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import re
import sys
import importlib
import types
import inspect
import enum
import pytest
import trio
import trio.testing
from .. import _core
from .. import _util
def test_core_is_properly_reexported():
# Each export from _core should be re-exported by exactly one of these
# three modules:
sources = [trio, trio.lowlevel, trio.testing]
for symbol in dir(_core):
if symbol.startswith("_") or symbol == "tests":
found = 0
for source in sources:
if symbol in dir(source) and getattr(source, symbol) is getattr(
_core, symbol
found += 1
print(symbol, found)
assert found == 1
def public_modules(module):
yield module
for name, class_ in module.__dict__.items():
if name.startswith("_"): # pragma: no cover
if not isinstance(class_, types.ModuleType):
if not class_.__name__.startswith(module.__name__): # pragma: no cover
if class_ is module:
# We should rename the trio.tests module (#274), but until then we use
# a special-case hack:
if class_.__name__ == "trio.tests":
yield from public_modules(class_)
PUBLIC_MODULES = list(public_modules(trio))
# It doesn't make sense for downstream redistributors to run this test, since
# they might be using a newer version of Python with additional symbols which
# won't be reflected in trio.socket, and this shouldn't cause downstream test
# runs to start failing.
# pylint/jedi often have trouble with alpha releases, where Python's internals
# are in flux, grammar may not have settled down, etc.
sys.version_info.releaselevel == "alpha",
reason="skip static introspection tools on Python dev/alpha releases",
@pytest.mark.parametrize("modname", PUBLIC_MODULE_NAMES)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tool", ["pylint", "jedi"])
"ignore:module 'sre_constants' is deprecated:DeprecationWarning",
def test_static_tool_sees_all_symbols(tool, modname):
module = importlib.import_module(modname)
def no_underscores(symbols):
return {symbol for symbol in symbols if not symbol.startswith("_")}
runtime_names = no_underscores(dir(module))
# We should rename the trio.tests module (#274), but until then we use a
# special-case hack:
if modname == "trio":
if tool == "pylint":
from pylint.lint import PyLinter
linter = PyLinter()
ast = linter.get_ast(module.__file__, modname)
static_names = no_underscores(ast)
elif tool == "jedi":
import jedi
# Simulate typing "import trio; trio.<TAB>"
script = jedi.Script("import {}; {}.".format(modname, modname))
completions = script.complete()
static_names = no_underscores( for c in completions)
else: # pragma: no cover
assert False
# It's expected that the static set will contain more names than the
# runtime set:
# - static tools are sometimes sloppy and include deleted names
# - some symbols are platform-specific at runtime, but always show up in
# static analysis (e.g. in trio.socket or trio.lowlevel)
# So we check that the runtime names are a subset of the static names.
missing_names = runtime_names - static_names
if missing_names: # pragma: no cover
print("{} can't see the following names in {}:".format(tool, modname))
for name in sorted(missing_names):
print(" {}".format(name))
assert False
def test_classes_are_final():
for module in PUBLIC_MODULES:
for name, class_ in module.__dict__.items():
if not isinstance(class_, type):
# Deprecated classes are exported with a leading underscore
if name.startswith("_"): # pragma: no cover
# Abstract classes can be subclassed, because that's the whole
# point of ABCs
if inspect.isabstract(class_):
# Exceptions are allowed to be subclassed, because exception
# subclassing isn't used to inherit behavior.
if issubclass(class_, BaseException):
# These are classes that are conceptually abstract, but
# inspect.isabstract returns False for boring reasons.
if class_ in {, trio.socket.SocketType}:
# Enums have their own metaclass, so we can't use our metaclasses.
# And I don't think there's a lot of risk from people subclassing
# enums...
if issubclass(class_, enum.Enum):
# ... insert other special cases here ...
assert isinstance(class_, _util.Final)