import errno import pytest import attr import os import socket as stdlib_socket import inspect import tempfile import sys as _sys from .._core.tests.tutil import creates_ipv6, binds_ipv6 from .. import _core from .. import _socket as _tsocket from .. import socket as tsocket from .._socket import _NUMERIC_ONLY, _try_sync from ..testing import assert_checkpoints, wait_all_tasks_blocked ################################################################ # utils ################################################################ class MonkeypatchedGAI: def __init__(self, orig_getaddrinfo): self._orig_getaddrinfo = orig_getaddrinfo self._responses = {} self.record = [] # get a normalized getaddrinfo argument tuple def _frozenbind(self, *args, **kwargs): sig = inspect.signature(self._orig_getaddrinfo) bound = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound.apply_defaults() frozenbound = bound.args assert not bound.kwargs return frozenbound def set(self, response, *args, **kwargs): self._responses[self._frozenbind(*args, **kwargs)] = response def getaddrinfo(self, *args, **kwargs): bound = self._frozenbind(*args, **kwargs) self.record.append(bound) if bound in self._responses: return self._responses[bound] elif bound[-1] & stdlib_socket.AI_NUMERICHOST: return self._orig_getaddrinfo(*args, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("gai called with unexpected arguments {}".format(bound)) @pytest.fixture def monkeygai(monkeypatch): controller = MonkeypatchedGAI(stdlib_socket.getaddrinfo) monkeypatch.setattr(stdlib_socket, "getaddrinfo", controller.getaddrinfo) return controller async def test__try_sync(): with assert_checkpoints(): async with _try_sync(): pass with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(KeyError): async with _try_sync(): raise KeyError async with _try_sync(): raise BlockingIOError def _is_ValueError(exc): return isinstance(exc, ValueError) async with _try_sync(_is_ValueError): raise ValueError with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(BlockingIOError): async with _try_sync(_is_ValueError): raise BlockingIOError ################################################################ # basic re-exports ################################################################ def test_socket_has_some_reexports(): assert tsocket.SOL_SOCKET == stdlib_socket.SOL_SOCKET assert tsocket.TCP_NODELAY == stdlib_socket.TCP_NODELAY assert tsocket.gaierror == stdlib_socket.gaierror assert tsocket.ntohs == stdlib_socket.ntohs ################################################################ # name resolution ################################################################ async def test_getaddrinfo(monkeygai): def check(got, expected): # win32 returns 0 for the proto field # musl and glibc have inconsistent handling of the canonical name # field ( # Neither field gets used much and there isn't much opportunity for us # to mess them up, so we don't bother checking them here def interesting_fields(gai_tup): # (family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr) family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr = gai_tup return (family, type, sockaddr) def filtered(gai_list): return [interesting_fields(gai_tup) for gai_tup in gai_list] assert filtered(got) == filtered(expected) # Simple non-blocking non-error cases, ipv4 and ipv6: with assert_checkpoints(): res = await tsocket.getaddrinfo("", "12345", type=tsocket.SOCK_STREAM) check( res, [ ( tsocket.AF_INET, # is ipv4 tsocket.SOCK_STREAM, tsocket.IPPROTO_TCP, "", ("", 12345), ), ], ) with assert_checkpoints(): res = await tsocket.getaddrinfo("::1", "12345", type=tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM) check( res, [ ( tsocket.AF_INET6, tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM, tsocket.IPPROTO_UDP, "", ("::1", 12345, 0, 0), ), ], ) monkeygai.set("x", b"host", "port", family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0) with assert_checkpoints(): res = await tsocket.getaddrinfo("host", "port") assert res == "x" assert monkeygai.record[-1] == (b"host", "port", 0, 0, 0, 0) # check raising an error from a non-blocking getaddrinfo with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(tsocket.gaierror) as excinfo: await tsocket.getaddrinfo("::1", "12345", type=-1) # Linux + glibc, Windows expected_errnos = {tsocket.EAI_SOCKTYPE} # Linux + musl expected_errnos.add(tsocket.EAI_SERVICE) # macOS if hasattr(tsocket, "EAI_BADHINTS"): expected_errnos.add(tsocket.EAI_BADHINTS) assert excinfo.value.errno in expected_errnos # check raising an error from a blocking getaddrinfo (exploits the fact # that monkeygai raises if it gets a non-numeric request it hasn't been # given an answer for) with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): await tsocket.getaddrinfo("asdf", "12345") async def test_getnameinfo(): # Trivial test: ni_numeric = stdlib_socket.NI_NUMERICHOST | stdlib_socket.NI_NUMERICSERV with assert_checkpoints(): got = await tsocket.getnameinfo(("", 1234), ni_numeric) assert got == ("", "1234") # getnameinfo requires a numeric address as input: with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(tsocket.gaierror): await tsocket.getnameinfo(("", 80), 0) with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(tsocket.gaierror): await tsocket.getnameinfo(("localhost", 80), 0) # Blocking call to get expected values: host, service = stdlib_socket.getnameinfo(("", 80), 0) # Some working calls: got = await tsocket.getnameinfo(("", 80), 0) assert got == (host, service) got = await tsocket.getnameinfo(("", 80), tsocket.NI_NUMERICHOST) assert got == ("", service) got = await tsocket.getnameinfo(("", 80), tsocket.NI_NUMERICSERV) assert got == (host, "80") ################################################################ # constructors ################################################################ async def test_from_stdlib_socket(): sa, sb = stdlib_socket.socketpair() assert not isinstance(sa, tsocket.SocketType) with sa, sb: ta = tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(sa) assert isinstance(ta, tsocket.SocketType) assert sa.fileno() == ta.fileno() await ta.send(b"x") assert sb.recv(1) == b"x" # rejects other types with pytest.raises(TypeError): tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(1) class MySocket(stdlib_socket.socket): pass with MySocket() as mysock: with pytest.raises(TypeError): tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(mysock) async def test_from_fd(): sa, sb = stdlib_socket.socketpair() ta = tsocket.fromfd(sa.fileno(),, sa.type, sa.proto) with sa, sb, ta: assert ta.fileno() != sa.fileno() await ta.send(b"x") assert sb.recv(3) == b"x" async def test_socketpair_simple(): async def child(sock): print("sending hello") await sock.send(b"h") assert await sock.recv(1) == b"h" a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(child, a) nursery.start_soon(child, b) @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(tsocket, "fromshare"), reason="windows only") async def test_fromshare(): a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: # share with ourselves shared = a.share(os.getpid()) a2 = tsocket.fromshare(shared) with a2: assert a.fileno() != a2.fileno() await a2.send(b"x") assert await b.recv(1) == b"x" async def test_socket(): with tsocket.socket() as s: assert isinstance(s, tsocket.SocketType) assert == tsocket.AF_INET @creates_ipv6 async def test_socket_v6(): with tsocket.socket(tsocket.AF_INET6, tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s: assert isinstance(s, tsocket.SocketType) assert == tsocket.AF_INET6 @pytest.mark.skipif(not _sys.platform == "linux", reason="linux only") async def test_sniff_sockopts(): from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM # generate the combinations of families/types we're testing: sockets = [] for family in [AF_INET, AF_INET6]: for type in [SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM]: sockets.append(stdlib_socket.socket(family, type)) for socket in sockets: # regular Trio socket constructor tsocket_socket = tsocket.socket(fileno=socket.fileno()) # check family / type for correctness: assert == assert tsocket_socket.type == socket.type tsocket_socket.detach() # fromfd constructor tsocket_from_fd = tsocket.fromfd(socket.fileno(), AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # check family / type for correctness: assert == assert tsocket_from_fd.type == socket.type tsocket_from_fd.close() socket.close() ################################################################ # _SocketType ################################################################ async def test_SocketType_basics(): sock = tsocket.socket() with sock as cm_enter_value: assert cm_enter_value is sock assert isinstance(sock.fileno(), int) assert not sock.get_inheritable() sock.set_inheritable(True) assert sock.get_inheritable() sock.setsockopt(tsocket.IPPROTO_TCP, tsocket.TCP_NODELAY, False) assert not sock.getsockopt(tsocket.IPPROTO_TCP, tsocket.TCP_NODELAY) sock.setsockopt(tsocket.IPPROTO_TCP, tsocket.TCP_NODELAY, True) assert sock.getsockopt(tsocket.IPPROTO_TCP, tsocket.TCP_NODELAY) # closed sockets have fileno() == -1 assert sock.fileno() == -1 # smoke test repr(sock) # detach with tsocket.socket() as sock: fd = sock.fileno() assert sock.detach() == fd assert sock.fileno() == -1 # close sock = tsocket.socket() assert sock.fileno() >= 0 sock.close() assert sock.fileno() == -1 # share was tested above together with fromshare # check __dir__ assert "family" in dir(sock) assert "recv" in dir(sock) assert "setsockopt" in dir(sock) # our __getattr__ handles unknown names with pytest.raises(AttributeError): sock.asdf # type family proto stdlib_sock = stdlib_socket.socket() sock = tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(stdlib_sock) assert sock.type == _tsocket.real_socket_type(stdlib_sock.type) assert == assert sock.proto == stdlib_sock.proto sock.close() async def test_SocketType_dup(): a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: a2 = a.dup() with a2: assert isinstance(a2, tsocket.SocketType) assert a2.fileno() != a.fileno() a.close() await a2.send(b"x") assert await b.recv(1) == b"x" async def test_SocketType_shutdown(): a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: await a.send(b"x") assert await b.recv(1) == b"x" assert not a.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR assert not b.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR a.shutdown(tsocket.SHUT_WR) assert a.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR assert not b.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR assert await b.recv(1) == b"" await b.send(b"y") assert await a.recv(1) == b"y" a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: assert not a.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR a.shutdown(tsocket.SHUT_RD) assert not a.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: assert not a.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR a.shutdown(tsocket.SHUT_RDWR) assert a.did_shutdown_SHUT_WR @pytest.mark.parametrize( "address, socket_type", [ ("", tsocket.AF_INET), pytest.param("::1", tsocket.AF_INET6, marks=binds_ipv6), ], ) async def test_SocketType_simple_server(address, socket_type): # listen, bind, accept, connect, getpeername, getsockname listener = tsocket.socket(socket_type) client = tsocket.socket(socket_type) with listener, client: await listener.bind((address, 0)) listener.listen(20) addr = listener.getsockname()[:2] async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(client.connect, addr) server, client_addr = await listener.accept() with server: assert client_addr == server.getpeername() == client.getsockname() await server.send(b"x") assert await client.recv(1) == b"x" async def test_SocketType_is_readable(): a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: assert not a.is_readable() await b.send(b"x") await _core.wait_readable(a) assert a.is_readable() assert await a.recv(1) == b"x" assert not a.is_readable() # On some macOS systems, getaddrinfo likes to return V4-mapped addresses even # when we *don't* pass AI_V4MAPPED. # def gai_without_v4mapped_is_buggy(): # pragma: no cover try: stdlib_socket.getaddrinfo("", 0, family=stdlib_socket.AF_INET6) except stdlib_socket.gaierror: return False else: return True @attr.s class Addresses: bind_all = attr.ib() localhost = attr.ib() arbitrary = attr.ib() broadcast = attr.ib() # Direct thorough tests of the implicit resolver helpers @pytest.mark.parametrize( "socket_type, addrs", [ ( tsocket.AF_INET, Addresses( bind_all="", localhost="", arbitrary="", broadcast="", ), ), pytest.param( tsocket.AF_INET6, Addresses( bind_all="::", localhost="::1", arbitrary="1::2", broadcast="::ffff:", ), marks=creates_ipv6, ), ], ) async def test_SocketType_resolve(socket_type, addrs): v6 = socket_type == tsocket.AF_INET6 def pad(addr): if v6: while len(addr) < 4: addr += (0,) return addr def assert_eq(actual, expected): assert pad(expected) == pad(actual) with tsocket.socket(family=socket_type) as sock: # For some reason the stdlib special-cases "" to pass NULL to # getaddrinfo. They also error out on None, but whatever, None is much # more consistent, so we accept it too. for null in [None, ""]: got = await sock._resolve_address_nocp((null, 80), local=True) assert_eq(got, (addrs.bind_all, 80)) got = await sock._resolve_address_nocp((null, 80), local=False) assert_eq(got, (addrs.localhost, 80)) # AI_PASSIVE only affects the wildcard address, so for everything else # local=True/local=False should work the same: for local in [False, True]: async def res(*args): return await sock._resolve_address_nocp(*args, local=local) assert_eq(await res((addrs.arbitrary, "http")), (addrs.arbitrary, 80)) if v6: # Check handling of different length ipv6 address tuples assert_eq(await res(("1::2", 80)), ("1::2", 80, 0, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", 80, 0)), ("1::2", 80, 0, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", 80, 0, 0)), ("1::2", 80, 0, 0)) # Non-zero flowinfo/scopeid get passed through assert_eq(await res(("1::2", 80, 1)), ("1::2", 80, 1, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", 80, 1, 2)), ("1::2", 80, 1, 2)) # And again with a string port, as a trick to avoid the # already-resolved address fastpath and make sure we call # getaddrinfo assert_eq(await res(("1::2", "80")), ("1::2", 80, 0, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", "80", 0)), ("1::2", 80, 0, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", "80", 0, 0)), ("1::2", 80, 0, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", "80", 1)), ("1::2", 80, 1, 0)) assert_eq(await res(("1::2", "80", 1, 2)), ("1::2", 80, 1, 2)) # V4 mapped addresses resolved if V6ONLY is False sock.setsockopt(tsocket.IPPROTO_IPV6, tsocket.IPV6_V6ONLY, False) assert_eq(await res(("", "http")), ("::ffff:", 80)) # Check the special case, because why not assert_eq(await res(("", 123)), (addrs.broadcast, 123)) # But not if it's true (at least on systems where getaddrinfo works # correctly) if v6 and not gai_without_v4mapped_is_buggy(): sock.setsockopt(tsocket.IPPROTO_IPV6, tsocket.IPV6_V6ONLY, True) with pytest.raises(tsocket.gaierror) as excinfo: await res(("", 80)) # Windows, macOS expected_errnos = {tsocket.EAI_NONAME} # Linux if hasattr(tsocket, "EAI_ADDRFAMILY"): expected_errnos.add(tsocket.EAI_ADDRFAMILY) assert excinfo.value.errno in expected_errnos # A family where we know nothing about the addresses, so should just # pass them through. This should work on Linux, which is enough to # smoke test the basic functionality... try: netlink_sock = tsocket.socket( family=tsocket.AF_NETLINK, type=tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM ) except (AttributeError, OSError): pass else: assert ( await netlink_sock._resolve_address_nocp("asdf", local=local) == "asdf" ) netlink_sock.close() with pytest.raises(ValueError): await res("") with pytest.raises(ValueError): await res(("",)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): if v6: await res(("", 80, 0, 0, 0)) else: await res(("", 80, 0, 0)) async def test_SocketType_unresolved_names(): with tsocket.socket() as sock: await sock.bind(("localhost", 0)) assert sock.getsockname()[0] == "" sock.listen(10) with tsocket.socket() as sock2: await sock2.connect(("localhost", sock.getsockname()[1])) assert sock2.getpeername() == sock.getsockname() # check gaierror propagates out with tsocket.socket() as sock: with pytest.raises(tsocket.gaierror): # definitely not a valid request await sock.bind(("1.2:3", -1)) # This tests all the complicated paths through _nonblocking_helper, using recv # as a stand-in for all the methods that use _nonblocking_helper. async def test_SocketType_non_blocking_paths(): a, b = stdlib_socket.socketpair() with a, b: ta = tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(a) b.setblocking(False) # cancel before even calling b.send(b"1") with _core.CancelScope() as cscope: cscope.cancel() with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await ta.recv(10) # immediate success (also checks that the previous attempt didn't # actually read anything) with assert_checkpoints(): await ta.recv(10) == b"1" # immediate failure with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): await ta.recv("haha") # block then succeed async def do_successful_blocking_recv(): with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ta.recv(10) == b"2" async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(do_successful_blocking_recv) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() b.send(b"2") # block then cancelled async def do_cancelled_blocking_recv(): with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await ta.recv(10) async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(do_cancelled_blocking_recv) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() # Okay, here's the trickiest one: we want to exercise the path where # the task is signaled to wake, goes to recv, but then the recv fails, # so it has to go back to sleep and try again. Strategy: have two # tasks waiting on two sockets (to work around the rule against having # two tasks waiting on the same socket), wake them both up at the same # time, and whichever one runs first "steals" the data from the # other: tb = tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(b) async def t1(): with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ta.recv(1) == b"a" with assert_checkpoints(): assert await tb.recv(1) == b"b" async def t2(): with assert_checkpoints(): assert await tb.recv(1) == b"b" with assert_checkpoints(): assert await ta.recv(1) == b"a" async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(t1) nursery.start_soon(t2) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() a.send(b"b") b.send(b"a") await wait_all_tasks_blocked() a.send(b"b") b.send(b"a") # This tests the complicated paths through connect async def test_SocketType_connect_paths(): with tsocket.socket() as sock: with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Should be a tuple await sock.connect("localhost") # cancelled before we start with tsocket.socket() as sock: with _core.CancelScope() as cancel_scope: cancel_scope.cancel() with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await sock.connect(("", 80)) # Cancelled in between the connect() call and the connect completing with _core.CancelScope() as cancel_scope: with tsocket.socket() as sock, tsocket.socket() as listener: await listener.bind(("", 0)) listener.listen() # Swap in our weird subclass under the trio.socket._SocketType's # nose -- and then swap it back out again before we hit # wait_socket_writable, which insists on a real socket. class CancelSocket(stdlib_socket.socket): def connect(self, *args, **kwargs): cancel_scope.cancel() sock._sock = stdlib_socket.fromfd( self.detach(),, self.type ) sock._sock.connect(*args, **kwargs) # If connect *doesn't* raise, then pretend it did raise BlockingIOError # pragma: no cover sock._sock.close() sock._sock = CancelSocket() with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await sock.connect(listener.getsockname()) assert sock.fileno() == -1 # Failed connect (hopefully after raising BlockingIOError) with tsocket.socket() as sock: with pytest.raises(OSError): # TCP port 2 is not assigned. Pretty sure nothing will be # listening there. (We used to bind a port and then *not* call # listen() to ensure nothing was listening there, but it turns # out on macOS if you do this it takes 30 seconds for the # connect to fail. Really. Also if you use a non-routable # address. This way fails instantly though. As long as nothing # is listening on port 2.) await sock.connect(("", 2)) async def test_resolve_address_exception_in_connect_closes_socket(): # Here we are testing issue 247, any cancellation will leave the socket closed with _core.CancelScope() as cancel_scope: with tsocket.socket() as sock: async def _resolve_address_nocp(self, *args, **kwargs): cancel_scope.cancel() await _core.checkpoint() sock._resolve_address_nocp = _resolve_address_nocp with assert_checkpoints(): with pytest.raises(_core.Cancelled): await sock.connect("") assert sock.fileno() == -1 async def test_send_recv_variants(): a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: # recv, including with flags assert await a.send(b"x") == 1 assert await b.recv(10, tsocket.MSG_PEEK) == b"x" assert await b.recv(10) == b"x" # recv_into await a.send(b"x") buf = bytearray(10) await b.recv_into(buf) assert buf == b"x" + b"\x00" * 9 if hasattr(a, "sendmsg"): assert await a.sendmsg([b"xxx"], []) == 3 assert await b.recv(10) == b"xxx" a = tsocket.socket(type=tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM) b = tsocket.socket(type=tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM) with a, b: await a.bind(("", 0)) await b.bind(("", 0)) targets = [b.getsockname(), ("localhost", b.getsockname()[1])] # recvfrom + sendto, with and without names for target in targets: assert await a.sendto(b"xxx", target) == 3 (data, addr) = await b.recvfrom(10) assert data == b"xxx" assert addr == a.getsockname() # sendto + flags # # I can't find any flags that send() accepts... on Linux at least # passing MSG_MORE to send_some on a connected UDP socket seems to # just be ignored. # # But there's no MSG_MORE on Windows or macOS. I guess send_some flags # are really not very useful, but at least this tests them a bit. if hasattr(tsocket, "MSG_MORE"): await a.sendto(b"xxx", tsocket.MSG_MORE, b.getsockname()) await a.sendto(b"yyy", tsocket.MSG_MORE, b.getsockname()) await a.sendto(b"zzz", b.getsockname()) (data, addr) = await b.recvfrom(10) assert data == b"xxxyyyzzz" assert addr == a.getsockname() # recvfrom_into assert await a.sendto(b"xxx", b.getsockname()) == 3 buf = bytearray(10) (nbytes, addr) = await b.recvfrom_into(buf) assert nbytes == 3 assert buf == b"xxx" + b"\x00" * 7 assert addr == a.getsockname() if hasattr(b, "recvmsg"): assert await a.sendto(b"xxx", b.getsockname()) == 3 (data, ancdata, msg_flags, addr) = await b.recvmsg(10) assert data == b"xxx" assert ancdata == [] assert msg_flags == 0 assert addr == a.getsockname() if hasattr(b, "recvmsg_into"): assert await a.sendto(b"xyzw", b.getsockname()) == 4 buf1 = bytearray(2) buf2 = bytearray(3) ret = await b.recvmsg_into([buf1, buf2]) (nbytes, ancdata, msg_flags, addr) = ret assert nbytes == 4 assert buf1 == b"xy" assert buf2 == b"zw" + b"\x00" assert ancdata == [] assert msg_flags == 0 assert addr == a.getsockname() if hasattr(a, "sendmsg"): for target in targets: assert await a.sendmsg([b"x", b"yz"], [], 0, target) == 3 assert await b.recvfrom(10) == (b"xyz", a.getsockname()) a = tsocket.socket(type=tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM) b = tsocket.socket(type=tsocket.SOCK_DGRAM) with a, b: await b.bind(("", 0)) await a.connect(b.getsockname()) # send on a connected udp socket; each call creates a separate # datagram await a.send(b"xxx") await a.send(b"yyy") assert await b.recv(10) == b"xxx" assert await b.recv(10) == b"yyy" async def test_idna(monkeygai): # This is the encoding for "faß.de", which uses one of the characters that # IDNA 2003 handles incorrectly: monkeygai.set("ok faß.de", b"", 80) monkeygai.set("ok ::1", "::1", 80, flags=_NUMERIC_ONLY) monkeygai.set("ok ::1", b"::1", 80, flags=_NUMERIC_ONLY) # Some things that should not reach the underlying socket.getaddrinfo: monkeygai.set("bad", "", 80) # We always call socket.getaddrinfo with bytes objects: monkeygai.set("bad", "", 80) assert "ok ::1" == await tsocket.getaddrinfo("::1", 80) assert "ok ::1" == await tsocket.getaddrinfo(b"::1", 80) assert "ok faß.de" == await tsocket.getaddrinfo("faß.de", 80) assert "ok faß.de" == await tsocket.getaddrinfo("", 80) assert "ok faß.de" == await tsocket.getaddrinfo(b"", 80) async def test_getprotobyname(): # These are the constants used in IP header fields, so the numeric values # had *better* be stable across systems... assert await tsocket.getprotobyname("udp") == 17 assert await tsocket.getprotobyname("tcp") == 6 async def test_custom_hostname_resolver(monkeygai): class CustomResolver: async def getaddrinfo(self, host, port, family, type, proto, flags): return ("custom_gai", host, port, family, type, proto, flags) async def getnameinfo(self, sockaddr, flags): return ("custom_gni", sockaddr, flags) cr = CustomResolver() assert tsocket.set_custom_hostname_resolver(cr) is None # Check that the arguments are all getting passed through. # We have to use valid calls to avoid making the underlying system # getaddrinfo cranky when it's used for NUMERIC checks. for vals in [ (tsocket.AF_INET, 0, 0, 0), (0, tsocket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0), (0, 0, tsocket.IPPROTO_TCP, 0), (0, 0, 0, tsocket.AI_CANONNAME), ]: assert await tsocket.getaddrinfo("localhost", "foo", *vals) == ( "custom_gai", b"localhost", "foo", *vals, ) # IDNA encoding is handled before calling the special object got = await tsocket.getaddrinfo("föö", "foo") expected = ("custom_gai", b"xn--f-1gaa", "foo", 0, 0, 0, 0) assert got == expected assert await tsocket.getnameinfo("a", 0) == ("custom_gni", "a", 0) # We can set it back to None assert tsocket.set_custom_hostname_resolver(None) is cr # And now Trio switches back to calling socket.getaddrinfo (specifically # our monkeypatched version of socket.getaddrinfo) monkeygai.set("x", b"host", "port", family=0, type=0, proto=0, flags=0) assert await tsocket.getaddrinfo("host", "port") == "x" async def test_custom_socket_factory(): class CustomSocketFactory: def socket(self, family, type, proto): return ("hi", family, type, proto) csf = CustomSocketFactory() assert tsocket.set_custom_socket_factory(csf) is None assert tsocket.socket() == ("hi", tsocket.AF_INET, tsocket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) assert tsocket.socket(1, 2, 3) == ("hi", 1, 2, 3) # socket with fileno= doesn't call our custom method fd = stdlib_socket.socket().detach() wrapped = tsocket.socket(fileno=fd) assert hasattr(wrapped, "bind") wrapped.close() # Likewise for socketpair a, b = tsocket.socketpair() with a, b: assert hasattr(a, "bind") assert hasattr(b, "bind") assert tsocket.set_custom_socket_factory(None) is csf async def test_SocketType_is_abstract(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): tsocket.SocketType() @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(tsocket, "AF_UNIX"), reason="no unix domain sockets") async def test_unix_domain_socket(): # Bind has a special branch to use a thread, since it has to do filesystem # traversal. Maybe connect should too? Not sure. async def check_AF_UNIX(path): with tsocket.socket(family=tsocket.AF_UNIX) as lsock: await lsock.bind(path) lsock.listen(10) with tsocket.socket(family=tsocket.AF_UNIX) as csock: await csock.connect(path) ssock, _ = await lsock.accept() with ssock: await csock.send(b"x") assert await ssock.recv(1) == b"x" # Can't use tmpdir fixture, because we can exceed the maximum AF_UNIX path # length on macOS. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: path = "{}/sock".format(tmpdir) await check_AF_UNIX(path) try: cookie = os.urandom(20).hex().encode("ascii") await check_AF_UNIX(b"\x00trio-test-" + cookie) except FileNotFoundError: # macOS doesn't support abstract filenames with the leading NUL byte pass async def test_interrupted_by_close(): a_stdlib, b_stdlib = stdlib_socket.socketpair() with a_stdlib, b_stdlib: a_stdlib.setblocking(False) data = b"x" * 99999 try: while True: a_stdlib.send(data) except BlockingIOError: pass a = tsocket.from_stdlib_socket(a_stdlib) async def sender(): with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): await a.send(data) async def receiver(): with pytest.raises(_core.ClosedResourceError): await a.recv(1) async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: nursery.start_soon(sender) nursery.start_soon(receiver) await wait_all_tasks_blocked() a.close() async def test_many_sockets(): total = 5000 # Must be more than MAX_AFD_GROUP_SIZE sockets = [] for x in range(total // 2): try: a, b = stdlib_socket.socketpair() except OSError as e: # pragma: no cover assert e.errno in (errno.EMFILE, errno.ENFILE) break sockets += [a, b] async with _core.open_nursery() as nursery: for s in sockets: nursery.start_soon(_core.wait_readable, s) await _core.wait_all_tasks_blocked() nursery.cancel_scope.cancel() for sock in sockets: sock.close() if x != total // 2 - 1: # pragma: no cover print(f"Unable to open more than {(x-1)*2} sockets.")