""":mod:`wand.color` --- Colors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. versionadded:: 0.1.2 """ import ctypes import numbers from .api import library from .cdefs.structures import MagickPixelPacket, PixelInfo from .compat import binary, text from .resource import Resource from .version import MAGICK_HDRI, MAGICK_VERSION_NUMBER, QUANTUM_DEPTH __all__ = 'Color', 'scale_quantum_to_int8' class Color(Resource): """Color value. Unlike other objects in Wand, its resource management can be implicit when used outside of a :keyword:`with` block. In these cases, its resource is allocated for every operation which requires a resource and destroyed immediately. Of course it is inefficient when many operations are applied, so to avoid it, you should use color objects inside of an explicit :keyword:`with` block, e.g.:: red_count = 0 with Color('#f00') as red: with Image(filename='image.png') as img: for row in img: for col in row: if col == red: red_count += 1 :param string: a color name string e.g. ``'rgb(255, 255, 255)'``, ``'#fff'``, ``'white'``. see `ImageMagick Color Names`_ doc also :type string: :class:`basestring` .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0 :class:`Color` objects become hashable. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.1 Color channel properties can now be set. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.1 Added :attr:`cyan`, :attr:`magenta`, :attr:`yellow`, & :attr:`black` properties for CMYK :class:`Color` instances. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.1 Method :meth:`Color.from_hsl()` can create a RGB color from ``hue``, ``saturation``, & ``lightness`` values. .. seealso:: `ImageMagick Color Names`_ The color can then be given as a color name (there is a limited but large set of these; see below) or it can be given as a set of numbers (in decimal or hexadecimal), each corresponding to a channel in an RGB or RGBA color model. HSL, HSLA, HSB, HSBA, CMYK, or CMYKA color models may also be specified. These topics are briefly described in the sections below. .. _ImageMagick Color Names: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/color.php .. describe:: == (other) Equality operator. :param other: a color another one :type color: :class:`Color` :returns: ``True`` only if two images equal. :rtype: :class:`bool` """ #: (:class:`bool`) Whether the color has changed or not. dirty = None c_is_resource = library.IsPixelWand c_destroy_resource = library.DestroyPixelWand c_get_exception = library.PixelGetException c_clear_exception = library.PixelClearException __slots__ = 'raw', 'c_resource', 'allocated' def __init__(self, string=None, raw=None): if (string is None and raw is None or string is not None and raw is not None): raise TypeError('expected one argument') # MagickPixelPacket has been deprecated, use PixelInfo self.use_pixel = MAGICK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x700 self.dirty = False self.allocated = 0 if raw is None: if self.use_pixel: # pragma: no cover self.raw = ctypes.create_string_buffer( ctypes.sizeof(PixelInfo) ) else: self.raw = ctypes.create_string_buffer( ctypes.sizeof(MagickPixelPacket) ) with self: # Create color from string. ok = library.PixelSetColor(self.resource, binary(string)) if not ok: # Could not understand color-input. Try sending # ImageMagick's exception. self.raise_exception() # That might be only a warning. Try a more generic message. msg = 'Unrecognized color string "{0}"'.format(string) raise ValueError(msg) # Copy color value to structure buffer for future read. library.PixelGetMagickColor(self.resource, self.raw) else: self.raw = raw def __getinitargs__(self): return self.string, None def __enter__(self): if self.allocated < 1: with self.allocate(): # Initialize resource. self.resource = library.NewPixelWand() # Restore color value from structure buffer. if self.use_pixel: # pragma: no cover library.PixelSetPixelColor(self.resource, self.raw) else: library.PixelSetMagickColor(self.resource, self.raw) self.allocated = 1 else: self.allocated += 1 return Resource.__enter__(self) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.allocated -= 1 if self.dirty: library.PixelGetMagickColor(self.resource, self.raw) self.dirty = False if self.allocated < 1: Resource.__exit__(self, type, value, traceback) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Color): return False with self as this: with other: return self.c_equals(this.resource, other.resource) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): if self.alpha: return hash(self.normalized_string) return hash(None) def __str__(self): return self.string def __repr__(self): c = type(self) return '{0}.{1}({2!r})'.format(c.__module__, c.__name__, self.string) def _assert_double(self, subject): """Ensure the given ``subject`` is a float type, and value between 0.0 & 1.0. :param subject: value to assert as a valid double. :type subject: :class:`numbers.Real` :raises ValueError: if the subject is not between 0.0 and 1.0 :raises TypeError: if the subject is not a float-point number. ..versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ if not isinstance(subject, numbers.Real): raise TypeError('Expecting a float-point real number, not ' + repr(subject)) if subject < 0.0 or subject > 1.0: raise ValueError('Expecting a real number between 0.0 & 1.0, not' + repr(subject)) def _assert_int8(self, subject): """Ensure the given ``subject`` is a integer type, and value between 0 & 255. :param subject: value to assert as a valid number. :type subject: :class:`numbers.Integral` :raises ValueError: if the subject is not between 0 and 255 :raises TypeError: if the subject is not a Integral number. ..versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ if not isinstance(subject, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError('Expecting an integer number, not ' + repr(subject)) if subject < 0 or subject > 255: raise ValueError('Expecting a real number between 0 & 255, not' + repr(subject)) def _assert_quantum(self, subject): """Ensure the given ``subject`` is a number, and value between 0.0 & QuantumRange. The QuantumRange is the max value based on the QuantumDepth of the ImageMagick library (i.e. Q16). :param subject: value to assert as a valid double. :type subject: :class:`numbers.Number` :raises ValueError: if the subject is not between 0 and QuantumRange :raises TypeError: if the subject is not a number. ..versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ quantum_range = { 8: 255.0, 16: 65535.0, 32: 4294967295.0, 64: 18446744073709551615.0 } if not isinstance(subject, numbers.Number): raise TypeError('Expecting a number, not ' + repr(subject)) if subject < 0.0 or subject > quantum_range[QUANTUM_DEPTH]: message = 'Expecting a number between 0 & {0}, not {1}' raise ValueError(message.format(quantum_range[QUANTUM_DEPTH], repr(subject))) def _repr_html_(self): html = """   #{red:02X}{green:02X}{blue:02X} """ return html.format(red=self.red_int8, green=self.green_int8, blue=self.blue_int8) @staticmethod def c_equals(a, b): """Raw level version of equality test function for two pixels. :param a: a pointer to PixelWand to compare :type a: :class:`ctypes.c_void_p` :param b: a pointer to PixelWand to compare :type b: :class:`ctypes.c_void_p` :returns: ``True`` only if two pixels equal :rtype: :class:`bool` .. note:: It's only for internal use. Don't use it directly. Use ``==`` operator of :class:`Color` instead. """ alpha = library.PixelGetAlpha return bool(library.IsPixelWandSimilar(a, b, 0) and alpha(a) == alpha(b)) @classmethod def from_hsl(cls, hue=0.0, saturation=0.0, lightness=0.0): """Creates a RGB color from HSL values. The ``hue``, ``saturation``, and ``lightness`` must be normalized between 0.0 & 1.0. .. code:: h=0.75 # 270 Degrees s=1.0 # 100 Percent l=0.5 # 50 Percent with Color.from_hsl(hue=h, saturation=s, lightness=l) as color: print(color) #=> srgb(128,0,255) :param hue: a normalized double between 0.0 & 1.0. :type hue: :class:`numbers.Real` :param saturation: a normalized double between 0.0 & 1.0. :type saturation: :class:`numbers.Real` :param lightness: a normalized double between 0.0 & 1.0. :type lightness: :class:`numbers.Real` :rtype: :class:`Color` .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ color = cls('WHITE') color._assert_double(hue) color._assert_double(saturation) color._assert_double(lightness) color.dirty = True with color: library.PixelSetHSL(color.resource, hue, saturation, lightness) return color @classmethod def from_pixelwand(cls, pixelwand): assert pixelwand if MAGICK_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x700: pixel_structure = MagickPixelPacket else: # pragma: no cover pixel_structure = PixelInfo size = ctypes.sizeof(pixel_structure) raw_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size) library.PixelGetMagickColor(pixelwand, raw_buffer) return cls(raw=raw_buffer) @property def alpha(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Alpha value, from 0.0 to 1.0.""" with self: return library.PixelGetAlpha(self.resource) @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetAlpha(self.resource, value) @property def alpha_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Alpha value as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.alpha))) @alpha_int8.setter def alpha_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.alpha = float(value) / 255.0 @property def alpha_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Alpha value. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ with self: return library.PixelGetAlphaQuantum(self.resource) @alpha_quantum.setter def alpha_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetAlphaQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def black(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Black, or ``'K'``, color channel in CMYK colorspace. Unused by RGB colorspace. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetBlack(self.resource) @black.setter def black(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetBlack(self.resource, value) @property def black_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Black value as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.black))) @black_int8.setter def black_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.black = float(value) / 255.0 @property def black_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Black. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetBlackQuantum(self.resource) @black_quantum.setter def black_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetBlackQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def blue(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Blue, from 0.0 to 1.0.""" with self: return library.PixelGetBlue(self.resource) @blue.setter def blue(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetBlue(self.resource, value) @property def blue_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Blue as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.blue))) @blue_int8.setter def blue_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.blue = float(value) / 255.0 @property def blue_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Blue. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ with self: return library.PixelGetBlueQuantum(self.resource) @blue_quantum.setter def blue_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetBlueQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def cyan(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Cyan color channel in CMYK colorspace. Unused by RGB colorspace. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetCyan(self.resource) @cyan.setter def cyan(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetCyan(self.resource, value) @property def cyan_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Cyan value as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.cyan))) @cyan_int8.setter def cyan_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.cyan = float(value) / 255.0 @property def cyan_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Cyan. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetCyanQuantum(self.resource) @cyan_quantum.setter def cyan_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetCyanQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def fuzz(self): with self: return library.PixelGetFuzz(self.resource) @fuzz.setter def fuzz(self, value): if not isinstance(value, numbers.Real): raise TypeError('Expecting a float-point real number, not ' + repr(value)) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetFuzz(self.resource, value) @property def green(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Green, from 0.0 to 1.0.""" with self: return library.PixelGetGreen(self.resource) @green.setter def green(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetGreen(self.resource, value) @property def green_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Green as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.green))) @green_int8.setter def green_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.green = float(value) / 255.0 @property def green_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Green. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ with self: return library.PixelGetGreenQuantum(self.resource) @green_quantum.setter def green_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetGreenQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def magenta(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Magenta color channel in CMYK colorspace. Unused by RGB colorspace. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetMagenta(self.resource) @magenta.setter def magenta(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetMagenta(self.resource, value) @property def magenta_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Magenta value as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.magenta))) @magenta_int8.setter def magenta_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.magenta = float(value) / 255.0 @property def magenta_quantum(self): with self: return library.PixelGetMagentaQuantum(self.resource) @magenta_quantum.setter def magenta_quantum(self, value): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Magenta. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetMagentaQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def normalized_string(self): """(:class:`basestring`) The normalized string representation of the color. The same color is always represented to the same string. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ with self: string = None ptr = library.PixelGetColorAsNormalizedString(self.resource) if ptr: string = text(ctypes.string_at(ptr)) ptr = library.MagickRelinquishMemory(ptr) return string @property def red(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Red, from 0.0 to 1.0.""" with self: return library.PixelGetRed(self.resource) @red.setter def red(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetRed(self.resource, value) @property def red_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Red as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.red))) @red_int8.setter def red_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.red = float(value) / 255.0 @property def red_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Red. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ with self: return library.PixelGetRedQuantum(self.resource) @red_quantum.setter def red_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetRedQuantum(self.resource, value) @property def string(self): """(:class:`basestring`) The string representation of the color.""" with self: color_string = None ptr = library.PixelGetColorAsString(self.resource) if ptr: color_string = text(ctypes.string_at(ptr)) ptr = library.MagickRelinquishMemory(ptr) return color_string @property def yellow(self): """(:class:`numbers.Real`) Yellow color channel in CMYK colorspace. Unused by RGB colorspace. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetYellow(self.resource) @yellow.setter def yellow(self, value): self._assert_double(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetYellow(self.resource, value) @property def yellow_int8(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Yellow as 8bit integer which is a common style. From 0 to 255. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ return max(0, min(255, int(255.0 * self.yellow))) @yellow_int8.setter def yellow_int8(self, value): self._assert_int8(value) self.yellow = float(value) / 255.0 @property def yellow_quantum(self): """(:class:`numbers.Integral`) Yellow. Scale depends on :const:`~wand.version.QUANTUM_DEPTH`. .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ with self: return library.PixelGetYellowQuantum(self.resource) @yellow_quantum.setter def yellow_quantum(self, value): self._assert_quantum(value) self.dirty = True with self: library.PixelSetYellowQuantum(self.resource, value) def hsl(self): """Calculate the HSL color values from the RGB color. :returns: Tuple containing three normalized doubles, between 0.0 & 1.0, representing ``hue``, ``saturation``, and ``lightness``. :rtype: :class:`collections.Sequence` .. versionadded:: 0.5.1 """ hue = ctypes.c_double(0.0) saturation = ctypes.c_double(0.0) lightness = ctypes.c_double(0.0) with self: library.PixelGetHSL(self.resource, ctypes.byref(hue), ctypes.byref(saturation), ctypes.byref(lightness)) return (hue.value, saturation.value, lightness.value) def scale_quantum_to_int8(quantum): """Straightforward port of :c:func:`ScaleQuantumToChar()` inline function. .. deprecated:: 0.6.6 :param quantum: quantum value :type quantum: :class:`numbers.Integral` :returns: 8bit integer of the given ``quantum`` value :rtype: :class:`numbers.Integral` .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Added HDRI support """ if quantum <= 0: return 0 table = {8: 1, 16: 257.0, 32: 16843009.0, 64: 72340172838076673.0} if MAGICK_HDRI: # pragma: no cover if QUANTUM_DEPTH == 8: v = quantum / table[QUANTUM_DEPTH] elif QUANTUM_DEPTH == 16: v = ((int(quantum + 128) - (int(quantum + 128) >> 8)) >> 8) elif QUANTUM_DEPTH == 32: v = ((quantum + 8421504) / table[QUANTUM_DEPTH]) elif QUANTUM_DEPTH == 64: v = quantum / table[QUANTUM_DEPTH] else: v = quantum / table[QUANTUM_DEPTH] if v >= 255: return 255 return int(v + 0.5)