Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: halo Version: 0.0.31 Summary: Beautiful terminal spinners in Python Home-page: Author: Manraj Singh Author-email: License: MIT Description:


[![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![PyPI](]( ![awesome]( [![Downloads](]( [![Downloads](]( > Beautiful spinners for terminal, IPython and Jupyter ![halo]( ## Install ```shell $ pip install halo ``` ## Usage ```py from halo import Halo spinner = Halo(text='Loading', spinner='dots') spinner.start() # Run time consuming work here # You can also change properties for spinner as and when you want spinner.stop() ``` Alternatively, you can use halo with Python's `with` statement: ```py from halo import Halo with Halo(text='Loading', spinner='dots'): # Run time consuming work here ``` Finally, you can use halo as a decorator: ```py from halo import Halo @Halo(text='Loading', spinner='dots') def long_running_function(): # Run time consuming work here pass long_running_function() ``` ## API #### `Halo([text|text_color|spinner|animation|placement|color|interval|stream|enabled])` ##### `text` *Type*: `str` Text shown along with spinner. ##### `text_color` *Type*: `str` *Values*: `grey`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white` Color of the spinner text. Defaults to `None`. ##### `spinner` *Type*: `str|dict` If string, it should be one of the spinners listed in the given [json]( file. If a dict is passed, it should define `interval` and `frames`. Something like: ```py { 'interval': 100, 'frames': ['-', '+', '*', '+', '-'] } ``` Defaults to `dots` spinner. For Windows users, it defaults to `line` spinner. ##### `animation` *Type*: `str` *Values*: `bounce`, `marquee` Animation to apply to the text if it's too large and doesn't fit in the terminal. If no animation is defined, the text will be ellipsed. ##### `placement` *Type*: `str` *Values*: `left`, `right` Which side of the text the spinner should be displayed. Defaults to `left` ##### `color` *Type*: `str` *Values*: `grey`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white` Color of the spinner. Defaults to `cyan`. ##### `interval` *Type*: `float` Interval between each frame. Defaults to spinner interval (recommended). ##### `stream` *Type*: `file` Stream to write the output. Defaults to `sys.stdout`. ##### `enabled` *Type*: `bool` Enable or disable the spinner. Defaults to `True`. ### Methods Following are the methods available: #### `spinner.start([text])` Starts the spinner. If `text` is passed, it is set as spinner text. Returns the instance. #### `spinner.stop()` Stops and clears the spinner. Returns the instance. #### `spinner.clear()` Clears the spinner. Returns the instance. #### `spinner.render()` Manually renders a new frame. Returns the instance. #### `spinner.frame()` Returns next frame to be rendered. #### `spinner.succeed([text])` ##### `text`: *Type*: `str` Stops the spinner and changes symbol to `✔`. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Returns the instance. #### `[text])` ##### `text`: *Type*: `str` Stops the spinner and changes symbol to `✖`. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Returns the instance. #### `spinner.warn([text])` ##### `text`: *Type*: `str` Stops the spinner and changes symbol to `⚠`. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Returns the instance. #### `[text])` ##### `text`: *Type*: `str` Stops the spinner and changes symbol to `ℹ`. If text is provided, it is persisted else current text is persisted. Returns the instance. #### `spinner.stop_and_persist([symbol|text])` Stops the spinner and changes symbol and text. Returns the instance. ##### `symbol` *Type*: `str` Symbol to replace the spinner with. Defaults to `' '`. ##### `text` *Type*: `str` Text to be persisted. Defaults to instance text. ![Persist spin]( #### `spinner.text` Change the text of spinner. #### `spinner.color` Change the color of spinner #### `spinner.spinner` Change the spinner itself. #### `spinner.enabled` Enable or disable the spinner. ## How to contribute? Please see [Contributing guidelines]( for more information. ## Like it? 🌟 this repo to show support. Let me know you liked it on [Twitter]( Also, share the [project]( ## Related * [py-spinners]( - Spinners in Python * [py-log-symbols]( - Log Symbols in Python * [ora]( - Elegant terminal spinners in JavaScript (inspiration behind this project) ## License [MIT]( © Manraj Singh Keywords: console,loading,indicator,progress,cli,spinner,spinners,terminal,term,busy,wait,idle Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only Requires-Python: >=3.4 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown Provides-Extra: ipython