You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

699 lines
24 KiB

# This file is generated from the CDP specification. If you need to make
# changes, edit the generator and regenerate all of the modules.
# CDP domain: Overlay (experimental)
from __future__ import annotations
from .util import event_class, T_JSON_DICT
from dataclasses import dataclass
import enum
import typing
from . import dom
from . import page
from . import runtime
class GridHighlightConfig:
Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.
#: Whether the extension lines from grid cells to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
show_grid_extension_lines: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Show Positive line number labels (default: false).
show_positive_line_numbers: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Show Negative line number labels (default: false).
show_negative_line_numbers: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: The grid container border highlight color (default: transparent).
grid_border_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The cell border color (default: transparent).
cell_border_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: Whether the grid border is dashed (default: false).
grid_border_dash: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Whether the cell border is dashed (default: false).
cell_border_dash: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: The row gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
row_gap_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The row gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
row_hatch_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The column gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
column_gap_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The column gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
column_hatch_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
def to_json(self):
json = dict()
if self.show_grid_extension_lines is not None:
json['showGridExtensionLines'] = self.show_grid_extension_lines
if self.show_positive_line_numbers is not None:
json['showPositiveLineNumbers'] = self.show_positive_line_numbers
if self.show_negative_line_numbers is not None:
json['showNegativeLineNumbers'] = self.show_negative_line_numbers
if self.grid_border_color is not None:
json['gridBorderColor'] = self.grid_border_color.to_json()
if self.cell_border_color is not None:
json['cellBorderColor'] = self.cell_border_color.to_json()
if self.grid_border_dash is not None:
json['gridBorderDash'] = self.grid_border_dash
if self.cell_border_dash is not None:
json['cellBorderDash'] = self.cell_border_dash
if self.row_gap_color is not None:
json['rowGapColor'] = self.row_gap_color.to_json()
if self.row_hatch_color is not None:
json['rowHatchColor'] = self.row_hatch_color.to_json()
if self.column_gap_color is not None:
json['columnGapColor'] = self.column_gap_color.to_json()
if self.column_hatch_color is not None:
json['columnHatchColor'] = self.column_hatch_color.to_json()
return json
def from_json(cls, json):
return cls(
show_grid_extension_lines=bool(json['showGridExtensionLines']) if 'showGridExtensionLines' in json else None,
show_positive_line_numbers=bool(json['showPositiveLineNumbers']) if 'showPositiveLineNumbers' in json else None,
show_negative_line_numbers=bool(json['showNegativeLineNumbers']) if 'showNegativeLineNumbers' in json else None,
grid_border_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['gridBorderColor']) if 'gridBorderColor' in json else None,
cell_border_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['cellBorderColor']) if 'cellBorderColor' in json else None,
grid_border_dash=bool(json['gridBorderDash']) if 'gridBorderDash' in json else None,
cell_border_dash=bool(json['cellBorderDash']) if 'cellBorderDash' in json else None,
row_gap_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['rowGapColor']) if 'rowGapColor' in json else None,
row_hatch_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['rowHatchColor']) if 'rowHatchColor' in json else None,
column_gap_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['columnGapColor']) if 'columnGapColor' in json else None,
column_hatch_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['columnHatchColor']) if 'columnHatchColor' in json else None,
class HighlightConfig:
Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements.
#: Whether the node info tooltip should be shown (default: false).
show_info: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Whether the node styles in the tooltip (default: false).
show_styles: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Whether the rulers should be shown (default: false).
show_rulers: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Whether the a11y info should be shown (default: true).
show_accessibility_info: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: Whether the extension lines from node to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
show_extension_lines: typing.Optional[bool] = None
#: The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
content_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
padding_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The border highlight fill color (default: transparent).
border_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
margin_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The event target element highlight fill color (default: transparent).
event_target_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The shape outside fill color (default: transparent).
shape_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The shape margin fill color (default: transparent).
shape_margin_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The grid layout color (default: transparent).
css_grid_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The color format used to format color styles (default: hex).
color_format: typing.Optional[ColorFormat] = None
#: The grid layout highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
grid_highlight_config: typing.Optional[GridHighlightConfig] = None
def to_json(self):
json = dict()
if self.show_info is not None:
json['showInfo'] = self.show_info
if self.show_styles is not None:
json['showStyles'] = self.show_styles
if self.show_rulers is not None:
json['showRulers'] = self.show_rulers
if self.show_accessibility_info is not None:
json['showAccessibilityInfo'] = self.show_accessibility_info
if self.show_extension_lines is not None:
json['showExtensionLines'] = self.show_extension_lines
if self.content_color is not None:
json['contentColor'] = self.content_color.to_json()
if self.padding_color is not None:
json['paddingColor'] = self.padding_color.to_json()
if self.border_color is not None:
json['borderColor'] = self.border_color.to_json()
if self.margin_color is not None:
json['marginColor'] = self.margin_color.to_json()
if self.event_target_color is not None:
json['eventTargetColor'] = self.event_target_color.to_json()
if self.shape_color is not None:
json['shapeColor'] = self.shape_color.to_json()
if self.shape_margin_color is not None:
json['shapeMarginColor'] = self.shape_margin_color.to_json()
if self.css_grid_color is not None:
json['cssGridColor'] = self.css_grid_color.to_json()
if self.color_format is not None:
json['colorFormat'] = self.color_format.to_json()
if self.grid_highlight_config is not None:
json['gridHighlightConfig'] = self.grid_highlight_config.to_json()
return json
def from_json(cls, json):
return cls(
show_info=bool(json['showInfo']) if 'showInfo' in json else None,
show_styles=bool(json['showStyles']) if 'showStyles' in json else None,
show_rulers=bool(json['showRulers']) if 'showRulers' in json else None,
show_accessibility_info=bool(json['showAccessibilityInfo']) if 'showAccessibilityInfo' in json else None,
show_extension_lines=bool(json['showExtensionLines']) if 'showExtensionLines' in json else None,
content_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['contentColor']) if 'contentColor' in json else None,
padding_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['paddingColor']) if 'paddingColor' in json else None,
border_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['borderColor']) if 'borderColor' in json else None,
margin_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['marginColor']) if 'marginColor' in json else None,
event_target_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['eventTargetColor']) if 'eventTargetColor' in json else None,
shape_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['shapeColor']) if 'shapeColor' in json else None,
shape_margin_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['shapeMarginColor']) if 'shapeMarginColor' in json else None,
css_grid_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['cssGridColor']) if 'cssGridColor' in json else None,
color_format=ColorFormat.from_json(json['colorFormat']) if 'colorFormat' in json else None,
grid_highlight_config=GridHighlightConfig.from_json(json['gridHighlightConfig']) if 'gridHighlightConfig' in json else None,
class ColorFormat(enum.Enum):
RGB = "rgb"
HSL = "hsl"
HEX_ = "hex"
def to_json(self):
return self.value
def from_json(cls, json):
return cls(json)
class HingeConfig:
Configuration for dual screen hinge
#: A rectangle represent hinge
rect: dom.Rect
#: The content box highlight fill color (default: a dark color).
content_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
#: The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
outline_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
def to_json(self):
json = dict()
json['rect'] = self.rect.to_json()
if self.content_color is not None:
json['contentColor'] = self.content_color.to_json()
if self.outline_color is not None:
json['outlineColor'] = self.outline_color.to_json()
return json
def from_json(cls, json):
return cls(
content_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['contentColor']) if 'contentColor' in json else None,
outline_color=dom.RGBA.from_json(json['outlineColor']) if 'outlineColor' in json else None,
class InspectMode(enum.Enum):
SEARCH_FOR_NODE = "searchForNode"
CAPTURE_AREA_SCREENSHOT = "captureAreaScreenshot"
SHOW_DISTANCES = "showDistances"
NONE = "none"
def to_json(self):
return self.value
def from_json(cls, json):
return cls(json)
def disable() -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Disables domain notifications.
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.disable',
json = yield cmd_dict
def enable() -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Enables domain notifications.
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.enable',
json = yield cmd_dict
def get_highlight_object_for_test(
node_id: dom.NodeId,
include_distance: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
include_style: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
color_format: typing.Optional[ColorFormat] = None,
show_accessibility_info: typing.Optional[bool] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,dict]:
For testing.
:param node_id: Id of the node to get highlight object for.
:param include_distance: *(Optional)* Whether to include distance info.
:param include_style: *(Optional)* Whether to include style info.
:param color_format: *(Optional)* The color format to get config with (default: hex).
:param show_accessibility_info: *(Optional)* Whether to show accessibility info (default: true).
:returns: Highlight data for the node.
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['nodeId'] = node_id.to_json()
if include_distance is not None:
params['includeDistance'] = include_distance
if include_style is not None:
params['includeStyle'] = include_style
if color_format is not None:
params['colorFormat'] = color_format.to_json()
if show_accessibility_info is not None:
params['showAccessibilityInfo'] = show_accessibility_info
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTest',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
return dict(json['highlight'])
def hide_highlight() -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Hides any highlight.
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.hideHighlight',
json = yield cmd_dict
def highlight_frame(
frame_id: page.FrameId,
content_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None,
content_outline_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Highlights owner element of the frame with given id.
:param frame_id: Identifier of the frame to highlight.
:param content_color: *(Optional)* The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
:param content_outline_color: *(Optional)* The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['frameId'] = frame_id.to_json()
if content_color is not None:
params['contentColor'] = content_color.to_json()
if content_outline_color is not None:
params['contentOutlineColor'] = content_outline_color.to_json()
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.highlightFrame',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def highlight_node(
highlight_config: HighlightConfig,
node_id: typing.Optional[dom.NodeId] = None,
backend_node_id: typing.Optional[dom.BackendNodeId] = None,
object_id: typing.Optional[runtime.RemoteObjectId] = None,
selector: typing.Optional[str] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Highlights DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or
objectId must be specified.
:param highlight_config: A descriptor for the highlight appearance.
:param node_id: *(Optional)* Identifier of the node to highlight.
:param backend_node_id: *(Optional)* Identifier of the backend node to highlight.
:param object_id: *(Optional)* JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.
:param selector: *(Optional)* Selectors to highlight relevant nodes.
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['highlightConfig'] = highlight_config.to_json()
if node_id is not None:
params['nodeId'] = node_id.to_json()
if backend_node_id is not None:
params['backendNodeId'] = backend_node_id.to_json()
if object_id is not None:
params['objectId'] = object_id.to_json()
if selector is not None:
params['selector'] = selector
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.highlightNode',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def highlight_quad(
quad: dom.Quad,
color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None,
outline_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Highlights given quad. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
:param quad: Quad to highlight
:param color: *(Optional)* The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
:param outline_color: *(Optional)* The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['quad'] = quad.to_json()
if color is not None:
params['color'] = color.to_json()
if outline_color is not None:
params['outlineColor'] = outline_color.to_json()
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.highlightQuad',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def highlight_rect(
x: int,
y: int,
width: int,
height: int,
color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None,
outline_color: typing.Optional[dom.RGBA] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Highlights given rectangle. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
:param x: X coordinate
:param y: Y coordinate
:param width: Rectangle width
:param height: Rectangle height
:param color: *(Optional)* The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
:param outline_color: *(Optional)* The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['x'] = x
params['y'] = y
params['width'] = width
params['height'] = height
if color is not None:
params['color'] = color.to_json()
if outline_color is not None:
params['outlineColor'] = outline_color.to_json()
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.highlightRect',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_inspect_mode(
mode: InspectMode,
highlight_config: typing.Optional[HighlightConfig] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Enters the 'inspect' mode. In this mode, elements that user is hovering over are highlighted.
Backend then generates 'inspectNodeRequested' event upon element selection.
:param mode: Set an inspection mode.
:param highlight_config: *(Optional)* A descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be omitted if ```enabled == false```.
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['mode'] = mode.to_json()
if highlight_config is not None:
params['highlightConfig'] = highlight_config.to_json()
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setInspectMode',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_ad_highlights(
show: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Highlights owner element of all frames detected to be ads.
:param show: True for showing ad highlights
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['show'] = show
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowAdHighlights',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_paused_in_debugger_message(
message: typing.Optional[str] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
:param message: *(Optional)* The message to display, also triggers resume and step over controls.
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
if message is not None:
params['message'] = message
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessage',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_debug_borders(
show: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Requests that backend shows debug borders on layers
:param show: True for showing debug borders
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['show'] = show
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowDebugBorders',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_fps_counter(
show: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Requests that backend shows the FPS counter
:param show: True for showing the FPS counter
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['show'] = show
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowFPSCounter',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_paint_rects(
result: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Requests that backend shows paint rectangles
:param result: True for showing paint rectangles
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['result'] = result
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowPaintRects',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_layout_shift_regions(
result: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Requests that backend shows layout shift regions
:param result: True for showing layout shift regions
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['result'] = result
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowLayoutShiftRegions',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_scroll_bottleneck_rects(
show: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Requests that backend shows scroll bottleneck rects
:param show: True for showing scroll bottleneck rects
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['show'] = show
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRects',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_hit_test_borders(
show: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Requests that backend shows hit-test borders on layers
:param show: True for showing hit-test borders
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['show'] = show
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowHitTestBorders',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_viewport_size_on_resize(
show: bool
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Paints viewport size upon main frame resize.
:param show: Whether to paint size or not.
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
params['show'] = show
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResize',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
def set_show_hinge(
hinge_config: typing.Optional[HingeConfig] = None
) -> typing.Generator[T_JSON_DICT,T_JSON_DICT,None]:
Add a dual screen device hinge
:param hinge_config: *(Optional)* hinge data, null means hideHinge
params: T_JSON_DICT = dict()
if hinge_config is not None:
params['hingeConfig'] = hinge_config.to_json()
cmd_dict: T_JSON_DICT = {
'method': 'Overlay.setShowHinge',
'params': params,
json = yield cmd_dict
class InspectNodeRequested:
Fired when the node should be inspected. This happens after call to ``setInspectMode`` or when
user manually inspects an element.
#: Id of the node to inspect.
backend_node_id: dom.BackendNodeId
def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> InspectNodeRequested:
return cls(
class NodeHighlightRequested:
Fired when the node should be highlighted. This happens after call to ``setInspectMode``.
node_id: dom.NodeId
def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> NodeHighlightRequested:
return cls(
class ScreenshotRequested:
Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the page.
#: Viewport to capture, in device independent pixels (dip).
viewport: page.Viewport
def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> ScreenshotRequested:
return cls(
class InspectModeCanceled:
Fired when user cancels the inspect mode.
def from_json(cls, json: T_JSON_DICT) -> InspectModeCanceled:
return cls(