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""":mod:`wand.resource` --- Global resource management
There is the global resource to manage in MagickWand API. This module
implements automatic global resource management through reference counting.
import atexit
import contextlib
import ctypes
import warnings
from .api import library
from .compat import abc, string_type
from .exceptions import TYPE_MAP, WandException
from .version import MAGICK_VERSION_NUMBER
__all__ = ('genesis', 'limits', 'shutdown', 'terminus',
'DestroyedResourceError', 'Resource', 'ResourceLimits')
def genesis():
"""Instantiates the MagickWand API.
.. warning::
Don't call this function directly. Use :func:`increment_refcount()` and
:func:`decrement_refcount()` functions instead.
def terminus():
"""Cleans up the MagickWand API.
.. warning::
Don't call this function directly. Use :func:`increment_refcount()` and
:func:`decrement_refcount()` functions instead.
if library.IsMagickWandInstantiated is None: # pragma no cover
elif library.IsMagickWandInstantiated():
allocation_map = {}
def allocate_ref(addr, deallocator):
global allocation_map
if len(allocation_map) == 0:
if addr:
allocation_map[addr] = deallocator
def deallocate_ref(addr):
global allocation_map
if addr in list(allocation_map):
deallocator = allocation_map.pop(addr)
if callable(deallocator):
def shutdown():
global allocation_map
for addr in list(allocation_map):
deallocator = allocation_map.pop(addr)
if callable(deallocator):
except KeyError:
class Resource(object):
"""Abstract base class for MagickWand object that requires resource
management. Its all subclasses manage the resource semiautomatically
and support :keyword:`with` statement as well::
with Resource() as resource:
# use the resource...
It doesn't implement constructor by itself, so subclasses should
implement it. Every constructor should assign the pointer of its
resource data into :attr:`resource` attribute inside of :keyword:`with`
:meth:`allocate()` context. For example::
class Pizza(Resource):
'''My pizza yummy.'''
def __init__(self):
with self.allocate():
self.resource = library.NewPizza()
.. versionadded:: 0.1.2
#: (:class:`ctypes.CFUNCTYPE`) The :mod:`ctypes` predicate function
#: that returns whether the given pointer (that contains a resource data
#: usually) is a valid resource.
#: .. note::
#: It is an abstract attribute that has to be implemented
#: in the subclass.
c_is_resource = NotImplemented
#: (:class:`ctypes.CFUNCTYPE`) The :mod:`ctypes` function that destroys
#: the :attr:`resource`.
#: .. note::
#: It is an abstract attribute that has to be implemented
#: in the subclass.
c_destroy_resource = NotImplemented
#: (:class:`ctypes.CFUNCTYPE`) The :mod:`ctypes` function that gets
#: an exception from the :attr:`resource`.
#: .. note::
#: It is an abstract attribute that has to be implemented
#: in the subclass.
c_get_exception = NotImplemented
#: (:class:`ctypes.CFUNCTYPE`) The :mod:`ctypes` function that clears
#: an exception of the :attr:`resource`.
#: .. note::
#: It is an abstract attribute that has to be implemented
#: in the subclass.
c_clear_exception = NotImplemented
def resource(self):
"""Internal pointer to the resource instance. It may raise
:exc:`DestroyedResourceError` when the resource has destroyed already.
if getattr(self, 'c_resource', None) is None:
raise DestroyedResourceError(repr(self) + ' is destroyed already')
return self.c_resource
def resource(self, resource):
# Delete the existing resource if there is one
if getattr(self, 'c_resource', None):
if self.c_is_resource(resource):
self.c_resource = resource
allocate_ref(self.c_resource, self.c_destroy_resource)
raise TypeError(repr(resource) + ' is an invalid resource')
def resource(self):
if getattr(self, 'c_resource', None):
self.c_resource = None
def allocate(self):
"""Allocates the memory for the resource explicitly. Its subclasses
should assign the created resource into :attr:`resource` attribute
inside of this context. For example::
with resource.allocate():
resource.resource = library.NewResource()
# As of 0x710, we must call MagickWandGenesis before allocate of
# Wand's Resource & ImageMagick PixelWand.
yield self
def destroy(self):
"""Cleans up the resource explicitly. If you use the resource in
:keyword:`with` statement, it was called implicitly so have not to
call it.
del self.resource
def get_exception(self):
"""Gets a current exception instance.
:returns: a current exception. it can be ``None`` as well if any
errors aren't occurred
:rtype: :class:`wand.exceptions.WandException`
severity = ctypes.c_int()
desc = self.c_get_exception(self.resource, ctypes.byref(severity))
if severity.value == 0:
if desc:
desc = library.MagickRelinquishMemory(desc)
exc_cls = TYPE_MAP[severity.value]
if desc:
message = ctypes.string_at(desc)
desc = library.MagickRelinquishMemory(desc)
message = b''
if not isinstance(message, string_type):
message = message.decode(errors='replace')
return exc_cls(message)
def raise_exception(self, stacklevel=1):
"""Raises an exception or warning if it has occurred."""
e = self.get_exception()
if isinstance(e, Warning):
warnings.warn(e, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
elif isinstance(e, Exception):
raise e
def make_blob(self, format=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def __del__(self):
except DestroyedResourceError:
class DestroyedResourceError(WandException, ReferenceError, AttributeError):
"""An error that rises when some code tries access to an already
destroyed resource.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.0
It becomes a subtype of :exc:`wand.exceptions.WandException`.
class ResourceLimits(abc.MutableMapping):
"""Wrapper for MagickCore resource limits.
Useful for dynamically reducing system resources before attempting risky,
or slow running, :class:`~wand.image.Image` operations.
For example::
from wand.image import Image
from wand.resource import limits
# Use 100MB of ram before writing temp data to disk.
limits['memory'] = 1024 * 1024 * 100
# Reject images larger than 1000x1000.
limits['width'] = 1000
limits['height'] = 1000
# Debug resources used.
with Image(filename='user.jpg') as img:
print('Using {0} of {1} memory'.format(limits.resource('memory'),
# Dump list of all limits.
for label in limits:
print('{0} => {1}'.format(label, limits[label]))
Available resource keys:
- ``'area'`` - Maximum `width * height` of a pixel cache before writing to
- ``'disk'`` - Maximum bytes used by pixel cache on disk before exception
is thrown.
- ``'file'`` - Maximum cache files opened at any given time.
- ``'height'`` - Maximum height of image before exception is thrown.
- ``'list_length'`` - Maximum images in sequence. Only available with
recent version of ImageMagick.
- ``'map'`` - Maximum memory map in bytes to allocated for pixel cache
before using disk.
- ``'memory'`` - Maximum bytes to allocated for pixel cache before using
- ``'thread'`` - Maximum parallel task sub-routines can spawn - if using
- ``'throttle'`` - Total milliseconds to yield to CPU - if possible.
- ``'time'`` - Maximum seconds before exception is thrown.
- ``'width'`` - Maximum width of image before exception is thrown.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
#: (:class:`tuple`) List of available resource types for ImageMagick-6.
_limits6 = ('undefined', 'area', 'disk', 'file', 'map', 'memory', 'thread',
'time', 'throttle', 'width', 'height')
#: (:class:`tuple`) List of available resource types for ImageMagick-7.
_limits7 = ('undefined', 'area', 'disk', 'file', 'height', 'map', 'memory',
'thread', 'throttle', 'time', 'width', 'list_length')
def __init__(self):
self.limits = self._limits6
self.limits = self._limits7
def __getitem__(self, r):
return self.get_resource_limit(r)
def __setitem__(self, r, v):
self.set_resource_limit(r, v)
def __delitem__(self, r):
self[r] = 0
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.limits)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.limits)
def _to_idx(self, resource):
"""Helper method to map resource string to enum value."""
return self.limits.index(resource)
def resource(self, resource):
"""Get the current value for the resource type.
:param resource: Resource type.
:type resource: :class:`basestring`
:rtype: :class:`numeric.Integral`
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
return library.MagickGetResource(self._to_idx(resource))
def get_resource_limit(self, resource):
"""Get the current limit for the resource type.
:param resource: Resource type.
:type resource: :class:`basestring`
:rtype: :class:`numeric.Integral`
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
return library.MagickGetResourceLimit(self._to_idx(resource))
def set_resource_limit(self, resource, limit):
"""Sets a new limit for resource type.
.. note::
The new limit value must be equal to or less than the maximum
limit defined by the :file:`policy.xml`. Any values set outside
normal bounds will be ignored silently.
:param resource: Resource type.
:type resource: :class:`basestring`
:param limit: New limit value.
:type limit: :class:`numeric.Integral`
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
ull = ctypes.c_ulonglong(limit)
library.MagickSetResourceLimit(self._to_idx(resource), ull)
#: (:class:`ResourceLimits`) Helper to get & set Magick Resource Limits.
#: .. versionadded:: 0.5.1
limits = ResourceLimits()