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import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from . import _core
from ._abc import SendStream, ReceiveStream
from ._util import ConflictDetector, Final
from ._core._windows_cffi import _handle, raise_winerror, kernel32, ffi
assert sys.platform == "win32" or not TYPE_CHECKING
# XX TODO: don't just make this up based on nothing.
# See the comments on _unix_pipes._FdHolder for discussion of why we set the
# handle to -1 when it's closed.
class _HandleHolder:
def __init__(self, handle: int) -> None:
self.handle = -1
if not isinstance(handle, int):
raise TypeError("handle must be an int")
self.handle = handle
def closed(self):
return self.handle == -1
def close(self):
if self.closed:
handle = self.handle
self.handle = -1
if not kernel32.CloseHandle(_handle(handle)):
def __del__(self):
class PipeSendStream(SendStream, metaclass=Final):
"""Represents a send stream over a Windows named pipe that has been
opened in OVERLAPPED mode.
def __init__(self, handle: int) -> None:
self._handle_holder = _HandleHolder(handle)
self._conflict_detector = ConflictDetector(
"another task is currently using this pipe"
async def send_all(self, data: bytes):
with self._conflict_detector:
if self._handle_holder.closed:
raise _core.ClosedResourceError("this pipe is already closed")
if not data:
await _core.checkpoint()
written = await _core.write_overlapped(self._handle_holder.handle, data)
except BrokenPipeError as ex:
raise _core.BrokenResourceError from ex
# By my reading of MSDN, this assert is guaranteed to pass so long
# as the pipe isn't in nonblocking mode, but... let's just
# double-check.
assert written == len(data)
async def wait_send_all_might_not_block(self) -> None:
with self._conflict_detector:
if self._handle_holder.closed:
raise _core.ClosedResourceError("This pipe is already closed")
# not implemented yet, and probably not needed
await _core.checkpoint()
def close(self):
async def aclose(self):
await _core.checkpoint()
class PipeReceiveStream(ReceiveStream, metaclass=Final):
"""Represents a receive stream over an os.pipe object."""
def __init__(self, handle: int) -> None:
self._handle_holder = _HandleHolder(handle)
self._conflict_detector = ConflictDetector(
"another task is currently using this pipe"
async def receive_some(self, max_bytes=None) -> bytes:
with self._conflict_detector:
if self._handle_holder.closed:
raise _core.ClosedResourceError("this pipe is already closed")
if max_bytes is None:
if not isinstance(max_bytes, int):
raise TypeError("max_bytes must be integer >= 1")
if max_bytes < 1:
raise ValueError("max_bytes must be integer >= 1")
buffer = bytearray(max_bytes)
size = await _core.readinto_overlapped(
self._handle_holder.handle, buffer
except BrokenPipeError:
if self._handle_holder.closed:
raise _core.ClosedResourceError(
"another task closed this pipe"
) from None
# Windows raises BrokenPipeError on one end of a pipe
# whenever the other end closes, regardless of direction.
# Convert this to the Unix behavior of returning EOF to the
# reader when the writer closes.
# And since we're not raising an exception, we have to
# checkpoint. But readinto_overlapped did raise an exception,
# so it might not have checkpointed for us. So we have to
# checkpoint manually.
await _core.checkpoint()
return b""
del buffer[size:]
return buffer
def close(self):
async def aclose(self):
await _core.checkpoint()