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3 months ago
""":mod:`wand.exceptions` --- Errors and warnings
This module maps MagickWand API's errors and warnings to Python's native
exceptions and warnings. You can catch all MagickWand errors using Python's
natural way to catch errors.
.. seealso::
`ImageMagick Exceptions <>`_
.. versionadded:: 0.1.1
.. versionchanged:: 0.5.8
Warning & Error Exceptions are now explicitly defined. Previously
ImageMagick domain-based errors were dynamically generated at runtime.
class WandException(Exception):
"""All Wand-related exceptions are derived from this class."""
class BaseWarning(WandException, Warning):
"""Base class for Wand-related warnings.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.4
class BaseError(WandException):
"""Base class for Wand-related errors.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.4
class BaseFatalError(WandException):
"""Base class for Wand-related fatal errors.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.4
class WandLibraryVersionError(WandException):
"""Base class for Wand-related ImageMagick version errors.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.2
class WandRuntimeError(WandException, RuntimeError):
"""Generic class for Wand-related runtime errors.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.2
class ResourceLimitWarning(BaseWarning, MemoryError):
"""A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory."""
wand_error_code = 300
class ResourceLimitError(BaseError, MemoryError):
"""A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory."""
wand_error_code = 400
class ResourceLimitFatalError(BaseFatalError, MemoryError):
"""A program resource is exhausted e.g. not enough memory."""
wand_error_code = 700
class TypeWarning(BaseWarning):
"""A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred."""
wand_error_code = 305
class TypeError(BaseError):
"""A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred."""
wand_error_code = 405
class TypeFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""A font is unavailable; a substitution may have occurred."""
wand_error_code = 705
class OptionWarning(BaseWarning):
"""A command-line option was malformed."""
wand_error_code = 310
class OptionError(BaseError):
"""A command-line option was malformed."""
wand_error_code = 410
class OptionFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""A command-line option was malformed."""
wand_error_code = 710
class DelegateWarning(BaseWarning):
"""An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete."""
wand_error_code = 315
class DelegateError(BaseError):
"""An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete."""
wand_error_code = 415
class DelegateFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""An ImageMagick delegate failed to complete."""
wand_error_code = 715
class MissingDelegateWarning(BaseWarning, ImportError):
"""The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate;
delegate is missing."""
wand_error_code = 320
class MissingDelegateError(BaseError, ImportError):
"""The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate;
delegate is missing."""
wand_error_code = 420
class MissingDelegateFatalError(BaseFatalError, ImportError):
"""The image type can not be read or written because the appropriate;
delegate is missing."""
wand_error_code = 720
class CorruptImageWarning(BaseWarning, ValueError):
"""The image file may be corrupt."""
wand_error_code = 325
class CorruptImageError(BaseError, ValueError):
"""The image file may be corrupt."""
wand_error_code = 425
class CorruptImageFatalError(BaseFatalError, ValueError):
"""The image file may be corrupt."""
wand_error_code = 725
class FileOpenWarning(BaseWarning, IOError):
"""The image file could not be opened for reading or writing."""
wand_error_code = 330
class FileOpenError(BaseError, IOError):
"""The image file could not be opened for reading or writing."""
wand_error_code = 430
class FileOpenFatalError(BaseFatalError, IOError):
"""The image file could not be opened for reading or writing."""
wand_error_code = 730
class BlobWarning(BaseWarning, IOError):
"""A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written."""
wand_error_code = 335
class BlobError(BaseError, IOError):
"""A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written."""
wand_error_code = 435
class BlobFatalError(BaseFatalError, IOError):
"""A binary large object could not be allocated, read, or written."""
wand_error_code = 735
class StreamWarning(BaseWarning, IOError):
"""There was a problem reading or writing from a stream."""
wand_error_code = 340
class StreamError(BaseError, IOError):
"""There was a problem reading or writing from a stream."""
wand_error_code = 440
class StreamFatalError(BaseFatalError, IOError):
"""There was a problem reading or writing from a stream."""
wand_error_code = 740
class CacheWarning(BaseWarning):
"""Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache."""
wand_error_code = 345
class CacheError(BaseError):
"""Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache."""
wand_error_code = 445
class CacheFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""Pixels could not be read or written to the pixel cache."""
wand_error_code = 745
class CoderWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There was a problem with an image coder."""
wand_error_code = 350
class CoderError(BaseError):
"""There was a problem with an image coder."""
wand_error_code = 450
class CoderFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There was a problem with an image coder."""
wand_error_code = 750
class ModuleWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There was a problem with an image module."""
wand_error_code = 355
class ModuleError(BaseError):
"""There was a problem with an image module."""
wand_error_code = 455
class ModuleFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There was a problem with an image module."""
wand_error_code = 755
class DrawWarning(BaseWarning):
"""A drawing operation failed."""
wand_error_code = 360
class DrawError(BaseError):
"""A drawing operation failed."""
wand_error_code = 460
class DrawFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""A drawing operation failed."""
wand_error_code = 760
class ImageWarning(BaseWarning):
"""The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image."""
wand_error_code = 365
class ImageError(BaseError):
"""The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image."""
wand_error_code = 465
class ImageFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""The operation could not complete due to an incompatible image."""
wand_error_code = 765
class WandWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API."""
wand_error_code = 370
class WandError(BaseError):
"""There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API."""
wand_error_code = 470
class WandFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There was a problem specific to the MagickWand API."""
wand_error_code = 770
class RandomWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number."""
wand_error_code = 375
class RandomError(BaseError):
"""There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number."""
wand_error_code = 475
class RandomFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There is a problem generating a true or pseudo-random number."""
wand_error_code = 775
class XServerWarning(BaseWarning):
"""An X resource is unavailable."""
wand_error_code = 380
class XServerError(BaseError):
"""An X resource is unavailable."""
wand_error_code = 480
class XServerFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""An X resource is unavailable."""
wand_error_code = 780
class MonitorWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There was a problem activating the progress monitor."""
wand_error_code = 385
class MonitorError(BaseError):
"""There was a problem activating the progress monitor."""
wand_error_code = 485
class MonitorFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There was a problem activating the progress monitor."""
wand_error_code = 785
class RegistryWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There was a problem getting or setting the registry."""
wand_error_code = 390
class RegistryError(BaseError):
"""There was a problem getting or setting the registry."""
wand_error_code = 490
class RegistryFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There was a problem getting or setting the registry."""
wand_error_code = 790
class ConfigureWarning(BaseWarning):
"""There was a problem getting a configuration file."""
wand_error_code = 395
class ConfigureError(BaseError):
"""There was a problem getting a configuration file."""
wand_error_code = 495
class ConfigureFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""There was a problem getting a configuration file."""
wand_error_code = 795
class PolicyWarning(BaseWarning):
"""A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or
wand_error_code = 399
class PolicyError(BaseError):
"""A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or
wand_error_code = 499
class PolicyFatalError(BaseFatalError):
"""A policy denies access to a delegate, coder, filter, path, or
wand_error_code = 799
#: (:class:`dict`) The dictionary of (code, exc_type).
300: ResourceLimitWarning,
305: TypeWarning,
310: OptionWarning,
315: DelegateWarning,
320: MissingDelegateWarning,
325: CorruptImageWarning,
330: FileOpenWarning,
335: BlobWarning,
340: StreamWarning,
345: CacheWarning,
350: CoderWarning,
355: ModuleWarning,
360: DrawWarning,
365: ImageWarning,
370: WandWarning,
375: RandomWarning,
380: XServerWarning,
385: MonitorWarning,
390: RegistryWarning,
395: ConfigureWarning,
399: PolicyWarning,
400: ResourceLimitError,
405: TypeError,
410: OptionError,
415: DelegateError,
420: MissingDelegateError,
425: CorruptImageError,
430: FileOpenError,
435: BlobError,
440: StreamError,
445: CacheError,
450: CoderError,
455: ModuleError,
460: DrawError,
465: ImageError,
470: WandError,
475: RandomError,
480: XServerError,
485: MonitorError,
490: RegistryError,
495: ConfigureError,
499: PolicyError,
700: ResourceLimitFatalError,
705: TypeFatalError,
710: OptionFatalError,
715: DelegateFatalError,
720: MissingDelegateFatalError,
725: CorruptImageFatalError,
730: FileOpenFatalError,
735: BlobFatalError,
740: StreamFatalError,
745: CacheFatalError,
750: CoderFatalError,
755: ModuleFatalError,
760: DrawFatalError,
765: ImageFatalError,
770: WandFatalError,
775: RandomFatalError,
780: XServerFatalError,
785: MonitorFatalError,
790: RegistryFatalError,
795: ConfigureFatalError,
799: PolicyFatalError,