import logging import operator import re import string import sys import typing import typing as t from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from datetime import timezone from itertools import chain from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from _typeshed.wsgi import StartResponse from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIApplication from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIEnvironment from .wrappers.request import Request # noqa: F401 _logger: t.Optional[logging.Logger] = None _signature_cache = WeakKeyDictionary() # type: ignore _epoch_ord = date(1970, 1, 1).toordinal() _legal_cookie_chars = frozenset( c.encode("ascii") for c in f"{string.ascii_letters}{string.digits}/=!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~:" ) _cookie_quoting_map = {b",": b"\\054", b";": b"\\073", b'"': b'\\"', b"\\": b"\\\\"} for _i in chain(range(32), range(127, 256)): _cookie_quoting_map[_i.to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder)] = f"\\{_i:03o}".encode("latin1") _octal_re = re.compile(rb"\\[0-3][0-7][0-7]") _quote_re = re.compile(rb"[\\].") _legal_cookie_chars_re = rb"[\w\d!#%&\'~_`><@,:/\$\*\+\-\.\^\|\)\(\?\}\{\=]" _cookie_re = re.compile( rb""" (?P[^=;]+) (?:\s*=\s* (?P "(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*" | (?:.*?) ) )? \s*; """, flags=re.VERBOSE, ) class _Missing: def __repr__(self) -> str: return "no value" def __reduce__(self) -> str: return "_missing" _missing = _Missing() @typing.overload def _make_encode_wrapper(reference: str) -> t.Callable[[str], str]: ... @typing.overload def _make_encode_wrapper(reference: bytes) -> t.Callable[[str], bytes]: ... def _make_encode_wrapper(reference: t.AnyStr) -> t.Callable[[str], t.AnyStr]: """Create a function that will be called with a string argument. If the reference is bytes, values will be encoded to bytes. """ if isinstance(reference, str): return lambda x: x return operator.methodcaller("encode", "latin1") def _check_str_tuple(value: t.Tuple[t.AnyStr, ...]) -> None: """Ensure tuple items are all strings or all bytes.""" if not value: return item_type = str if isinstance(value[0], str) else bytes if any(not isinstance(item, item_type) for item in value): raise TypeError(f"Cannot mix str and bytes arguments (got {value!r})") _default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() def _to_bytes( x: t.Union[str, bytes], charset: str = _default_encoding, errors: str = "strict" ) -> bytes: if x is None or isinstance(x, bytes): return x if isinstance(x, (bytearray, memoryview)): return bytes(x) if isinstance(x, str): return x.encode(charset, errors) raise TypeError("Expected bytes") @typing.overload def _to_str( # type: ignore x: None, charset: t.Optional[str] = ..., errors: str = ..., allow_none_charset: bool = ..., ) -> None: ... @typing.overload def _to_str( x: t.Any, charset: t.Optional[str] = ..., errors: str = ..., allow_none_charset: bool = ..., ) -> str: ... def _to_str( x: t.Optional[t.Any], charset: t.Optional[str] = _default_encoding, errors: str = "strict", allow_none_charset: bool = False, ) -> t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes]]: if x is None or isinstance(x, str): return x if not isinstance(x, (bytes, bytearray)): return str(x) if charset is None: if allow_none_charset: return x return x.decode(charset, errors) # type: ignore def _wsgi_decoding_dance( s: str, charset: str = "utf-8", errors: str = "replace" ) -> str: return s.encode("latin1").decode(charset, errors) def _wsgi_encoding_dance( s: str, charset: str = "utf-8", errors: str = "replace" ) -> str: if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode("latin1", errors) return s.encode(charset).decode("latin1", errors) def _get_environ(obj: t.Union["WSGIEnvironment", "Request"]) -> "WSGIEnvironment": env = getattr(obj, "environ", obj) assert isinstance( env, dict ), f"{type(obj).__name__!r} is not a WSGI environment (has to be a dict)" return env def _has_level_handler(logger: logging.Logger) -> bool: """Check if there is a handler in the logging chain that will handle the given logger's effective level. """ level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() current = logger while current: if any(handler.level <= level for handler in current.handlers): return True if not current.propagate: break current = current.parent # type: ignore return False class _ColorStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """On Windows, wrap stream with Colorama for ANSI style support.""" def __init__(self) -> None: try: import colorama except ImportError: stream = None else: stream = colorama.AnsiToWin32(sys.stderr) super().__init__(stream) def _log(type: str, message: str, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: """Log a message to the 'werkzeug' logger. The logger is created the first time it is needed. If there is no level set, it is set to :data:`logging.INFO`. If there is no handler for the logger's effective level, a :class:`logging.StreamHandler` is added. """ global _logger if _logger is None: _logger = logging.getLogger("werkzeug") if _logger.level == logging.NOTSET: _logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if not _has_level_handler(_logger): _logger.addHandler(_ColorStreamHandler()) getattr(_logger, type)(message.rstrip(), *args, **kwargs) @typing.overload def _dt_as_utc(dt: None) -> None: ... @typing.overload def _dt_as_utc(dt: datetime) -> datetime: ... def _dt_as_utc(dt: t.Optional[datetime]) -> t.Optional[datetime]: if dt is None: return dt if dt.tzinfo is None: return dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) elif dt.tzinfo != timezone.utc: return dt.astimezone(timezone.utc) return dt _TAccessorValue = t.TypeVar("_TAccessorValue") class _DictAccessorProperty(t.Generic[_TAccessorValue]): """Baseclass for `environ_property` and `header_property`.""" read_only = False def __init__( self, name: str, default: t.Optional[_TAccessorValue] = None, load_func: t.Optional[t.Callable[[str], _TAccessorValue]] = None, dump_func: t.Optional[t.Callable[[_TAccessorValue], str]] = None, read_only: t.Optional[bool] = None, doc: t.Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: = name self.default = default self.load_func = load_func self.dump_func = dump_func if read_only is not None: self.read_only = read_only self.__doc__ = doc def lookup(self, instance: t.Any) -> t.MutableMapping[str, t.Any]: raise NotImplementedError @typing.overload def __get__( self, instance: None, owner: type ) -> "_DictAccessorProperty[_TAccessorValue]": ... @typing.overload def __get__(self, instance: t.Any, owner: type) -> _TAccessorValue: ... def __get__( self, instance: t.Optional[t.Any], owner: type ) -> t.Union[_TAccessorValue, "_DictAccessorProperty[_TAccessorValue]"]: if instance is None: return self storage = self.lookup(instance) if not in storage: return self.default # type: ignore value = storage[] if self.load_func is not None: try: return self.load_func(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return self.default # type: ignore return value # type: ignore def __set__(self, instance: t.Any, value: _TAccessorValue) -> None: if self.read_only: raise AttributeError("read only property") if self.dump_func is not None: self.lookup(instance)[] = self.dump_func(value) else: self.lookup(instance)[] = value def __delete__(self, instance: t.Any) -> None: if self.read_only: raise AttributeError("read only property") self.lookup(instance).pop(, None) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{type(self).__name__} {}>" def _cookie_quote(b: bytes) -> bytes: buf = bytearray() all_legal = True _lookup = _cookie_quoting_map.get _push = buf.extend for char_int in b: char = char_int.to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder) if char not in _legal_cookie_chars: all_legal = False char = _lookup(char, char) _push(char) if all_legal: return bytes(buf) return bytes(b'"' + buf + b'"') def _cookie_unquote(b: bytes) -> bytes: if len(b) < 2: return b if b[:1] != b'"' or b[-1:] != b'"': return b b = b[1:-1] i = 0 n = len(b) rv = bytearray() _push = rv.extend while 0 <= i < n: o_match =, i) q_match =, i) if not o_match and not q_match: rv.extend(b[i:]) break j = k = -1 if o_match: j = o_match.start(0) if q_match: k = q_match.start(0) if q_match and (not o_match or k < j): _push(b[i:k]) _push(b[k + 1 : k + 2]) i = k + 2 else: _push(b[i:j]) rv.append(int(b[j + 1 : j + 4], 8)) i = j + 4 return bytes(rv) def _cookie_parse_impl(b: bytes) -> t.Iterator[t.Tuple[bytes, bytes]]: """Lowlevel cookie parsing facility that operates on bytes.""" i = 0 n = len(b) while i < n: match = + b";", i) if not match: break key ="key").strip() value ="val") or b"" i = match.end(0) yield key, _cookie_unquote(value) def _encode_idna(domain: str) -> bytes: # If we're given bytes, make sure they fit into ASCII if isinstance(domain, bytes): domain.decode("ascii") return domain # Otherwise check if it's already ascii, then return try: return domain.encode("ascii") except UnicodeError: pass # Otherwise encode each part separately return b".".join(p.encode("idna") for p in domain.split(".")) def _decode_idna(domain: t.Union[str, bytes]) -> str: # If the input is a string try to encode it to ascii to do the idna # decoding. If that fails because of a unicode error, then we # already have a decoded idna domain. if isinstance(domain, str): try: domain = domain.encode("ascii") except UnicodeError: return domain # type: ignore # Decode each part separately. If a part fails, try to decode it # with ascii and silently ignore errors. This makes sense because # the idna codec does not have error handling. def decode_part(part: bytes) -> str: try: return part.decode("idna") except UnicodeError: return part.decode("ascii", "ignore") return ".".join(decode_part(p) for p in domain.split(b".")) @typing.overload def _make_cookie_domain(domain: None) -> None: ... @typing.overload def _make_cookie_domain(domain: str) -> bytes: ... def _make_cookie_domain(domain: t.Optional[str]) -> t.Optional[bytes]: if domain is None: return None domain = _encode_idna(domain) if b":" in domain: domain = domain.split(b":", 1)[0] if b"." in domain: return domain raise ValueError( "Setting 'domain' for a cookie on a server running locally (ex: " "localhost) is not supported by complying browsers. You should " "have something like: ' localhost dev.localhost' on " "your hosts file and then point your server to run on " "'dev.localhost' and also set 'domain' for 'dev.localhost'" ) def _easteregg(app: t.Optional["WSGIApplication"] = None) -> "WSGIApplication": """Like the name says. But who knows how it works?""" def bzzzzzzz(gyver: bytes) -> str: import base64 import zlib return zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(gyver)).decode("ascii") gyver = "\n".join( [ x + (77 - len(x)) * " " for x in bzzzzzzz( b""" eJyFlzuOJDkMRP06xRjymKgDJCDQStBYT8BCgK4gTwfQ2fcFs2a2FzvZk+hvlcRvRJD148efHt9m 9Xz94dRY5hGt1nrYcXx7us9qlcP9HHNh28rz8dZj+q4rynVFFPdlY4zH873NKCexrDM6zxxRymzz 4QIxzK4bth1PV7+uHn6WXZ5C4ka/+prFzx3zWLMHAVZb8RRUxtFXI5DTQ2n3Hi2sNI+HK43AOWSY jmEzE4naFp58PdzhPMdslLVWHTGUVpSxImw+pS/D+JhzLfdS1j7PzUMxij+mc2U0I9zcbZ/HcZxc q1QjvvcThMYFnp93agEx392ZdLJWXbi/Ca4Oivl4h/Y1ErEqP+lrg7Xa4qnUKu5UE9UUA4xeqLJ5 jWlPKJvR2yhRI7xFPdzPuc6adXu6ovwXwRPXXnZHxlPtkSkqWHilsOrGrvcVWXgGP3daXomCj317 8P2UOw/NnA0OOikZyFf3zZ76eN9QXNwYdD8f8/LdBRFg0BO3bB+Pe/+G8er8tDJv83XTkj7WeMBJ v/rnAfdO51d6sFglfi8U7zbnr0u9tyJHhFZNXYfH8Iafv2Oa+DT6l8u9UYlajV/hcEgk1x8E8L/r XJXl2SK+GJCxtnyhVKv6GFCEB1OO3f9YWAIEbwcRWv/6RPpsEzOkXURMN37J0PoCSYeBnJQd9Giu LxYQJNlYPSo/iTQwgaihbART7Fcyem2tTSCcwNCs85MOOpJtXhXDe0E7zgZJkcxWTar/zEjdIVCk iXy87FW6j5aGZhttDBoAZ3vnmlkx4q4mMmCdLtnHkBXFMCReqthSGkQ+MDXLLCpXwBs0t+sIhsDI tjBB8MwqYQpLygZ56rRHHpw+OAVyGgaGRHWy2QfXez+ZQQTTBkmRXdV/A9LwH6XGZpEAZU8rs4pE 1R4FQ3Uwt8RKEtRc0/CrANUoes3EzM6WYcFyskGZ6UTHJWenBDS7h163Eo2bpzqxNE9aVgEM2CqI GAJe9Yra4P5qKmta27VjzYdR04Vc7KHeY4vs61C0nbywFmcSXYjzBHdiEjraS7PGG2jHHTpJUMxN Jlxr3pUuFvlBWLJGE3GcA1/1xxLcHmlO+LAXbhrXah1tD6Ze+uqFGdZa5FM+3eHcKNaEarutAQ0A QMAZHV+ve6LxAwWnXbbSXEG2DmCX5ijeLCKj5lhVFBrMm+ryOttCAeFpUdZyQLAQkA06RLs56rzG 8MID55vqr/g64Qr/wqwlE0TVxgoiZhHrbY2h1iuuyUVg1nlkpDrQ7Vm1xIkI5XRKLedN9EjzVchu jQhXcVkjVdgP2O99QShpdvXWoSwkp5uMwyjt3jiWCqWGSiaaPAzohjPanXVLbM3x0dNskJsaCEyz DTKIs+7WKJD4ZcJGfMhLFBf6hlbnNkLEePF8Cx2o2kwmYF4+MzAxa6i+6xIQkswOqGO+3x9NaZX8 MrZRaFZpLeVTYI9F/djY6DDVVs340nZGmwrDqTCiiqD5luj3OzwpmQCiQhdRYowUYEA3i1WWGwL4 GCtSoO4XbIPFeKGU13XPkDf5IdimLpAvi2kVDVQbzOOa4KAXMFlpi/hV8F6IDe0Y2reg3PuNKT3i RYhZqtkQZqSB2Qm0SGtjAw7RDwaM1roESC8HWiPxkoOy0lLTRFG39kvbLZbU9gFKFRvixDZBJmpi Xyq3RE5lW00EJjaqwp/v3EByMSpVZYsEIJ4APaHmVtpGSieV5CALOtNUAzTBiw81GLgC0quyzf6c NlWknzJeCsJ5fup2R4d8CYGN77mu5vnO1UqbfElZ9E6cR6zbHjgsr9ly18fXjZoPeDjPuzlWbFwS pdvPkhntFvkc13qb9094LL5NrA3NIq3r9eNnop9DizWOqCEbyRBFJTHn6Tt3CG1o8a4HevYh0XiJ sR0AVVHuGuMOIfbuQ/OKBkGRC6NJ4u7sbPX8bG/n5sNIOQ6/Y/BX3IwRlTSabtZpYLB85lYtkkgm p1qXK3Du2mnr5INXmT/78KI12n11EFBkJHHp0wJyLe9MvPNUGYsf+170maayRoy2lURGHAIapSpQ krEDuNoJCHNlZYhKpvw4mspVWxqo415n8cD62N9+EfHrAvqQnINStetek7RY2Urv8nxsnGaZfRr/ nhXbJ6m/yl1LzYqscDZA9QHLNbdaSTTr+kFg3bC0iYbX/eQy0Bv3h4B50/SGYzKAXkCeOLI3bcAt mj2Z/FM1vQWgDynsRwNvrWnJHlespkrp8+vO1jNaibm+PhqXPPv30YwDZ6jApe3wUjFQobghvW9p 7f2zLkGNv8b191cD/3vs9Q833z8t""" ).splitlines() ] ) def easteregged( environ: "WSGIEnvironment", start_response: "StartResponse" ) -> t.Iterable[bytes]: def injecting_start_response( status: str, headers: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]], exc_info: t.Any = None ) -> t.Callable[[bytes], t.Any]: headers.append(("X-Powered-By", "Werkzeug")) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) if app is not None and environ.get("QUERY_STRING") != "macgybarchakku": return app(environ, injecting_start_response) injecting_start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/html")]) return [ f"""\ About Werkzeug


the Swiss Army knife of Python web development.

""".encode( "latin1" ) ] return easteregged