# XX this should get broken up, like testing.py did import tempfile import pytest from .._core.tests.tutil import can_bind_ipv6 from .. import sleep from .. import _core from .._highlevel_generic import aclose_forcefully from ..testing import * from ..testing._check_streams import _assert_raises from ..testing._memory_streams import _UnboundedByteQueue from .. import socket as tsocket from .._highlevel_socket import SocketListener async def test_wait_all_tasks_blocked(): record = [] async def busy_bee(): for _ in range(10): await _core.checkpoint() record.append("busy bee exhausted") async def waiting_for_bee_to_leave(): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() record.append("quiet at last!") async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(busy_bee) nursery.start_soon(waiting_for_bee_to_leave) nursery.start_soon(waiting_for_bee_to_leave) # check cancellation record = [] async def cancelled_while_waiting(): try: await wait_all_tasks_blocked() except _core.Cancelled: record.append("ok") async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(cancelled_while_waiting) nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() assert record == ["ok"] async def test_wait_all_tasks_blocked_with_timeouts(mock_clock): record = [] async def timeout_task(): record.append("tt start") await sleep(5) record.append("tt finished") async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(timeout_task) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() assert record == ["tt start"] mock_clock.jump(10) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() assert record == ["tt start", "tt finished"] async def test_wait_all_tasks_blocked_with_cushion(): record = [] async def blink(): record.append("blink start") await sleep(0.01) await sleep(0.01) await sleep(0.01) record.append("blink end") async def wait_no_cushion(): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() record.append("wait_no_cushion end") async def wait_small_cushion(): await wait_all_tasks_blocked(0.02) record.append("wait_small_cushion end") async def wait_big_cushion(): await wait_all_tasks_blocked(0.03) record.append("wait_big_cushion end") async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(blink) nursery.start_soon(wait_no_cushion) nursery.start_soon(wait_small_cushion) nursery.start_soon(wait_small_cushion) nursery.start_soon(wait_big_cushion) assert record == [ "blink start", "wait_no_cushion end", "blink end", "wait_small_cushion end", "wait_small_cushion end", "wait_big_cushion end", ] ################################################################ async def test_assert_checkpoints(recwarn): with assert_checkpoints(): await _core.checkpoint() with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with assert_checkpoints(): 1 + 1 # partial yield cases # if you have a schedule point but not a cancel point, or vice-versa, then # that's not a checkpoint. for partial_yield in [ _core.checkpoint_if_cancelled, _core.cancel_shielded_checkpoint, ]: print(partial_yield) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with assert_checkpoints(): await partial_yield() # But both together count as a checkpoint with assert_checkpoints(): await _core.checkpoint_if_cancelled() await _core.cancel_shielded_checkpoint() async def test_assert_no_checkpoints(recwarn): with assert_no_checkpoints(): 1 + 1 with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with assert_no_checkpoints(): await _core.checkpoint() # partial yield cases # if you have a schedule point but not a cancel point, or vice-versa, then # that doesn't make *either* version of assert_{no_,}yields happy. for partial_yield in [ _core.checkpoint_if_cancelled, _core.cancel_shielded_checkpoint, ]: print(partial_yield) with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with assert_no_checkpoints(): await partial_yield() # And both together also count as a checkpoint with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with assert_no_checkpoints(): await _core.checkpoint_if_cancelled() await _core.cancel_shielded_checkpoint() ################################################################ async def test_Sequencer(): record = [] def t(val): print(val) record.append(val) async def f1(seq): async with seq(1): t(("f1", 1)) async with seq(3): t(("f1", 3)) async with seq(4): t(("f1", 4)) async def f2(seq): async with seq(0): t(("f2", 0)) async with seq(2): t(("f2", 2)) seq = Sequencer() async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(f1, seq) nursery.start_soon(f2, seq) async with seq(5): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() assert record == [("f2", 0), ("f1", 1), ("f2", 2), ("f1", 3), ("f1", 4)] seq = Sequencer() # Catches us if we try to re-use a sequence point: async with seq(0): pass with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): async with seq(0): pass # pragma: no cover async def test_Sequencer_cancel(): # Killing a blocked task makes everything blow up record = [] seq = Sequencer() async def child(i): with _core.CancelScope() as scope: if i == 1: scope.cancel() try: async with seq(i): pass # pragma: no cover except RuntimeError: record.append("seq({}) RuntimeError".format(i)) async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(child, 1) nursery.start_soon(child, 2) async with seq(0): pass # pragma: no cover assert record == ["seq(1) RuntimeError", "seq(2) RuntimeError"] # Late arrivals also get errors with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): async with seq(3): pass # pragma: no cover ################################################################ async def test__assert_raises(): with pytest.raises(AssertionError): with _assert_raises(RuntimeError): 1 + 1 with pytest.raises(TypeError): with _assert_raises(RuntimeError): "foo" + 1 with _assert_raises(RuntimeError): raise RuntimeError # This is a private implementation detail, but it's complex enough to be worth # testing directly async def test__UnboundeByteQueue(): ubq = _UnboundedByteQueue() ubq.put(b"123") ubq.put(b"456") assert ubq.get_nowait(1) == b"1" assert ubq.get_nowait(10) == b"23456" ubq.put(b"789") assert ubq.get_nowait() == b"789" with pytest.raises(_core.WouldBlock): ubq.get_nowait(10) with pytest.raises(_core.WouldBlock): ubq.get_nowait() with pytest.raises(TypeError): ubq.put("string") ubq.put(b"abc") with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ubq.get(10) == b"abc" ubq.put(b"def") ubq.put(b"ghi") with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ubq.get(1) == b"d" with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ubq.get() == b"efghi" async def putter(data): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() ubq.put(data) async def getter(expect): with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ubq.get() == expect async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(getter, b"xyz") nursery.start_soon(putter, b"xyz") # Two gets at the same time -> BusyResourceError with pytest.raises(_core.BusyResourceError): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(getter, b"asdf") nursery.start_soon(getter, b"asdf") # Closing ubq.close() with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): ubq.put(b"---") assert ubq.get_nowait(10) == b"" assert ubq.get_nowait() == b"" assert await ubq.get(10) == b"" assert await ubq.get() == b"" # close is idempotent ubq.close() # close wakes up blocked getters ubq2 = _UnboundedByteQueue() async def closer(): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() ubq2.close() async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(getter, b"") nursery.start_soon(closer) async def test_MemorySendStream(): mss = MemorySendStream() async def do_send_all(data): with assert_checkpoints(): await mss.send_all(data) await do_send_all(b"123") assert mss.get_data_nowait(1) == b"1" assert mss.get_data_nowait() == b"23" with assert_checkpoints(): await mss.wait_send_all_might_not_block() with pytest.raises(_core.WouldBlock): mss.get_data_nowait() with pytest.raises(_core.WouldBlock): mss.get_data_nowait(10) await do_send_all(b"456") with assert_checkpoints(): assert await mss.get_data() == b"456" # Call send_all twice at once; one should get BusyResourceError and one # should succeed. But we can't let the error propagate, because it might # cause the other to be cancelled before it can finish doing its thing, # and we don't know which one will get the error. resource_busy_count = 0 async def do_send_all_count_resourcebusy(): nonlocal resource_busy_count try: await do_send_all(b"xxx") except _core.BusyResourceError: resource_busy_count += 1 async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(do_send_all_count_resourcebusy) nursery.start_soon(do_send_all_count_resourcebusy) assert resource_busy_count == 1 with assert_checkpoints(): await mss.aclose() assert await mss.get_data() == b"xxx" assert await mss.get_data() == b"" with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): await do_send_all(b"---") # hooks assert mss.send_all_hook is None assert mss.wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook is None assert mss.close_hook is None record = [] async def send_all_hook(): # hook runs after send_all does its work (can pull data out) assert mss2.get_data_nowait() == b"abc" record.append("send_all_hook") async def wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook(): record.append("wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook") def close_hook(): record.append("close_hook") mss2 = MemorySendStream( send_all_hook, wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook, close_hook ) assert mss2.send_all_hook is send_all_hook assert mss2.wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook is wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook assert mss2.close_hook is close_hook await mss2.send_all(b"abc") await mss2.wait_send_all_might_not_block() await aclose_forcefully(mss2) mss2.close() assert record == [ "send_all_hook", "wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook", "close_hook", "close_hook", ] async def test_MemoryReceiveStream(): mrs = MemoryReceiveStream() async def do_receive_some(max_bytes): with assert_checkpoints(): return await mrs.receive_some(max_bytes) mrs.put_data(b"abc") assert await do_receive_some(1) == b"a" assert await do_receive_some(10) == b"bc" mrs.put_data(b"abc") assert await do_receive_some(None) == b"abc" with pytest.raises(_core.BusyResourceError): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(do_receive_some, 10) nursery.start_soon(do_receive_some, 10) assert mrs.receive_some_hook is None mrs.put_data(b"def") mrs.put_eof() mrs.put_eof() assert await do_receive_some(10) == b"def" assert await do_receive_some(10) == b"" assert await do_receive_some(10) == b"" with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): mrs.put_data(b"---") async def receive_some_hook(): mrs2.put_data(b"xxx") record = [] def close_hook(): record.append("closed") mrs2 = MemoryReceiveStream(receive_some_hook, close_hook) assert mrs2.receive_some_hook is receive_some_hook assert mrs2.close_hook is close_hook mrs2.put_data(b"yyy") assert await mrs2.receive_some(10) == b"yyyxxx" assert await mrs2.receive_some(10) == b"xxx" assert await mrs2.receive_some(10) == b"xxx" mrs2.put_data(b"zzz") mrs2.receive_some_hook = None assert await mrs2.receive_some(10) == b"zzz" mrs2.put_data(b"lost on close") with assert_checkpoints(): await mrs2.aclose() assert record == ["closed"] with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): await mrs2.receive_some(10) async def test_MemoryRecvStream_closing(): mrs = MemoryReceiveStream() # close with no pending data mrs.close() with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): assert await mrs.receive_some(10) == b"" # repeated closes ok mrs.close() # put_data now fails with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): mrs.put_data(b"123") mrs2 = MemoryReceiveStream() # close with pending data mrs2.put_data(b"xyz") mrs2.close() with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): await mrs2.receive_some(10) async def test_memory_stream_pump(): mss = MemorySendStream() mrs = MemoryReceiveStream() # no-op if no data present memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs) await mss.send_all(b"123") memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs) assert await mrs.receive_some(10) == b"123" await mss.send_all(b"456") assert memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs, max_bytes=1) assert await mrs.receive_some(10) == b"4" assert memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs, max_bytes=1) assert memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs, max_bytes=1) assert not memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs, max_bytes=1) assert await mrs.receive_some(10) == b"56" mss.close() memory_stream_pump(mss, mrs) assert await mrs.receive_some(10) == b"" async def test_memory_stream_one_way_pair(): s, r = memory_stream_one_way_pair() assert s.send_all_hook is not None assert s.wait_send_all_might_not_block_hook is None assert s.close_hook is not None assert r.receive_some_hook is None await s.send_all(b"123") assert await r.receive_some(10) == b"123" async def receiver(expected): assert await r.receive_some(10) == expected # This fails if we pump on r.receive_some_hook; we need to pump on s.send_all_hook async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(receiver, b"abc") await wait_all_tasks_blocked() await s.send_all(b"abc") # And this fails if we don't pump from close_hook async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(receiver, b"") await wait_all_tasks_blocked() await s.aclose() s, r = memory_stream_one_way_pair() async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(receiver, b"") await wait_all_tasks_blocked() s.close() s, r = memory_stream_one_way_pair() old = s.send_all_hook s.send_all_hook = None await s.send_all(b"456") async def cancel_after_idle(nursery): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() async def check_for_cancel(): with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): # This should block forever... or until cancelled. Even though we # sent some data on the send stream. await r.receive_some(10) async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(cancel_after_idle, nursery) nursery.start_soon(check_for_cancel) s.send_all_hook = old await s.send_all(b"789") assert await r.receive_some(10) == b"456789" async def test_memory_stream_pair(): a, b = memory_stream_pair() await a.send_all(b"123") await b.send_all(b"abc") assert await b.receive_some(10) == b"123" assert await a.receive_some(10) == b"abc" await a.send_eof() assert await b.receive_some(10) == b"" async def sender(): await wait_all_tasks_blocked() await b.send_all(b"xyz") async def receiver(): assert await a.receive_some(10) == b"xyz" async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(receiver) nursery.start_soon(sender) async def test_memory_streams_with_generic_tests(): async def one_way_stream_maker(): return memory_stream_one_way_pair() await check_one_way_stream(one_way_stream_maker, None) async def half_closeable_stream_maker(): return memory_stream_pair() await check_half_closeable_stream(half_closeable_stream_maker, None) async def test_lockstep_streams_with_generic_tests(): async def one_way_stream_maker(): return lockstep_stream_one_way_pair() await check_one_way_stream(one_way_stream_maker, one_way_stream_maker) async def two_way_stream_maker(): return lockstep_stream_pair() await check_two_way_stream(two_way_stream_maker, two_way_stream_maker) async def test_open_stream_to_socket_listener(): async def check(listener): async with listener: client_stream = await open_stream_to_socket_listener(listener) async with client_stream: server_stream = await listener.accept() async with server_stream: await client_stream.send_all(b"x") await server_stream.receive_some(1) == b"x" # Listener bound to localhost sock = tsocket.socket() await sock.bind(("", 0)) sock.listen(10) await check(SocketListener(sock)) # Listener bound to IPv4 wildcard (needs special handling) sock = tsocket.socket() await sock.bind(("", 0)) sock.listen(10) await check(SocketListener(sock)) if can_bind_ipv6: # Listener bound to IPv6 wildcard (needs special handling) sock = tsocket.socket(family=tsocket.AF_INET6) await sock.bind(("::", 0)) sock.listen(10) await check(SocketListener(sock)) if hasattr(tsocket, "AF_UNIX"): # Listener bound to Unix-domain socket sock = tsocket.socket(family=tsocket.AF_UNIX) # can't use pytest's tmpdir; if we try then macOS says "OSError: # AF_UNIX path too long" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: path = "{}/sock".format(tmpdir) await sock.bind(path) sock.listen(10) await check(SocketListener(sock))