import os import random import signal import subprocess import sys from functools import partial from pathlib import Path as SyncPath import pytest from async_generator import asynccontextmanager from .. import ( ClosedResourceError, Event, Process, _core, fail_after, move_on_after, run_process, sleep, sleep_forever, ) from .._core.tests.tutil import skip_if_fbsd_pipes_broken, slow from ..lowlevel import open_process from ..testing import assert_no_checkpoints, wait_all_tasks_blocked posix = == "posix" if posix: from signal import SIGKILL, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1 else: SIGKILL, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1 = None, None, None # Since Windows has very few command-line utilities generally available, # all of our subprocesses are Python processes running short bits of # (mostly) cross-platform code. def python(code): return [sys.executable, "-u", "-c", "import sys; " + code] EXIT_TRUE = python("sys.exit(0)") EXIT_FALSE = python("sys.exit(1)") CAT = python("sys.stdout.buffer.write(") if posix: SLEEP = lambda seconds: ["/bin/sleep", str(seconds)] else: SLEEP = lambda seconds: python("import time; time.sleep({})".format(seconds)) def got_signal(proc, sig): if posix: return proc.returncode == -sig else: return proc.returncode != 0 @asynccontextmanager async def open_process_then_kill(*args, **kwargs): proc = await open_process(*args, **kwargs) try: yield proc finally: proc.kill() await proc.wait() @asynccontextmanager async def run_process_in_nursery(*args, **kwargs): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: kwargs.setdefault("check", False) proc = await nursery.start(partial(run_process, *args, **kwargs)) yield proc nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() background_process_param = pytest.mark.parametrize( "background_process", [open_process_then_kill, run_process_in_nursery], ids=["open_process", "run_process in nursery"], ) @background_process_param async def test_basic(background_process): async with background_process(EXIT_TRUE) as proc: await proc.wait() assert isinstance(proc, Process) assert proc._pidfd is None assert proc.returncode == 0 assert repr(proc) == f"" async with background_process(EXIT_FALSE) as proc: await proc.wait() assert proc.returncode == 1 assert repr(proc) == "".format( EXIT_FALSE, "exited with status 1" ) @background_process_param async def test_auto_update_returncode(background_process): async with background_process(SLEEP(9999)) as p: assert p.returncode is None assert "running" in repr(p) p.kill() p._proc.wait() assert p.returncode is not None assert "exited" in repr(p) assert p._pidfd is None assert p.returncode is not None @background_process_param async def test_multi_wait(background_process): async with background_process(SLEEP(10)) as proc: # Check that wait (including multi-wait) tolerates being cancelled async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() # Now try waiting for real async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() proc.kill() # Test for deprecated 'async with process:' semantics async def test_async_with_basics_deprecated(recwarn): async with await open_process( CAT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) as proc: pass assert proc.returncode is not None with pytest.raises(ClosedResourceError): await proc.stdin.send_all(b"x") with pytest.raises(ClosedResourceError): await proc.stdout.receive_some() # Test for deprecated 'async with process:' semantics async def test_kill_when_context_cancelled(recwarn): with move_on_after(100) as scope: async with await open_process(SLEEP(10)) as proc: assert proc.poll() is None scope.cancel() await sleep_forever() assert scope.cancelled_caught assert got_signal(proc, SIGKILL) assert repr(proc) == "".format( SLEEP(10), "exited with signal 9" if posix else "exited with status 1" ) COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR = python( "data =; " "sys.stdout.buffer.write(data); " "sys.stderr.buffer.write(data[::-1])" ) @background_process_param async def test_pipes(background_process): async with background_process( COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) as proc: msg = b"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" async def feed_input(): await proc.stdin.send_all(msg) await proc.stdin.aclose() async def check_output(stream, expected): seen = bytearray() async for chunk in stream: seen += chunk assert seen == expected async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: # fail eventually if something is broken nursery.cancel_scope.deadline = _core.current_time() + 30.0 nursery.start_soon(feed_input) nursery.start_soon(check_output, proc.stdout, msg) nursery.start_soon(check_output, proc.stderr, msg[::-1]) assert not nursery.cancel_scope.cancelled_caught assert 0 == await proc.wait() @background_process_param async def test_interactive(background_process): # Test some back-and-forth with a subprocess. This one works like so: # in: 32\n # out: 0000...0000\n (32 zeroes) # err: 1111...1111\n (64 ones) # in: 10\n # out: 2222222222\n (10 twos) # err: 3333....3333\n (20 threes) # in: EOF # out: EOF # err: EOF async with background_process( python( "idx = 0\n" "while True:\n" " line = sys.stdin.readline()\n" " if line == '': break\n" " request = int(line.strip())\n" " print(str(idx * 2) * request)\n" " print(str(idx * 2 + 1) * request * 2, file=sys.stderr)\n" " idx += 1\n" ), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) as proc: newline = b"\n" if posix else b"\r\n" async def expect(idx, request): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: async def drain_one(stream, count, digit): while count > 0: result = await stream.receive_some(count) assert result == ( "{}".format(digit).encode("utf-8") * len(result) ) count -= len(result) assert count == 0 assert await stream.receive_some(len(newline)) == newline nursery.start_soon(drain_one, proc.stdout, request, idx * 2) nursery.start_soon(drain_one, proc.stderr, request * 2, idx * 2 + 1) with fail_after(5): await proc.stdin.send_all(b"12") await sleep(0.1) await proc.stdin.send_all(b"345" + newline) await expect(0, 12345) await proc.stdin.send_all(b"100" + newline + b"200" + newline) await expect(1, 100) await expect(2, 200) await proc.stdin.send_all(b"0" + newline) await expect(3, 0) await proc.stdin.send_all(b"999999") with move_on_after(0.1) as scope: await expect(4, 0) assert scope.cancelled_caught await proc.stdin.send_all(newline) await expect(4, 999999) await proc.stdin.aclose() assert await proc.stdout.receive_some(1) == b"" assert await proc.stderr.receive_some(1) == b"" await proc.wait() assert proc.returncode == 0 async def test_run(): data = bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(2**18)) result = await run_process( CAT, stdin=data, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True ) assert result.args == CAT assert result.returncode == 0 assert result.stdout == data assert result.stderr == b"" result = await run_process(CAT, capture_stdout=True) assert result.args == CAT assert result.returncode == 0 assert result.stdout == b"" assert result.stderr is None result = await run_process( COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR, stdin=data, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True, ) assert result.args == COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR assert result.returncode == 0 assert result.stdout == data assert result.stderr == data[::-1] # invalid combinations with pytest.raises(UnicodeError): await run_process(CAT, stdin="oh no, it's text") with pytest.raises(ValueError): await run_process(CAT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await run_process(CAT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await run_process(CAT, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await run_process(CAT, capture_stdout=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) with pytest.raises(ValueError): await run_process(CAT, capture_stderr=True, stderr=None) async def test_run_check(): cmd = python("sys.stderr.buffer.write(b'test\\n'); sys.exit(1)") with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as excinfo: await run_process(cmd, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, capture_stderr=True) assert excinfo.value.cmd == cmd assert excinfo.value.returncode == 1 assert excinfo.value.stderr == b"test\n" assert excinfo.value.stdout is None result = await run_process( cmd, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True, check=False ) assert result.args == cmd assert result.stdout == b"" assert result.stderr == b"test\n" assert result.returncode == 1 @skip_if_fbsd_pipes_broken async def test_run_with_broken_pipe(): result = await run_process( [sys.executable, "-c", "import sys; sys.stdin.close()"], stdin=b"x" * 131072 ) assert result.returncode == 0 assert result.stdout is result.stderr is None @background_process_param async def test_stderr_stdout(background_process): async with background_process( COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as proc: assert proc.stdout is not None assert proc.stderr is None await proc.stdio.send_all(b"1234") await proc.stdio.send_eof() output = [] while True: chunk = await proc.stdio.receive_some(16) if chunk == b"": break output.append(chunk) assert b"".join(output) == b"12344321" assert proc.returncode == 0 # equivalent test with run_process() result = await run_process( COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR, stdin=b"1234", capture_stdout=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) assert result.returncode == 0 assert result.stdout == b"12344321" assert result.stderr is None # this one hits the branch where stderr=STDOUT but stdout # is not redirected async with background_process( CAT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) as proc: assert proc.stdout is None assert proc.stderr is None await proc.stdin.aclose() await proc.wait() assert proc.returncode == 0 if posix: try: r, w = os.pipe() async with background_process( COPY_STDIN_TO_STDOUT_AND_BACKWARD_TO_STDERR, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=w, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) as proc: os.close(w) assert proc.stdio is None assert proc.stdout is None assert proc.stderr is None await proc.stdin.send_all(b"1234") await proc.stdin.aclose() assert await proc.wait() == 0 assert, 4096) == b"12344321" assert, 4096) == b"" finally: os.close(r) async def test_errors(): with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: await open_process(["ls"], encoding="utf-8") assert "unbuffered byte streams" in str(excinfo.value) assert "the 'encoding' option is not supported" in str(excinfo.value) if posix: with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: await open_process(["ls"], shell=True) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: await open_process("ls", shell=False) @background_process_param async def test_signals(background_process): async def test_one_signal(send_it, signum): with move_on_after(1.0) as scope: async with background_process(SLEEP(3600)) as proc: send_it(proc) await proc.wait() assert not scope.cancelled_caught if posix: assert proc.returncode == -signum else: assert proc.returncode != 0 await test_one_signal(Process.kill, SIGKILL) await test_one_signal(Process.terminate, SIGTERM) # Test that we can send arbitrary signals. # # We used to use SIGINT here, but it turns out that the Python interpreter # has race conditions that can cause it to explode in weird ways if it # tries to handle SIGINT during startup. SIGUSR1's default disposition is # to terminate the target process, and Python doesn't try to do anything # clever to handle it. if posix: await test_one_signal(lambda proc: proc.send_signal(SIGUSR1), SIGUSR1) @pytest.mark.skipif(not posix, reason="POSIX specific") @background_process_param async def test_wait_reapable_fails(background_process): old_sigchld = signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN) try: # With SIGCHLD disabled, the wait() syscall will wait for the # process to exit but then fail with ECHILD. Make sure we # support this case as the stdlib subprocess module does. async with background_process(SLEEP(3600)) as proc: async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(proc.wait) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() proc.kill() nursery.cancel_scope.deadline = _core.current_time() + 1.0 assert not nursery.cancel_scope.cancelled_caught assert proc.returncode == 0 # exit status unknowable, so... finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, old_sigchld) @slow def test_waitid_eintr(): # This only matters on PyPy (where we're coding EINTR handling # ourselves) but the test works on all waitid platforms. from .._subprocess_platform import wait_child_exiting if not wait_child_exiting.__module__.endswith("waitid"): pytest.skip("waitid only") from .._subprocess_platform.waitid import sync_wait_reapable got_alarm = False sleeper = subprocess.Popen(["sleep", "3600"]) def on_alarm(sig, frame): nonlocal got_alarm got_alarm = True sleeper.kill() old_sigalrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, on_alarm) try: signal.alarm(1) sync_wait_reapable( assert sleeper.wait(timeout=1) == -9 finally: if sleeper.returncode is None: # pragma: no cover # We only get here if something fails in the above; # if the test passes, wait() will reap the process sleeper.kill() sleeper.wait() signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_sigalrm) async def test_custom_deliver_cancel(): custom_deliver_cancel_called = False async def custom_deliver_cancel(proc): nonlocal custom_deliver_cancel_called custom_deliver_cancel_called = True proc.terminate() # Make sure this does get cancelled when the process exits, and that # the process really exited. try: await sleep_forever() finally: assert proc.returncode is not None async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon( partial(run_process, SLEEP(9999), deliver_cancel=custom_deliver_cancel) ) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() assert custom_deliver_cancel_called async def test_warn_on_failed_cancel_terminate(monkeypatch): original_terminate = Process.terminate def broken_terminate(self): original_terminate(self) raise OSError("whoops") monkeypatch.setattr(Process, "terminate", broken_terminate) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match=".*whoops.*"): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(run_process, SLEEP(9999)) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() @pytest.mark.skipif(not posix, reason="posix only") async def test_warn_on_cancel_SIGKILL_escalation(autojump_clock, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(Process, "terminate", lambda *args: None) with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match=".*ignored SIGTERM.*"): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(run_process, SLEEP(9999)) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() # the background_process_param exercises a lot of run_process cases, but it uses # check=False, so lets have a test that uses check=True as well async def test_run_process_background_fail(): with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: proc = await nursery.start(run_process, EXIT_FALSE) assert proc.returncode == 1 @pytest.mark.skipif( not SyncPath("/dev/fd").exists(), reason="requires a way to iterate through open files", ) async def test_for_leaking_fds(): starting_fds = set(SyncPath("/dev/fd").iterdir()) await run_process(EXIT_TRUE) assert set(SyncPath("/dev/fd").iterdir()) == starting_fds with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): await run_process(EXIT_FALSE) assert set(SyncPath("/dev/fd").iterdir()) == starting_fds with pytest.raises(PermissionError): await run_process(["/dev/fd/0"]) assert set(SyncPath("/dev/fd").iterdir()) == starting_fds # regression test for #2209 async def test_subprocess_pidfd_unnotified(): noticed_exit = None async def wait_and_tell(proc) -> None: nonlocal noticed_exit noticed_exit = Event() await proc.wait() noticed_exit.set() proc = await open_process(SLEEP(9999)) async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(wait_and_tell, proc) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() assert isinstance(noticed_exit, Event) proc.terminate() # without giving trio a chance to do so, with assert_no_checkpoints(): # wait until the process has actually exited; proc._proc.wait() # force a call to poll (that closes the pidfd on linux) proc.poll() with move_on_after(5): # Some platforms use threads to wait for exit, so it might take a bit # for everything to notice await noticed_exit.wait() assert noticed_exit.is_set(), "child task wasn't woken after poll, DEADLOCK"