Giulia Rossena

lorenzopuntoponte [at]

I was born in Rome, raised between Palermo and Milan.

I graduated in Classics literature at the Catholic University of Milan thinking that I would be a literature professor. Then I started a course of theater and I decided to look for a different relationship with words. Therefore I went to study Theater Direction at the Paolo Grassi Civic School in Milan. Among the most precious meetings for my artistic and professional growth I count Mariano Furlani, Maurizio Schmidt, Carmelo Rifici, Marco Maccieri, Renata Molinari, Davide Carnevali, Giuliana Musso, and Claudio Autelli. From each of them I have stolen and I continue to steal. After my studies I started working as an assistant director at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan and at the Teatro Franco Parenti with Andrée Ruth Shammah. These were the years of my apprenticeship, in which I began to understand how a theater stage is made and who its inhabitants are.

I’ve directed prose theater and opera shows. Sometimes I feel the need to write the stories I tell myself, sometimes I work with the words of Others.

In 2018, together with Maddalena Massafra, Clio Sciro Saccà, Marco Sinopoli, we won the Macerata Opera Festival 4.0 competition for the writing and composition of a contemporary opera. In 2022, I received the 3rd prize of the EOP – European Opera Prize for Directors, together with Alice Benazzi and Giulia Rossena. In 2023, we won the 13th edition of the EOP – European Opera Award for Directors.

From that shame, impotence and pain, something was born that I believe was the desire to become a poet, that is, to be able to express what it means to feel regret for someone, to have been loved, to be alone.
Stig Dagerman

Alice Benazzi

Giulia Rossena

Emanuele Agliati

Rosabel Huguet Dueñas


Lara Ilaria Braconi


Gli Asini

Idomeneo, re di Creta Once we won't be great Good for Nothing You Are Agatha Confabulazioni

Good for Nothing

  • written and directed by Lorenzo Ponte
  • with Tobia Dal Corso Polzot, Paola Galassi and Luca Oldani
  • set design Davide Signorini
  • costumes Giulia Rossena
  • lights Emanuele Agliati
  • sound design Gaetano Pappalardo and Simone Sigurani
  • assistant director Filippo Capobianco,
  • radio newspaper voice Pietro Adami
  • with the artistic supervision of Giuliana Musso
  • Pictures by Foto di Luca Del Pia
  • production Teatro Franco Parenti

with the support of PRAXIS - Olinda/TeatroLaCucina - Winner of the Fantastic Theatrical Animals 2021 ZONA K tender as part of the IntercettAzioni project - Lombardy Artistic Residency Centre; Claudia Lombardi Foundation for the theatre

Observe and stay on the margins to understand what is at the center of our society. Guided by this idea, for 3 years we have undertaken a journey of understanding and approaching people's lives homeless in the city of Milan. Between 2019 and 2021, the company joined psychologists, educators and volunteers who work with people experiencing this phenomenon of expulsion.

The research method was divided into three different moments. A first part of participatory observation, in which the whole company accompanied the road units for a long period on night outings in the downtown streets. This work has allowed us to build relationships of trust. The second part of the research consisted of going into the street to talk to people without being framed voluntary associations, to try to distance themselves from a volunteer-assisted relationship. Finally, where possible, we conducted interviews with homeless people, workers and volunteers and experts to try to build a broader framework that would allow us to read homelessness as a social phenomenon and not as individual problem. Our prejudices were shattered and, seen up close, we found many points of contact with people who we tend to hide and chase from the streets of our cities. The poor today are invisibilized and stigmatized because they force us to deal with the distortions and limitations of increasingly exclusive and repelling cities.

From the research described above, a narrative show emerged in which voices, silences, bodies and the emotions experienced on the field. We are at the stop of a bus that we don't know if it will ever pass. We wait for him together with three characters whose intertwining events tell like a prism the internal and social marginality of Milan. A young Bocconi student, struggling with the last exams before graduation. A 30-year-old precarious journalist, tired by the city's rhythms, she decided to volunteer with homeless people. And finally a weirdo prophet, who curses the madness that dominates the city and offers everyone a way of salvation.

With the show we want to bring the life of those on the margins back to the center by trying to question the pietistic and superior look that we reserve for deviants. The voice and experiences of the last challenge us: how do we do we face the pain of the other? And how are we, the healthy ones? And now, what can we do?

Software Artisan: Federico Poni This website is built with plain HTML, CSS and plain JavaScript, but we use Swiper.JS library for the galleries An artisanal Python script is used to statically generate this website for ecological sake Fonts in use: Ortica and VG5000