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4 years ago
% Generates mat files for loadmat unit tests
% This is the version for matlab 5 and higher
% Uses save_matfile.m function
% work out matlab version and file suffix for test files
FILEPREFIX = [fullfile(pwd, 'data') filesep];
temp = ver('MATLAB');
mlv = temp.Version;
FILESUFFIX = ['_' mlv '_' computer '.mat'];
% basic double array
theta = 0:pi/4:2*pi;
save_matfile('testdouble', theta);
% string
save_matfile('teststring', '"Do nine men interpret?" "Nine men," I nod.')
% complex
save_matfile('testcomplex', cos(theta) + 1j*sin(theta));
% asymmetric array to check indexing
a = zeros(3, 5);
a(:,1) = [1:3]';
a(1,:) = 1:5;
% 2D matrix
save_matfile('testmatrix', a);
% minus number - tests signed int
save_matfile('testminus', -1);
% single character
save_matfile('testonechar', 'r');
% string array
save_matfile('teststringarray', ['one '; 'two '; 'three']);
% sparse array
save_matfile('testsparse', sparse(a));
% sparse complex array
b = sparse(a);
b(1,1) = b(1,1) + j;
save_matfile('testsparsecomplex', b);
% Two variables in same file
save([FILEPREFIX 'testmulti' FILESUFFIX], 'a', 'theta')
% struct
save_matfile('teststruct', ...
struct('stringfield','Rats live on no evil star.',...
'doublefield',[sqrt(2) exp(1) pi],...
'complexfield',(1+1j)*[sqrt(2) exp(1) pi]));
% cell
save_matfile('testcell', ...
{['This cell contains this string and 3 arrays of increasing' ...
' length'], 1., 1.:2., 1.:3.});
% scalar cell
save_matfile('testscalarcell', {1})
% Empty cells in two cell matrices
save_matfile('testemptycell', {1, 2, [], [], 3});
% 3D matrix
save_matfile('test3dmatrix', reshape(1:24,[2 3 4]))
% nested cell array
save_matfile('testcellnest', {1, {2, 3, {4, 5}}});
% nested struct
save_matfile('teststructnest', struct('one', 1, 'two', ...
struct('three', 'number 3')));
% array of struct
save_matfile('teststructarr', [struct('one', 1, 'two', 2) ...
struct('one', 'number 1', 'two', 'number 2')]);
% matlab object
save_matfile('testobject', inline('x'))
% array of matlab objects
%save_matfile('testobjarr', [inline('x') inline('x')])
% unicode test
if str2num(mlv) > 7 % function added 7.0.1
fid = fopen([FILEPREFIX 'japanese_utf8.txt']);
from_japan = fread(fid, 'uint8')';
save_matfile('testunicode', native2unicode(from_japan, 'utf-8'));
% func
if str2num(mlv) > 7 % function pointers added recently
func = @afunc;
save_matfile('testfunc', func);