() when invalid Fortran is provided ret_val = numpy.f2py.compile(b"invalid") assert_equal(ret_val, 1) def test_f2py_init_compile_bad_cmd(): # verify that usage of invalid command in f2py.compile() returns # status value of 127 for historic consistency with exec_command() # error handling # patch the sys Python exe path temporarily to induce an OSError # downstream NOTE: how bad of an idea is this patching? try: temp = sys.executable sys.executable = 'does not exist' # the OSError should take precedence over invalid Fortran ret_val = numpy.f2py.compile(b"invalid") assert_equal(ret_val, 127) finally: sys.executable = temp @pytest.mark.parametrize('fsource', ['program test_f2py\nend program test_f2py', b'program test_f2py\nend program test_f2py',]) def test_compile_from_strings(tmpdir, fsource): # Make sure we can compile str and bytes gh-12796 cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(str(tmpdir)) ret_val = numpy.f2py.compile( fsource, modulename='test_compile_from_strings', extension='.f90') assert_equal(ret_val, 0) finally: os.chdir(cwd)