# Python Markdown # A Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. # Documentation: https://python-markdown.github.io/ # GitHub: https://github.com/Python-Markdown/markdown/ # PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/Markdown/ # Started by Manfred Stienstra (http://www.dwerg.net/). # Maintained for a few years by Yuri Takhteyev (http://www.freewisdom.org). # Currently maintained by Waylan Limberg (https://github.com/waylan), # Dmitry Shachnev (https://github.com/mitya57) and Isaac Muse (https://github.com/facelessuser). # Copyright 2007-2023 The Python Markdown Project (v. 1.7 and later) # Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 Yuri Takhteyev (v. 0.2-1.6b) # Copyright 2004 Manfred Stienstra (the original version) # License: BSD (see LICENSE.md for details). from __future__ import annotations import codecs import sys import logging import importlib from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, BinaryIO, Callable, ClassVar, Mapping, Sequence from . import util from .preprocessors import build_preprocessors from .blockprocessors import build_block_parser from .treeprocessors import build_treeprocessors from .inlinepatterns import build_inlinepatterns from .postprocessors import build_postprocessors from .extensions import Extension from .serializers import to_html_string, to_xhtml_string from .util import BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element __all__ = ['Markdown', 'markdown', 'markdownFromFile'] logger = logging.getLogger('MARKDOWN') class Markdown: """ A parser which converts Markdown to HTML. Attributes: Markdown.tab_length (int): The number of spaces which correspond to a single tab. Default: `4`. Markdown.ESCAPED_CHARS (list[str]): List of characters which get the backslash escape treatment. Markdown.block_level_elements (list[str]): List of HTML tags which get treated as block-level elements. See [`markdown.util.BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS`][] for the full list of elements. Markdown.registeredExtensions (list[Extension]): List of extensions which have called [`registerExtension`][markdown.Markdown.registerExtension] during setup. Markdown.doc_tag (str): Element used to wrap document. Default: `div`. Markdown.stripTopLevelTags (bool): Indicates whether the `doc_tag` should be removed. Default: 'True'. Markdown.references (dict[str, tuple[str, str]]): A mapping of link references found in a parsed document where the key is the reference name and the value is a tuple of the URL and title. Markdown.htmlStash (util.HtmlStash): The instance of the `HtmlStash` used by an instance of this class. Markdown.output_formats (dict[str, Callable[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]]): A mapping of known output formats by name and their respective serializers. Each serializer must be a callable which accepts an [`Element`][xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] and returns a `str`. Markdown.output_format (str): The output format set by [`set_output_format`][markdown.Markdown.set_output_format]. Markdown.serializer (Callable[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]): The serializer set by [`set_output_format`][markdown.Markdown.set_output_format]. Markdown.preprocessors (util.Registry): A collection of [`preprocessors`][markdown.preprocessors]. Markdown.parser (blockparser.BlockParser): A collection of [`blockprocessors`][markdown.blockprocessors]. Markdown.inlinePatterns (util.Registry): A collection of [`inlinepatterns`][markdown.inlinepatterns]. Markdown.treeprocessors (util.Registry): A collection of [`treeprocessors`][markdown.treeprocessors]. Markdown.postprocessors (util.Registry): A collection of [`postprocessors`][markdown.postprocessors]. """ doc_tag = "div" # Element used to wrap document - later removed output_formats: ClassVar[dict[str, Callable[[Element], str]]] = { 'html': to_html_string, 'xhtml': to_xhtml_string, } """ A mapping of known output formats by name and their respective serializers. Each serializer must be a callable which accepts an [`Element`][xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] and returns a `str`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new Markdown instance. Keyword Arguments: extensions (list[Extension | str]): A list of extensions. If an item is an instance of a subclass of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][], the instance will be used as-is. If an item is of type `str`, it is passed to [`build_extension`][markdown.Markdown.build_extension] with its corresponding `extension_configs` and the returned instance of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] is used. extension_configs (dict[str, dict[str, Any]]): Configuration settings for extensions. output_format (str): Format of output. Supported formats are: * `xhtml`: Outputs XHTML style tags. Default. * `html`: Outputs HTML style tags. tab_length (int): Length of tabs in the source. Default: `4` """ self.tab_length: int = kwargs.get('tab_length', 4) self.ESCAPED_CHARS: list[str] = [ '\\', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']', '(', ')', '>', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!' ] """ List of characters which get the backslash escape treatment. """ self.block_level_elements: list[str] = BLOCK_LEVEL_ELEMENTS.copy() self.registeredExtensions: list[Extension] = [] self.docType = "" # TODO: Maybe delete this. It does not appear to be used anymore. self.stripTopLevelTags: bool = True self.build_parser() self.references: dict[str, tuple[str, str]] = {} self.htmlStash: util.HtmlStash = util.HtmlStash() self.registerExtensions(extensions=kwargs.get('extensions', []), configs=kwargs.get('extension_configs', {})) self.set_output_format(kwargs.get('output_format', 'xhtml')) self.reset() def build_parser(self) -> Markdown: """ Build the parser from the various parts. Assigns a value to each of the following attributes on the class instance: * **`Markdown.preprocessors`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of [`preprocessors`][markdown.preprocessors]. * **`Markdown.parser`** ([`BlockParser`][markdown.blockparser.BlockParser]) -- A collection of [`blockprocessors`][markdown.blockprocessors]. * **`Markdown.inlinePatterns`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of [`inlinepatterns`][markdown.inlinepatterns]. * **`Markdown.treeprocessors`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of [`treeprocessors`][markdown.treeprocessors]. * **`Markdown.postprocessors`** ([`Registry`][markdown.util.Registry]) -- A collection of [`postprocessors`][markdown.postprocessors]. This method could be redefined in a subclass to build a custom parser which is made up of a different combination of processors and patterns. """ self.preprocessors = build_preprocessors(self) self.parser = build_block_parser(self) self.inlinePatterns = build_inlinepatterns(self) self.treeprocessors = build_treeprocessors(self) self.postprocessors = build_postprocessors(self) return self def registerExtensions( self, extensions: Sequence[Extension | str], configs: Mapping[str, dict[str, Any]] ) -> Markdown: """ Load a list of extensions into an instance of the `Markdown` class. Arguments: extensions (list[Extension | str]): A list of extensions. If an item is an instance of a subclass of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][], the instance will be used as-is. If an item is of type `str`, it is passed to [`build_extension`][markdown.Markdown.build_extension] with its corresponding `configs` and the returned instance of [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] is used. configs (dict[str, dict[str, Any]]): Configuration settings for extensions. """ for ext in extensions: if isinstance(ext, str): ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {})) if isinstance(ext, Extension): ext.extendMarkdown(self) logger.debug( 'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".' % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__) ) elif ext is not None: raise TypeError( 'Extension "{}.{}" must be of type: "{}.{}"'.format( ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__, Extension.__module__, Extension.__name__ ) ) return self def build_extension(self, ext_name: str, configs: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Extension: """ Build extension from a string name, then return an instance using the given `configs`. Arguments: ext_name: Name of extension as a string. configs: Configuration settings for extension. Returns: An instance of the extension with the given configuration settings. First attempt to load an entry point. The string name must be registered as an entry point in the `markdown.extensions` group which points to a subclass of the [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] class. If multiple distributions have registered the same name, the first one found is returned. If no entry point is found, assume dot notation (`path.to.module:ClassName`). Load the specified class and return an instance. If no class is specified, import the module and call a `makeExtension` function and return the [`markdown.extensions.Extension`][] instance returned by that function. """ configs = dict(configs) entry_points = [ep for ep in util.get_installed_extensions() if ep.name == ext_name] if entry_points: ext = entry_points[0].load() return ext(**configs) # Get class name (if provided): `path.to.module:ClassName` ext_name, class_name = ext_name.split(':', 1) if ':' in ext_name else (ext_name, '') try: module = importlib.import_module(ext_name) logger.debug( 'Successfully imported extension module "%s".' % ext_name ) except ImportError as e: message = 'Failed loading extension "%s".' % ext_name e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:] raise if class_name: # Load given class name from module. return getattr(module, class_name)(**configs) else: # Expect `makeExtension()` function to return a class. try: return module.makeExtension(**configs) except AttributeError as e: message = e.args[0] message = "Failed to initiate extension " \ "'%s': %s" % (ext_name, message) e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:] raise def registerExtension(self, extension: Extension) -> Markdown: """ Register an extension as having a resettable state. Arguments: extension: An instance of the extension to register. This should get called once by an extension during setup. A "registered" extension's `reset` method is called by [`Markdown.reset()`][markdown.Markdown.reset]. Not all extensions have or need a resettable state, and so it should not be assumed that all extensions are "registered." """ self.registeredExtensions.append(extension) return self def reset(self) -> Markdown: """ Resets all state variables to prepare the parser instance for new input. Called once upon creation of a class instance. Should be called manually between calls to [`Markdown.convert`][markdown.Markdown.convert]. """ self.htmlStash.reset() self.references.clear() for extension in self.registeredExtensions: if hasattr(extension, 'reset'): extension.reset() return self def set_output_format(self, format: str) -> Markdown: """ Set the output format for the class instance. Arguments: format: Must be a known value in `Markdown.output_formats`. """ self.output_format = format.lower().rstrip('145') # ignore number try: self.serializer = self.output_formats[self.output_format] except KeyError as e: valid_formats = list(self.output_formats.keys()) valid_formats.sort() message = 'Invalid Output Format: "%s". Use one of %s.' \ % (self.output_format, '"' + '", "'.join(valid_formats) + '"') e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:] raise return self # Note: the `tag` argument is type annotated `Any` as ElementTree uses many various objects as tags. # As there is no standardization in ElementTree, the type of a given tag is unpredictable. def is_block_level(self, tag: Any) -> bool: """ Check if the given `tag` is a block level HTML tag. Returns `True` for any string listed in `Markdown.block_level_elements`. A `tag` which is not a string always returns `False`. """ if isinstance(tag, str): return tag.lower().rstrip('/') in self.block_level_elements # Some ElementTree tags are not strings, so return False. return False def convert(self, source: str) -> str: """ Convert a Markdown string to a string in the specified output format. Arguments: source: Markdown formatted text as Unicode or ASCII string. Returns: A string in the specified output format. Markdown parsing takes place in five steps: 1. A bunch of [`preprocessors`][markdown.preprocessors] munge the input text. 2. A [`BlockParser`][markdown.blockparser.BlockParser] parses the high-level structural elements of the pre-processed text into an [`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object. 3. A bunch of [`treeprocessors`][markdown.treeprocessors] are run against the [`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object. One such `treeprocessor` ([`markdown.treeprocessors.InlineProcessor`][]) runs [`inlinepatterns`][markdown.inlinepatterns] against the [`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object, parsing inline markup. 4. Some [`postprocessors`][markdown.postprocessors] are run against the text after the [`ElementTree`][xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree] object has been serialized into text. 5. The output is returned as a string. """ # Fix up the source text if not source.strip(): return '' # a blank Unicode string try: source = str(source) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: # pragma: no cover # Customize error message while maintaining original traceback e.reason += '. -- Note: Markdown only accepts Unicode input!' raise # Split into lines and run the line preprocessors. self.lines = source.split("\n") for prep in self.preprocessors: self.lines = prep.run(self.lines) # Parse the high-level elements. root = self.parser.parseDocument(self.lines).getroot() # Run the tree-processors for treeprocessor in self.treeprocessors: newRoot = treeprocessor.run(root) if newRoot is not None: root = newRoot # Serialize _properly_. Strip top-level tags. output = self.serializer(root) if self.stripTopLevelTags: try: start = output.index( '<%s>' % self.doc_tag) + len(self.doc_tag) + 2 end = output.rindex('' % self.doc_tag) output = output[start:end].strip() except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover if output.strip().endswith('<%s />' % self.doc_tag): # We have an empty document output = '' else: # We have a serious problem raise ValueError('Markdown failed to strip top-level ' 'tags. Document=%r' % output.strip()) from e # Run the text post-processors for pp in self.postprocessors: output = pp.run(output) return output.strip() def convertFile( self, input: str | BinaryIO | None = None, output: str | BinaryIO | None = None, encoding: str | None = None, ) -> Markdown: """ Converts a Markdown file and returns the HTML as a Unicode string. Decodes the file using the provided encoding (defaults to `utf-8`), passes the file content to markdown, and outputs the HTML to either the provided stream or the file with provided name, using the same encoding as the source file. The [`xmlcharrefreplace`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#error-handlers) error handler is used when encoding the output. **Note:** This is the only place that decoding and encoding of Unicode takes place in Python-Markdown. (All other code is Unicode-in / Unicode-out.) Arguments: input: File object or path. Reads from `stdin` if `None`. output: File object or path. Writes to `stdout` if `None`. encoding: Encoding of input and output files. Defaults to `utf-8`. """ encoding = encoding or "utf-8" # Read the source if input: if isinstance(input, str): input_file = codecs.open(input, mode="r", encoding=encoding) else: input_file = codecs.getreader(encoding)(input) text = input_file.read() input_file.close() else: text = sys.stdin.read() text = text.lstrip('\ufeff') # remove the byte-order mark # Convert html = self.convert(text) # Write to file or stdout if output: if isinstance(output, str): output_file = codecs.open(output, "w", encoding=encoding, errors="xmlcharrefreplace") output_file.write(html) output_file.close() else: writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding) output_file = writer(output, errors="xmlcharrefreplace") output_file.write(html) # Don't close here. User may want to write more. else: # Encode manually and write bytes to stdout. html = html.encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace") sys.stdout.buffer.write(html) return self """ EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ============================================================================= Those are the two functions we really mean to export: `markdown()` and `markdownFromFile()`. """ def markdown(text: str, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """ Convert a markdown string to HTML and return HTML as a Unicode string. This is a shortcut function for [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown] class to cover the most basic use case. It initializes an instance of [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown], loads the necessary extensions and runs the parser on the given text. Arguments: text: Markdown formatted text as Unicode or ASCII string. Keyword arguments: **kwargs: Any arguments accepted by the Markdown class. Returns: A string in the specified output format. """ md = Markdown(**kwargs) return md.convert(text) def markdownFromFile(**kwargs: Any): """ Read Markdown text from a file and write output to a file or a stream. This is a shortcut function which initializes an instance of [`Markdown`][markdown.Markdown], and calls the [`convertFile`][markdown.Markdown.convertFile] method rather than [`convert`][markdown.Markdown.convert]. Keyword arguments: input (str | BinaryIO): A file name or readable object. output (str | BinaryIO): A file name or writable object. encoding (str): Encoding of input and output. **kwargs: Any arguments accepted by the `Markdown` class. """ md = Markdown(**kwargs) md.convertFile(kwargs.get('input', None), kwargs.get('output', None), kwargs.get('encoding', None))