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4 years ago
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import os
import sys
from tempfile import TemporaryFile
from numpy.distutils import exec_command
from numpy.distutils.exec_command import get_pythonexe
from numpy.testing import tempdir, assert_, assert_warns
# In python 3 stdout, stderr are text (unicode compliant) devices, so to
# emulate them import StringIO from the io module.
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
from io import StringIO
from StringIO import StringIO
class redirect_stdout(object):
"""Context manager to redirect stdout for exec_command test."""
def __init__(self, stdout=None):
self._stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
def __enter__(self):
self.old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = self._stdout
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
sys.stdout = self.old_stdout
# note: closing sys.stdout won't close it.
class redirect_stderr(object):
"""Context manager to redirect stderr for exec_command test."""
def __init__(self, stderr=None):
self._stderr = stderr or sys.stderr
def __enter__(self):
self.old_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = self._stderr
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
sys.stderr = self.old_stderr
# note: closing sys.stderr won't close it.
class emulate_nonposix(object):
"""Context manager to emulate != 'posix' """
def __init__(self, osname='non-posix'):
self._new_name = osname
def __enter__(self):
self._old_name = = self._new_name
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): = self._old_name
def test_exec_command_stdout():
# Regression test for gh-2999 and gh-2915.
# There are several packages (nose, scipy.weave.inline, Sage inline
# Fortran) that replace stdout, in which case it doesn't have a fileno
# method. This is tested here, with a do-nothing command that fails if the
# presence of fileno() is assumed in exec_command.
# The code has a special case for posix systems, so if we are on posix test
# both that the special case works and that the generic code works.
# Test posix version:
with redirect_stdout(StringIO()):
with redirect_stderr(TemporaryFile()):
with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'")
if == 'posix':
# Test general (non-posix) version:
with emulate_nonposix():
with redirect_stdout(StringIO()):
with redirect_stderr(TemporaryFile()):
with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'")
def test_exec_command_stderr():
# Test posix version:
with redirect_stdout(TemporaryFile(mode='w+')):
with redirect_stderr(StringIO()):
with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'")
if == 'posix':
# Test general (non-posix) version:
with emulate_nonposix():
with redirect_stdout(TemporaryFile()):
with redirect_stderr(StringIO()):
with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
exec_command.exec_command("cd '.'")
class TestExecCommand(object):
def setup(self):
self.pyexe = get_pythonexe()
def check_nt(self, **kws):
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('cmd /C echo path=%path%')
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o != '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "import sys;sys.stderr.write(sys.platform)"' % self.pyexe)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'win32')
def check_posix(self, **kws):
s, o = exec_command.exec_command("echo Hello", **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Hello')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo $AAA', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo "$AAA"', AAA='Tere', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Tere')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo "$AAA"', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == '')
if 'BBB' not in os.environ:
os.environ['BBB'] = 'Hi'
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo "$BBB"', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Hi')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo "$BBB"', BBB='Hey', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Hey')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo "$BBB"', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Hi')
del os.environ['BBB']
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo "$BBB"', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('this_is_not_a_command', **kws)
assert_(s != 0)
assert_(o != '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command('echo path=$PATH', **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o != '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "import sys,os;sys.stderr.write("' %
self.pyexe, **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'posix')
def check_basic(self, *kws):
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "raise \'Ignore me.\'"' % self.pyexe, **kws)
assert_(s != 0)
assert_(o != '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "import sys;sys.stderr.write(\'0\');'
'sys.stderr.write(\'1\');sys.stderr.write(\'2\')"' %
self.pyexe, **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == '012')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "import sys;sys.exit(15)"' % self.pyexe, **kws)
assert_(s == 15)
assert_(o == '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "print(\'Heipa\'")' % self.pyexe, **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Heipa')
def check_execute_in(self, **kws):
with tempdir() as tmpdir:
fn = "file"
tmpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, fn)
f = open(tmpfile, 'w')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "f = open(\'%s\', \'r\'); f.close()"' %
(self.pyexe, fn), **kws)
assert_(s != 0)
assert_(o != '')
s, o = exec_command.exec_command(
'"%s" -c "f = open(\'%s\', \'r\'); print(; '
'f.close()"' % (self.pyexe, fn), execute_in=tmpdir, **kws)
assert_(s == 0)
assert_(o == 'Hello')
def test_basic(self):
with redirect_stdout(StringIO()):
with redirect_stderr(StringIO()):
with assert_warns(DeprecationWarning):
if == "posix":
elif == "nt":